字数:3.6万字 1人评分
"The good Kentish mead ran through my veins and deepened mydream of things past, present, and to come . . ." John Ballencounters strangeness after strangeness, waking from hismodern-day slumber . . . to find himself beside a quiet countryroad, garbed in an old-fashioned cloak, watching a horseback knightin armor passing by. He walks into a village where the buildingsare all hand-fashioned -- with stone-dust from the building of thechurch still fresh upon the sward. He has been transportedcenturies into the past The struggle against tyranny, and thegoodness of life in the wildwood and the heath -- these are amongthe themes threaded into this embroidered tapestry of a romance,from the pen of England's master artist and poet, William Morris.Also included in this volume is William Morris's classic, "A King'sLesson."