


外国经典 Macleod of Dare

作者:William Black 字数:19.8万字


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In the words of "The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, " William Black made "full use of the properties, highland pride and feuds, pipers, legends, ballads and superstitions, the trusted and officious old retainer and dialect to all this he imparts a personal quality by two rather novel practices. First, he develops the description, in a quasi-poetical style, of the sky and heather and sea of the Hebrides into a separate art, his skill in which won for him a standing among artists twelve of the most famous illustrators of the day contributed to "Macleod of Dare." . . . A second device which Black elaborated . . . was the clash of temperaments of widely differing racial types. The Gaelic Macleod of Dare, moody, passionate, foredoomed, should have shown vividly in contrast with the actress Gertrude White, city-born and bred." "The Cambridge History" may be right in classifying him as "Lesser Novelist," but he seems a lot better than that to us. We like this book, and we're sure that you will, too.






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