


外国经典 Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde

作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 字数:3.9万字


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With a Preface by Robert Ross. Contents Include: How they Struck a Contemporary - The Quality of George Meredith - Life the Fallacious Model - Life the Disciple - Life the Plagiarist - The Indispensable East - The Influence of the Impressionists on Climate - An Exposure of Naturalism - Thomas Griffiths Wainewright - Wainewright at Hobart Town - Cardinal Newman and the Autobiographers - Robert Browning - The Two Supreme and Highest Arts - The Secrets of Immortality - The Critic and his Material - Dante the Living Guide - The Limitations of Genius - Wanted a New Background - Without Frontiers - The Poetry of Archaeology - The Art of Archaeology - Herod Suppliant - The Tetrarch's Remorse - The Tetrarch's Treasure - Salome Anticipates Dr. Strauss - The Young King - A Coronation - The King of Spain - A Bull Fight - The Throne Room - A Protected Country - The Blackmailing of the Emperor - Covent Garden - A Letter from Miss Jane Percy to her Aunt - The Triumph of American 'Humor' - The Garden of Death - An Eton Kit-Cat - Mrs. Erlynne Exercises the Prerogative of a Grandmother - Motherhood more than Marriage - The Damnable Ideal - From a Rejected Prize-Essay - The Possibilities of the Useful - The Artist - The Doer of Good - The Disciples - The Master - The House of Judgment - Wilde gives Directions about 'De Pro Fundis' - Carey Street - Sorrow Wears no Mask - Vita Nuova - The Grand Romantic - Clapham Junction - The Broken Resolution - Domesticity at Berneval - A Visit to the Pope




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