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LV7 2016-11-15

【Star legend】


连载最近更新: 此中篇小说约12万字,已写完。

作品简介:Wait for Li Xin to wake up feeling in my head came a pain as if someone will be many things hard into his head but whenever he swoon with pain when there will be a cool power into his head let him awake again.

After seeing this Li Xin can not help but want to shout he soon finds himself unable to make a sound now after seeing this Li Xin want a gush of sorrow.

Li Xin was originally an orphan after a lot of struggle finally had some money so you want to go out to relax but just go out just to be a lightning hit lost consciousness.

44 票
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    【中篇完结】When his body completely into the stars, see the child appeared a strong break the rules, as a barrier protecting primitive inside, prevent from the Duotian Zhenfa aura. PhagocytosisSee the stars, to urge sub Cang sword hung, let Cang sword hung send out a series of the edge of the gas, the attack took days to break the rules of the law, to force the metamorphosis from enchantment, seize the day Zhenfa no way, if forced to devour the aura, will inevitably make break the rules into force seize the day Zhenfa, wanton destruction of Zhenfa foundation, if not, will the aura that engulfed in the Cang sword hung edge gas attack, this Zhenfa soon will be hung on the edge of the sword Cang gas destroyed.After induction into the situation, and $two of their magic Avenue hit a handprint, fell on the Duotian Zhenfa, to seize back to Zhenfa Avenue and two yuan One divides into two. magic hands. In this regard, the stars and did not stop, two people will recover because he believed Zhenfa, himself in the chaos before the arrival of the next disaster can come up with, or is a method of crack formation than the genwei fierce strategies.See the magic will be two Avenue and Yuan Zhenfa removed the stars son quickly came to other worlds, the world people all moved to the world, some of the creatures after the sun has no savings, the aura of these people enough practice.But, for now the stars of the aura of some dissatisfaction, forced the world moved to the front of their own, with pale sword hung and separated into different worlds will be forced into the aura, let the world become more than just opened up when the larger several times, more Aura strong.Just finished all these stars son felt chaotic chaos aura slowly restore open service, see this, the stars face a smile, after Jiang Ziya explained a lot, came to Hong Meng land once again forced into practice waiting for the next arrival of chaos. Chaos the ground.The stars have been concerned about the sub element and magic every act and every move Avenue two, induction to star son was able to enter into the Hongmeng when there is a surprise, then, to the rapid Hongmeng attacked the extraterrestrial, enchantment wants to come into the land of Hongmeng cultivation.To be stars son two times break enchantment, under two yuan magic Avenue and continue to attack again, open a crack, see this avenue and two yuan magic exultation, hurriedly into the Hongmeng practice.Two way friends you have entered the land in Hong Meng, this is really good, two friends, as we, three people in the land of peace Hongmeng practice, wait until the next time when it comes to rob the chaos in compete? "" good friends in Italy " 当盘古的身体彻底融入到洪荒之中后,星辰子就看到洪荒之中出现了一股强大破之规则,化为一个结界将洪荒护在里面,阻止夺天阵法再从洪荒吞噬灵气。     见此,星辰子全力催动苍鸿剑,让苍鸿剑发出一道道的锋芒之气,攻击着夺天阵法,面对破之规则之力幻化而成结界,夺天阵法毫无办法,若是强行吞噬洪荒之中的灵气,难免会让破之规则之力进入到夺天阵法之中,肆意破坏阵法的根基,若是,不能将洪荒之中灵气吞噬,那么在苍鸿剑锋芒之气的攻击之下,这阵法用不了多久,就将被苍鸿剑上的锋芒之气毁去。     感应到这种情况之后,大道和元魔两人各自打出一道手印,落在夺天阵法之上,让夺天阵法一分为二回到大道和元魔两人手中。对此,星辰子并没有阻止,两人将阵法收回,因为,他相信自己在下次混沌大劫来临前,定能想出破解阵法之法或是创出比这根伟厉害的阵法。     看到大道和元魔两人将阵法撤去,星辰子就快速的来到其他三个世界之中,将三个世界之人全部都移到洪荒之中,几个世界中的生灵经过这次大劫所存无几,洪荒之中的灵气足够这些人修炼。     只是,星辰子对于洪荒之中现在的灵气有些不满,强行将三个世界移到自己的面前,挥动苍鸿剑将三个世界强行分离成各种灵气融入到洪荒之中,让洪荒世界变得比刚刚开辟出来之时,还要大上几倍,灵气也更加的浓郁。     刚做完这一切,星辰子就感觉到混沌之中的混沌灵气慢慢的恢复开服,见此,星辰子的脸上露出了一丝笑容,在和姜子牙等人交代了一番之后,就来到鸿蒙之地外,再次强行进入到鸿蒙之地中修炼等待下场混沌劫的到来。     而一直关注星辰子一举一动的元魔和大道两人,感应到星辰子竟然能进入到鸿蒙之地中时,俱是一阵的吃惊,之后,快速到鸿蒙之地外,不断的攻击结界想要进入到鸿蒙之地中修炼。     以被星辰子击破过两次的结界,在大道和元魔两人不断攻击之下,再次裂开一道裂缝,见此,大道和元魔两人大喜,连忙进入到鸿蒙之地修炼。     “两位道友你们也进入鸿蒙之地中了,这真是太好了,两位道友,不如,今后我们三人就在鸿蒙之地中安心修炼,等到下一次混沌劫来临时在一较高下如何?”“好就依道友之意。”
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    看到通天的那一刻,准提就恶狠狠的看着通天道“通天刚才你竟然敢损坏我的本命灵宝,现在,我要你付出代价。”“是吗,就凭你准提还没有这本事。刚才要不是,你师兄出现在这里,那么,你现在说不定已经重伤了。”说完,就不屑的看着准提,然后,再次将诛仙四剑融合到一起。     “通天,你仗着诛仙剑阵在手,就如此的藐视于我,我定不与你甘休。”说完,就快速的往通天的身上击去。     看到准提的动作以后,通天就手握融合起来的诛仙四剑,往准提的身上击去。而在一旁的接引,看到这种情况以后,就连忙上去帮忙。     借助着诛仙剑阵之威,通天将准提和接引两个人逼入下风,可是,想要伤到两人的话,却是有些困难,一时之间,场面僵持起来。     不说,僵持在那里的通天三人。却说,星辰子和女娲两个人战斗,也是十分的激烈,那星辰子不停的用弑神枪和周天星辰剑,攻击着女娲的时候,而女娲则是仗着有乾坤鼎护身,不断的用红绣球往星辰子的身上击去。     只是,星辰子也有星辰塔护身,将红绣球的攻击抵挡下来,让女娲奈何不了他。“女娲圣人,你之前不是看不上我的实力吗,现在你这么长时间也没有将我拿下,看来你的实力也不怎么样嘛?”说完,星辰子就微笑的看着女娲。     本来,看到自己这么长时间,还没有将星辰子给拿下,女娲的心中不禁一阵的恼怒。在听到星辰子嘲笑的话语之后,女娲就再也顾不得什么,双手快速的往天道法轮上打出一串串的手印,让天道法轮,突然变大六倍,立在女娲的头顶。     新人新书,还请多位多多支持,你们的支持,就是我的动力。谢谢。  第八十五章空间法轮之异     看到女娲拿出真正的本事以后,星辰子的脸上,先是露出了一丝的笑容,只是在感觉到天道法轮真正的威势以后,眼中就满是凝重。     刚才,要不是在他不停的攻击着女娲的时候,那颗在星辰子看来已经圆满的逆天之心,竟然缓慢的增强着,让星辰子想到了这种增强和天道法轮,有一定的关系的话,星辰子绝对不会一直不停的攻击女娲,将女娲圣人给彻底的激怒的。毕竟,一个不顾一切的圣人,就算是同为圣人的老子等人,也不愿意面对。     当那天道法轮变大以后,就快速的快速的旋转起来,将四周的一切都要吞噬进去,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就想要施展空间法则,摆脱这股吞噬之力,逃得远远的。     可是,就在这个时候,星辰子突然感觉到自己的空间法轮,一阵的兴奋,几乎要破体而出,进入到那天道法轮之中。富贵险中求,星辰子考虑了一会,就牙一咬,快速的往天道法轮之中冲去。     看着星辰子反常的动作,女娲不禁是一阵的疑惑,不知道,现在为什么要这样做,只是,看到星辰子进入到天道法轮之中以后,她的脸色就露出了一丝的笑容,不过,星辰子出于什么目的,主动的进入自己的天道法轮之中,只是,那星辰子进入到天道法轮之中,那么,这一切就由不得他做主了。     想到这以后,女娲就快速的控制着头顶的天道法轮,快速的旋转起来,想要将天道法轮中星辰子给碾碎。     当星辰子进入到天道法轮之中以后,他身体之中的空间法轮,就不待星辰子召唤,自动就出现在星辰子的头顶,将星辰子护住。     只是,那空间法轮出现没一会,就被天道法轮给碾碎了。不过,那被天道法轮碾碎的空间法则,在碾碎的瞬间再次恢复,立在星辰子的头顶,保护,星辰子不被天道法轮所伤,不过,那再次恢复的空间法轮,却是变小了一些。     在女娲看来星辰子的空间法轮变小了,就代表空间法轮受损,可是,在星辰子看来自己的凝聚出的空间法轮,不仅没有受损,反而是变得更加的凝实。     只是,为了麻痹女娲,星辰子不得不装成一副不停受伤的样子。看到星辰子那不断减弱的气息,女娲的脸上露出了一丝的笑容,然后,继续催动着天道法轮不停的碾碎着星辰子的空间法轮,想要将星辰子的空间法轮,给彻底毁灭。     要是,她能趁着这个时机,将星辰子的空间法轮,给彻底毁灭的话,那么,就等于是将星辰子的混元之道给斩断,到了那时,众圣都将欠她一个天大的因果,甚至,连那天道也欠自己因果的也说不定。想到这以后,女娲就是一阵的兴奋。     就这样,过了一个时辰以后,女娲就看到星辰子的空间法轮,变得只有巴掌那样大小。可是,当她仔细的看着那巴掌大小的空间法轮时,女娲竟然感觉到现在的空间法轮比之前的更加厉害。     看到这种情况以后,女娲就停止催动那天道法轮,脸色难看的看着星辰子道“星辰子,你是借着我的天道法轮,增强你空间法轮的威力,之前,你那不停减弱的气息,只是,为了麻痹我是不是?”     女娲的问话,让星辰子一愣,随后,满脸笑容的看着女娲道“没想到,这么快就被圣人你看出来了,不过,没关系,现在,圣人你的天道法轮,已经对我没有什么帮助了,我还要多谢女娲圣人你的成全,让我空间法轮变得更强。”说完这话以后,星辰子更是装模作样对女娲行了一礼,表示感谢。     星辰子的动作,女娲感觉到一阵的难堪,于是,就咬牙切齿道“星辰子,你欺人太甚,我女娲绝不与你甘休。”说完,就将自己的乾坤鼎,打入到天道法轮之中,往星辰子的身上击去。     因为,空间法轮突来的变化,让星辰子对空间法则的掌控不如以前,需要一段时间的适应之后,才能恢复到之前的那种程度,而且,刚才维持空间法轮的变化,星辰子身上的法力,已经消耗得差不多了,现在,他的绝对不是女娲的对手。     想到这以后,星辰子就快速的祭出弑神枪,并将空间法轮融入到弑神枪之中,之后,就全力的往天道法轮上击去,将天道法轮撕开了一丝的口子。撕开了一丝的口子以后,星辰子就连忙施展空间法,快速的闪出天道法轮,往混沌之中逃去。     “想跑,没有那么容易。”说完,女娲就快速的追了上去。只是,这次星辰子全力的发动空间法则逃跑,当女娲进入到混沌之中没有多久,就彻底的失去了星辰子踪迹。     看到这种情况以后,女娲的脸色就是一阵的难看,随后,就回到诛仙剑阵外,只是当女娲回到那里的时候,就看到准提和接引两个人,狼狈不堪的出现在诛仙阵外。     “接引、准提两位道友,希望两位你们能记住这一次的教训,不要再算计我截教,要不然的话,下次我不会再这么轻易的,就放过你们的。”说完,通天就撤去诛仙剑阵,然后,转身回到自己的金鳌岛之中。     听到通天的话以后,准提和接引两个人的脸色,都是一阵的难看,随后,他们就女娲这会正脸色不善的看着准提,看到这种情况以后,接引就将准提护在身后,戒备的看着女娲道“女娲师妹,我知道,准提师弟这次的算计让你十分的生气,可是,现在我师弟受伤不轻,你与我师弟的因果,可否等到他伤势好了之后才说呢?师妹,你若是答应的话,我欠你一个因果,不知道,师妹你觉得怎么样呀?”     听到接引的话以后,女娲就沉思起来,看接引刚才的举动要是现在自己对付准提的话,那么,一定会出手干预,到时候,她就得面对准提和接引两位圣人的联手。这样一来,自己绝对不是准提接引两人的对手。     新人新书还望各位能多多支持,万分感谢。  第八十六章不依不饶     知道自己绝对不是接引和准提两人联手之敌以后,女娲就脸色难看的点了点头“既然,接引道友你都如此说了,那么,我就先不和准提道友了结因果,只是,这样的事情,我希望不要在发生,要不然的话,下次我绝对不会就这样轻易的罢休。”说完,就直直的盯着准提和接引两人。     听到女娲答应自己的条件以后,准提和接引的心中,不禁松了一口气,然后,接引就连忙开口保证道“女娲师妹,你大可放心,我可以保证这种事情,绝对不会再发了。”     听到接引的保证以后,女娲就点了点头,然后,转身回到自己的娲皇宫中。却说,当星辰子一进入到混沌之中以后,一些隐藏在混沌之中,准备修成混元大罗金仙境界的混沌魔神们,就感觉到星辰子的大概位置,于是,就快速的往星辰的所在地飞来。     不过,那些混沌魔神朝他飞来的时候,星辰子就敏锐的感觉到几道到暴虐而强大的气息,朝自己所在地飞来以后,星辰子的眉头就皱了起来,这些人在自己一进入混沌,就来找自己,看来是来者不善,想到这以后,星辰子就施展空间法则,消失在原地。     那几个来寻星辰子的混沌魔神,感觉到星辰子消失了以后,就更加快速的来到星辰子刚才所呆的地方,隐藏起来的星辰子,看到这种情况以后,就更加的肯定自己的猜测,这些人绝对是来找自己麻烦的。     想到这以后,星辰子就施展空间法则,快速的离开那里,不停的在混沌之中穿梭着一边穿梭,一边恢复自己的伤势。     虽然,那几个混沌魔神能觉到星辰子的踪迹,可是,对于不停施展空间法则快速穿梭混沌的星辰子,却是一点办法都没有,只能,是不停的跟在星辰子的后面,期待着有一天星辰子能将自己身上的法力耗尽或是伤势加重,而无法穿梭混沌,这样,他们就能将星辰子抓住,得到他身上的空间法则。     却说,那姜子牙来到朝歌城的时候,就开始了解商朝的情况,可是,越是了解商朝的情况,姜子牙的眉头,就越是皱得深,当他打听到纣王竟然敢写艳诗,挑衅女娲娘娘的时候,姜子牙的心中,就无力的叹了一口气。     看来,截教这些年的壮大,已经引起了所有圣人的不满,要不然的话,怎么会有那么多的人算计于截教呢。不过,这些天姜子牙一直打听商朝的事情,也引起了闻太师的注意。     因为,姜子牙并没有隐藏自己的住处,所以,那闻太师轻易的就找到了姜子牙,看着自己面前的闻太师,姜子牙的脸上就露出了一丝笑容“想必道友,你就是当朝闻太师,闻仲道友吧?”     看到这种情况以后,闻仲就知道姜子牙是特意,将自己吸引到这里来的。“不错,我正是闻仲,只是,不知道,道友你是何人,在何地修炼,将我吸引到这里,有什么事情?”说完,就戒备的看着姜子牙。     “我乃是崆峒山星辰子帝君,门下大弟子姜子牙,见过闻仲道友。”“你是截教叛徒星辰子门下的弟子?”说完,就不怀好意的看着姜子牙。     而姜子牙听到闻仲对老师的称呼以后,眉头也皱了起来,他没想到闻仲竟然敢如此称呼自己的老师,真是放肆。看到姜子牙的眉头皱起来以后,闻仲就可以肯定面前的姜子牙,真的是星辰子的弟子。     “姜子牙,你好的胆子,你老师叛出截教,为我截教弟子所恶,你身为他的弟子,竟然,还敢大大方方的出现,在我们截教弟子的面前,真是好胆,今天,我便先将你诛杀,让世人知道叛教的下场。”说完,闻仲就祭出了雌雄鞭,往姜子牙的身上抽去。     看到闻仲的动作以后,姜子牙也不甘示弱,快速的将打神鞭拿了出来,往闻仲的身上抽去,只是,那闻仲的常年征战,这战斗经验,要比姜子牙的丰富得多了。     只是一会的时间,就被闻仲找到一个破绽,抽了姜子牙一鞭,让姜子牙受了一些轻伤。看到姜子牙如此的不济以后,闻仲就不屑的讽刺道“姜子牙,看来你那叛徒老师教徒本事,也不怎么样嘛,难得,收了一个弟子,却如此的不堪,只是几回合就受伤了,真是丢脸。”说完,就快速的往姜子牙击去,想要趁机将姜子牙给击杀了。     听到闻仲肆意的侮辱自己的老师以后,姜子牙就生气的看着闻仲道“闻仲,今日你几次三番辱我恩师,我姜子牙定不与你甘休。不讲你击杀,我姜子牙妄为老师弟子。”说完,就祭出造化玉蝶,将自己护住。     然后,就疯狂的往闻仲的身上击去,因为,有造化玉蝶的护身,闻仲根本就伤不到姜子牙。而姜子牙在和闻仲的战斗过程中,战斗经验直线上升,过了一个时辰以后,姜子牙已经是能和闻仲战得是不相上下。     看着姜子牙的巨大进步以后,闻仲的眼中闪过了一丝的吃惊,他没想到姜子牙的战斗天赋,如此的出众,只是一个时辰的时间,就快赶上了几十年征战的自己。     不过,这里的动静不小,惊动了不少的人,已经有截教的弟子,陆续的往这里赶来,看到这种情况以后,闻仲的脸上就露出一丝的笑容,只要自己再将姜子牙拖住一会,等到截教的其他弟子到来,那么,姜子牙绝对难逃一死。     姜子牙和闻仲的修为差不多,这闻仲能感觉到截教的弟子赶来,姜子牙自然额能感觉到,于是,姜子牙接着一个机会,退到一边,认真的看着闻仲道“闻仲,你今日辱我恩师的仇我记下了,我姜子牙对天发誓,绝对要你死在这次大劫之中。”说完,就拿出一枚玉符捏碎,玉符一碎,一股空间之力就将姜子牙包围起来,让他消失在闻仲的面前。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    After hearing the Xuanyuan grave three demon that Nuwa nodded with satisfaction. "Well, so that you leave me." "the empress, the demon to retire." he said, out of the palace to the wa fly.But in the stars with sub zhunti flying around, after feeling that many people pay attention to their own, loudly to behind on their own was zhunti sage shouted "zhunti saint, is not to see you in the goddess temple, see you control Zhou's body, wrote a song about you as you had. I came for so many days?".Those watching the stars and the next two person, after hearing the words of the child stars, are staring stars and must have two people, after a while to see zhunti eyes full of banter.Feel all the people to look after their banter, but zhunti was furious "stars you die." he said, was crazy to star son hit.However, it is easily sub stars hide the past, then, smiling at zhunti "but zhunti saint you write love poems, is good, fengluan Bao Zhang Jing, Jin Qiao was covered with mud like makeup, winding mountain fly attendants, dance dance sleeve jenice for beautiful clothes, pear, peony smoke cage Cheng Mei makeup, but enchanting to move back to Changle. King paternity level is good"Poor results also hope that you can support it, thank you.The eighty-third chapterThe stars had just finished the son, heard a loud roar "zhunti, stars son you two today I will not That's going too far., Nuwa and two of you rest." Carter, Nuwa appeared the ugly face, not far from the two.After hearing the roar of the goddess, zhunti face full of frustration, as Hoshi Ko is bielebiezui disdain: "you are the Holy One That's going too far., Nuwa? Sage, to calculate people, must have been calculated for the stars, I was not so good son, count." and the stars on a calm face at zhunti and Nuwa two people.Although Hoshi Ko was calm, but two people can zhunti Nuwa and stars from the eyes, see his deep anger fundus. However, for the stars a little anger, Nuwa did not care, but is looking at the stars "sub sub stars disdain, you too see yourself. Do you think our saint's strength, really just a little bit? If you do, then you are completely mistaken, before you fought several saints, they have not come up with the sage of last resort, because once they use the means, then, their strength will be the other is a saint but, I understand, andNo worries, the stars, let me see if you have the ability to challenge me. "He said, will Ding Qiankun Nuwa hold out their offerings, then hand hongxiuqiu, poor looking at stars.After seeing this, the stars will quickly sub stars tower recalled, standing on his head, and then, holding fast to his God, who hit. Nu WaAfter watching the stars son disappeared in front of myself, eyes flashed a hint of Nuwa alert, then a purple light appears on the body, into a six real white heaven Gong, stand in her head, to see the head of the goddess heaven Falun, zhunti's eyes, there was a surprise.Unexpectedly, Nuwa should be Heaven Falun condensed out of 60% true, a stronger, than you really can, holy people, are not be underestimated. Think of this, look for the eyes zhunti Nuwa is full of dread.In the help of Falun, Nuwa soon discovered the stars son trail, then quickly use the hands to their left red Hydrangea, hit, though, Nuwa attack speed is very fast, but still be the stars to hide the past.Then, looking at the distance in her "Heaven Nu Wa Gong, don't, heaven is Hongmeng Ziqi Falun seeds, let the holy heaven can condense a Falun Gong?". Then, it looked puzzled. Nuwa."Yes, it is condensed by Falun heaven. Stars son Hongmeng Ziqi, though, you are condensed out of space Gong, but space than you Falun is far from heaven Falun." he said, directly to the head of the Tao Gong, into the hongxiuqiu, then quickly to the stars on the hit.Yes, I don't think so, you know, my space law, but against the rule, and can not be compared to the law? "And the stars son quickly, the space for Falun present, into killing the Gunslinger, then go straight on hongxiuqiu stab.But, when to kill a bayonet in heaven on Falun, stars son felt from heaven in Falun, many successful state attacks out of law, will he give direct knock out, so that he suddenly suffered serious injuries.Dry mouth of blood, the son was surprised to see the stars of the red embroidered "fairway that is the original heaven, really powerful." he said, looking at the feeling of heaven Gong, then stars son's eyes, quickly flashed a hint of confusion, space law known as guards law, power will not only a point. Do not themselves will all play out the power of space law, otherwise, why just when faced with no trace of the heaven Falun, the ability to resist it.Although the slightest confusion in the eyes of Hoshi Ko soon disappeared, but was subsequently, she saw the goddess, smiling explained "yes, the so-called law of heaven, is apart from the law of the time and space law, the law will integrate all the rules, as long as we can with the help of Hongmeng Ziqi. Smooth the Falun to then, we can unite and mobilize besides the space law and the law of time all rules, and these rules are successfully reached the realm. Now you should know the stars, the real gap between himself and the saint"Listen to the words of Nuwa did not believe all stars, son, because, just contact Hoshi Ko, obviously feel the law of the time traces, but the law of the time than any other rule is far worse, even the small realm are not.It did not tell him the goddess, the real situation of heaven rules. If heaven is in addition to all the outside space and time rule rule rule fusion, so, what is the road, don't road is all laws and a combination of it.If so, then the gap between heaven and road should not be too different, but in their own way, to realize a Hunyuan Road, Hoshi Ko obviously felt the gap between heaven and road is very large, is he really is not the space rule of the power of true play out, or, what you don't know something between the two.See the stars son mused, Nuwa quickly again to star son hit, but the stars in it but not thinking, and no attention to themselves in the Wa Wa, shot to the moment, the stars would cast again disappear in front of space law, Nuwa.After seeing this, she will hongxiuqiu in heaven to take out Falun in his head, then quickly to the stars behind sub chase. However, even if there is a heaven Falun help, Nuwa speed, or worse than the stars to trace.After seeing the goddess faster than himself, Hoshi Ko's face, he gave a smile, then, with the sword and gun to kill the stars on Sunday, together with their empty reservoir type, reservoir space type stars for the goddess very fear, so the stars cast a sub type of hidden space, I stopped, where careful guard.For the heavenly stars son is very afraid of Falun, so, Hoshi Ko is not a good time to sell, but not stop playing hide empty, let rush Nuwa momentary but fortunately, Ding Qiankun body, though, a rush, but the stars and don't hurt her.So, between two people fighting on the stalemate, after seeing this, zhunti ready to help fight the first Nu Wa, she will help the stars to clean up, let anger can disappear. But some Nuwa, zhunti to move, it was ugly Babel appeared in front of the zhunti, his way to stop.New book, to a lot of support, very grateful.The eighty-fourth chapter is the calculationAfter seeing his face the ugly face of Babel, a series of workshops in "bad". "Babel friends, don't know, what do you mean?" "next, you just gave me up our time now, even asked what I mean, he is not funny. Some." then Babel will Zhu Xian four sword and Zhu Xian array offering out around him, at any time, preparing for the layout of Zhu sword array.Hey, so, so, let me experience the power of Zhu sword array. "He said, with the color flag set Qinglian in his head, his guard, then looked at carefully holding the Babel Qibao wonderful tree.See the next ready, it will punish the legend of Babel fast and zhunti array cloth, enveloped in it. See zhunti was shrouded in Zhu sword array inside after Babel face showed a sinister smile, then, to shock Zhu Xian four sword, a series of Zhu Xian Qi, to next the body hit.The face of overwhelming Zhu Xian Qi, the color flag turned out the blue lotus, quickly disappeared, just for a moment, turned out that the lotus is only 1/3 of the original.After seeing this, zhunti quickly waved to some wonderful tree Qibao, Zhu sword gas down, good to reduce pressure. Its color was just after a while, zhunti found Zhu sword array of Zhu Xian Jian Qi, is Everfount.So, zhunti began looking for traces of refined, think as long as the will of large array of Babel beat, then, Babel naturally feel shy to go down.There is a plan to start the next walk up in Zhu sword array, seen in the legend of Zhu array must not stop walking, thinking of Babel will know slightly, next to, and then, his face showing a hint of sarcasm.So, he is in control of a large array of Zhu Xian to zhunti Jianqi more crazy who hit, this time, it's the color violet defense, just hold on for a moment, is to get rid of, then, large array of energy, Everfount to zhunti who hit, although the next fast waving the Qibao wonderful tree there are many, but Zhu sword spirit shot at zhunti's body, his robes to hit rags. 听到轩辕坟三妖的保证以后,女娲就满意的点了点头“好,既然如此,那你们退下吧。”“是娘娘,小妖告退。”说完,就出了娲皇宫往洪荒之中飞去。     而在洪荒之中带着准提四处飞行的星辰子,感觉到不少人关注自己以后,就大声的对着身后对自己穷追不舍的准提圣人喊道“准提圣人,不就是看到你在女娲庙中,看到你控制纣王的身体,写下了一首艳诗吗,你至于你追杀我这么多天吗?”。     那些在关注着星辰子和准提两人的人,听到星辰子的话以后,都是愣愣的看着星辰子和准提有两个人,过了一会以后,看向准提的目光中就充满了戏谑。     感觉到众人看向自己目光中的戏谑以后,准提不禁大怒道“星辰子你找死。”说完,就疯狂的往星辰子的身上击去。     可是,却被星辰子轻易的躲了过去,随后,微笑的看着准提道“不过,准提圣人你写艳诗的水平,却是不错,凤鸾宝账景非常,尽是泥金巧样妆,曲曲远山飞翠色,翩翩舞袖映霞裳,梨花带雨争娇艳,芍药笼烟骋媚妆,但得妖娆能举动,取回长乐侍君王。水平不错。”     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,谢谢。  第八十三章猜测     星辰子刚读完艳诗,洪荒之中传来一声怒吼“准提、星辰子你们两人欺人太甚,今日我女娲定不与你们两人干休。”话音刚落,女娲就脸色难看的出现,在两人的不远处。     听到女娲的怒吼以后,准提的脸上满是无奈,至于,星辰子则是不屑的撇了撇嘴道“欺人太甚,有你们众圣欺人吗?女娲圣人,想要算计别人,就要有被算计的准备,我星辰子不是,那么好算计的。”说完,星辰子就一脸平静的看着女娲和准提两人。     虽然,星辰子脸色平静,可是,女娲和准提两人却能从星辰子的目光中,看出他眼底深藏的怒火。不过,对于星辰子的怒火一点,女娲并没有在意,反而是不屑的看着星辰子道“星辰子,你太看得起自己了,难道,你以为我们圣人的实力,真的只有那么一点吗?要是你这样想的话,那么,你就大错特错了,之前,几个你战斗过圣人,他们都没有拿出圣人最后的手段,因为,一旦他们用出那个手段,那么,他们的实力,就会被别的圣人了解,可是,我并没有这个顾虑,星辰子,现在就让我来看一看,你是否有本事来挑衅于我。”说完,女娲就将乾坤鼎祭了出来护住自身,然后,手拿红绣球,不善的看着星辰子。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就快速将星辰塔招了回来,立在自己的头顶,然后,手握弑神枪快速的,往女娲的身上击去。     看着消失在自己面前的星辰子以后,女娲眼中闪过了一丝的戒备,随后,身上出现一道紫光,化成一个六分真实的白色天道法轮,立在她的头顶,看到女娲头顶的天道法轮的时候,准提的眼中,闪过了一丝的吃惊。     没想到,女娲竟然能将天道法轮凝聚出了六成真实的程度,比自己还要强上一丝,果然,能成圣之人,都是不可小看的。想到这以后,准提看向女娲的目光种充满了忌惮。     在天道法轮帮助下,女娲很快就发现了星辰子踪迹,然后,快速的用手中的红绣球,往自己左边砸去,虽然,女娲的攻击的速度,十分的快,可是,还是被星辰子给躲了过去。     然后,出现在女娲的远处看着她道“天道法轮,难道,鸿蒙紫气就是天道法轮种子,让众圣都能凝聚出天道法轮吗?”。说完,就疑惑的看着女娲。     “不错,那天道法轮正是用鸿蒙紫气凝聚出来的。星辰子,虽然,你也凝聚出了空间法轮,可是,你的空间法轮比起天道法轮来却是差的远了。”说完,就直接将头顶的天道法轮,融入到红绣球之中,然后,快速的往星辰子的身上的砸去。     “是吗,我可不这样觉得,要知道,我的空间法则,可是,逆天法则,如何不能和天道法则相比呢?”说完,星辰子就快速的,将空间法轮给祭出来,融入到弑神枪之中,然后,直直的往红绣球上刺去。     只是,当弑神枪刺在天道法轮上的时候,星辰子就感觉到从天道法轮中,涌出许多种圆满境界的攻击法则,直接将他给击飞了出去,让他一下子受了重伤。     擦干嘴角的血迹,星辰子就吃惊的看着那红绣球道“原来那就是天道,果然厉害。”说完,感慨的看着天道法轮,随后,星辰子的眼中,就快速的闪过了一丝的迷茫,空间法则号称逆天法则,威力一定不会只有这么一点,难道,自己还没有将空间法则的全部威力都发挥出来吗,要不然,为何刚才面对天道法轮的时候,没有一丝的抵抗能力呢。     虽然,星辰子眼中的那一丝迷茫很快就消失了,可是,还是被女娲看到,随后,她就满脸笑容解释道“不错,所谓的天道法则,就是除了那时间法则和空间法则以外,将所有的法则融合起来的法则,我们只要借助鸿蒙紫气,就能顺利的将天道法轮给凝聚出来,然后,我们就能调动除了空间法则和时间法则之外,所有法则,而且,这些法则都是达到了圆满境界。星辰子,现在你应该清楚自己和圣人之间真正的差距了吧。”     听着女娲的话,星辰子并没有全部相信,因为,在刚才的接触中,星辰子明显的感觉到了一丝时间法则的痕迹,只是那时间法则比起其他的法则来说却是差的远了,连小成境界都没有。     看来,女娲并没有,将天道法则的真实情况告诉他。如果说天道是除了空间法则和时间法则之外的全部法则融合而成的,那么,什么是大道,难道大道就是所有法则融合而成的吗。     要是这样的话,那么天道和大道之间的差距应该不会有太道的区别,可是,在自己领悟到一丝混元之道的时候,星辰子明显就感觉到天道和大道之间的差距十分的大,难道,自己真的是没有将空间法则的威力真正的发挥出来,还是,两者之间有什么自己不知道的东西。     看到星辰子沉思起来以后,女娲就快速的再次往星辰子的身上击去,只是,星辰子虽然在思考,可是,并没有不关注着女娲,在女娲往自己身上击来的那一刻,星辰子就再次施展空间法则,消失女娲的面前。     看到这种情况以后,女娲就将红绣球中的天道法轮给取了出来立在自己的头顶,然后,快速往星辰子的身后追去。不过,就算是有天道法轮的帮助,女娲的速度,比起星辰子来还是差了一丝。     看到女娲的速度不如自己以后,星辰子的脸上,就露出了一丝的笑容,随后,就用周天星辰剑和弑神枪,一起施展出藏空式,对于星辰子的藏空式,女娲非常的忌惮,所以,一看到星辰子施展出藏空式以后,就停了下来,在那里小心的戒备着。     对于,那天道法轮星辰子十分的忌惮,所以,星辰子并没有等一个好的时机才出手,而是,不停的施展着藏空式,让女娲一时之间手忙脚乱的,不过,好在有乾坤鼎的护身,虽然,手忙脚乱了一些,可是,星辰子并不能伤害到她。     所以,两个人之间的战斗,就僵持了起来,看到这种情况以后,准提就准备帮战女娲,先帮助她将星辰子给收拾了,让女娲怒气能消失一些。可是,准提才一动,通天就面色难看的出现在准提的面前,将他的去路给拦住。     新人新书,往个能多多支持,万分感谢。  第八十四章都是算计     看到自己面前脸色难看的通天以后,准提的心中暗道一声‘不好’。“通天道友,不知道,你这是什么意思呀?”“准提,你刚狠狠的算计了我截教一次,现在,竟然问我是什么意思,是不是他可笑了一些。”说完,通天就将诛仙四剑和诛仙阵图祭了出来,环绕在自己的身边,随时,准备着布置出诛仙剑阵。     “哎,既然如此,那么,就让我来领教一下诛仙剑阵的威力吧。”说完,就用青莲宝色旗立在自己的头顶,将自己护住,然后,手握七宝妙树认真的看着通天。     看到准提准备好以后,通天就快速的将诛仙剑阵布出,并将准提笼罩在里面。看到准提被笼罩在诛仙剑阵里面以后,通天的脸上露出了一丝的邪恶的笑容,然后,全力的震动诛仙四剑,发出道道诛仙剑气,往准提的身上击去。     面对铺天盖地的诛仙剑气,那青莲宝色旗的幻化出来的莲花,就快速的消失着,只是一会的功夫,那幻化出来的莲花就只剩下原来的三分之一。     看到这种情况以后,准提就快速的挥动手中的七宝妙树,将一些诛仙剑气击散,好减轻青莲宝色旗的压力。只是,一会之后,准提就发现诛仙剑阵之中的诛仙剑气,根本就是源源不断。     于是,准提就开始寻找起通天的踪迹来,想着只要能将大阵之中的通天击败,那么,通天自然也不好意思再纠缠下去。     有了打算以后的准提就开始在诛仙剑阵之中行走起来,看到在诛仙剑阵之中不停行走的准提以后,通天略微一思考,就知道了准提的打算,然后,脸上就露出了一丝的讥讽。     于是,他就控制着大阵之中的诛仙剑气更加疯狂的往准提身上击去,这次,那青莲宝色旗的防御,只是坚持了一会,就被破除,然后,大阵之中的剑气,源源不断的往准提身上击去,虽然那准提快速的挥动手中的七宝妙树,可是,有许多的诛仙剑气击在准提的身上,将他道袍给击得破破烂烂。     虽然,那些诛仙剑气将准提的道袍给击得是破破烂烂的,可是准提并没有受多大的伤,看到这种情况以后,通天的眉头不禁皱了起来,随后,就快速的往诛仙剑阵中打出一串串手印,将诛仙四剑都汇集到一起,重新融合成一把宝剑,这把宝剑一出现,准提就从上面感觉到一阵心惊的杀气。     看到这种情况以后,准提知道通天是打算,借着这次事情,给自己一个深刻的教训,让他再也不敢在封神大劫中算计于截教,想到这以后,准提的脸上满是凄苦,随后,就被一片坚定取代。然后,手持七宝妙树全力的往,那把宝剑上击去。     看到准提的动作,通天眼中闪过了一丝的不屑。当那把诛仙四剑融合起来的宝剑,击在那七宝妙树上,直接将那七宝妙树斩断了一短树枝,并快速的将那一段树枝给收了起来。     在七宝妙树被通天砍断一段之后,准提就直接吐了一口血,怨恨的看着通天道“通天,你敢伤我本命灵宝,我这个仇,我记下了,有机会我一定会还给你的。” Although the Zhu Xian will next to the sword hit robes were broken, but zhunti did not hurt, after seeing this, "can not help but wrinkled up eyebrows, then quickly to play a string array of Zhu sword fingerprints, will Zhu Xian four sword collection together, re fused into a sword, the sword appears zhunti from above felt scared murderous.After seeing this, must know is going to borrow a Babel, this thing, give yourself a profound lesson, let him dare not in gods in our thought to calculate damages, after this, the next face is full of bitterness, then, was a firm place. Then, a wonderful tree Qibao to go on strike to the sword.See the next action, eyes flashed across the sky. When the above Zhu Xian four swords together sword, hammer in that wonderful Qibao tree, and direct the Qibao wonderful tree cut off a short branch, and fast will be that a branch to close up.In Qibao tree is to cut a wonderful sky after zhunti directly spat blood, resentment at Babel "Babel, you dare to hurt me in this life I Lingbao, this hatred, I got it, I will have the opportunity to you"
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    After hearing the words "Kam, Jiang Ziya looked at him:" well, so you can stay in the gods. "" thank you for Daisen. Then at a ceremony with ginger ", then enter into the gods.Wait until after the gods into Bai Jian, Jiang Ziya will be the gods to close up, go to the direction of the Shang Dynasty.While Jiang Ziya went to Chaoge city when the city is a major event in Chaoge. Said, one day after the morning began to stand out to dry, "King Zhou King ', in a few days in March fifteen, this day is the birthday of nvwaniangniang, please visit to King wa the temple pilgrimage, nvwaniangniang is Terran Mary, when the Lich war, in Gong Gong ancestral witch will not lead to weak Zhoushan severing, raging fashion, stone let me Terran people continue to exist in the field"After hearing than words, Zhou think, he said "solitary know, then, in March fifteen to Nuwa pilgrimage Temple thing, by Wang Shulai to arrange it." after hearing the king Zhou, than stand back to the original place.So after a few days, until March fifteen that day, King Zhou by Wu Cheng Road, with all his frame to Nuwa Temple pilgrimage. When come into the temple after King Zhou Nuwa, took his hand from the incense.However, when the king Zhou to worship it, this hall had a strange wind, the statue of nvwaniangniang led to roll up, let Zhou see nvwaniangniang look.When the way I see King Zhou Nuwa, Zhou's eyes flashed a struggle, a struggle, but soon disappeared. Then, as if King Zhou was a changed appearance, let the attendants take in ink.After hearing the king Zhou's orders, everyone is a doubt, don't know what to do, King Zhou.When the attendants took the pen, came to the palace of the king Zhou Nuwa wrote a poem on the wall, when they read the poem after being scared out of their wits, originally, is a song written poems: Zhou fengluan treasure account Jing Jin Qiao very, was covered with mud like makeup, winding mountain flight attendants, Pina dance jenice sleeve clothes, for pear beautiful, peony Cheng Mei smoked makeup, but enchanting to move back to Changle Shi king.After seeing the king Zhou had written, and hurried to the prime minister's capacity to persuade "the king, the king Zhou Nuwa is a saint, we can not offend the king, you still rushed to the poem, to wipe, then again to nvwaniangniang qingzui, otherwise, the fear of disaster came, the crisis has been" then, you worry. Look at King Zhou.After hearing the words of content providers, content providers have King Zhou dismay at a glance, "prime minister taking you to worry, but the Lord of all solitary Kyushu, Kyushu on all alone all, now is in the temple of goddess of solitary a poem in praise of nvwaniangniang beauty only, it is necessary for you so, also, let's get excited over a little thing? Next time I don't want to hear from your mouth, the risk to it, otherwise don't blame solitary." after this, the ruthless king Zhou and turned away.After seeing the king Zhou left, the presence of people's eyes, full of doubts and worries. After all, the sage's strength, although they are not very clear, but the sage are ants, they still know this sentence.Think of this, and later than business volume glanced at each other's eyes flashed a hint of regret, regret is that if he knew that today, such a thing would happen if he won't come here to suggest King Zhou pilgrimage.The business volume is not regret, let people take in Zhou ink, without asking them to do what is the king, to make such a ridiculous thing to do under the king Zhou Nuwa in this temple, negative first emperor's exhortations, let Shang into danger.See the dry and not what business volume reaction later, Wu Cheng came to the road in front of the prime minister taking content of the business now adults, how should we do? "After hearing Wu Cheng Wang Rong said it's questioning, but also how to do, Wu Cheng hurriedly let people water these words to rub it, then. Again like nvwaniangniang apology"After hearing this, Wu Wang quickly let people go to fetch water, when the water content and dry after taking two people on the side, side brush, nvwaniangniang. To qingzui until they both of these words were erased after taking volume and dry two, heavy nvwaniangniang to knock nine heads instead, after Zhou nvwaniangniang, only to qingzui, got up and left.However, business volume and dry two people don't know is that when they are left after the original handwriting has been wiped off the wall, appeared again on the wall. See that had appeared again after the air came a chuckle, then, and quiet."Unexpectedly, zhunti saints can admire nvwaniangniang, also had to write a song to praise nvwaniangniang, do not know when, nvwaniangniang know zhunti saint, you borrowed King Zhou body to write a Song poems to praise her, what would be the reaction, but also really looking forward to it." then, the stars from the sub void go out, smiling at our hiding place."The stars, so you don't talk rubbish is not afraid to offend you?, nvwaniangniang?".Yes, it is my eyes wrong, should not ah, but the next saint, you remind of, I think in order to be prudent, or to have a careful look at it again. "Then, it stars took a transparent mirror, look up.Just to see their king Zhou do, in the show after watching the stars zhunti somber "stars, what you want to have, you should know this thing out of words, I will certainly nvwaniangniang completely against death, but, as for nvwaniangniang reputation you have not a good discussion, only will all be cheaper to other people. I see the stars, it is better now that ruined it. As long as the mirror, you will ruin the mirror, I must owe you a cause""Don't hate me for a difference, you are not already decided to deal with me?". "How do you know this thing." after hearing zhunti blurt out words, smile at zhunti stars son "unexpectedly, you really combined together." he said, the stars on their own sub space law, zhunti disappeared in the front.See the stars leave after zhunti even catch up. He can't let the stars, will be released out of the hands of the mirror. The goddess will bear grudges to him, if it is, usually, only the most zhunti feel trouble not too much care, but now they are in a critical period, if, wa at the critical moment for yourself, so they will teach Western calculation. This is cast to the wind he would never allow things, think of this, next in the stars behind the crazy chase.Poor results also hope that you can support, thank you very much.The eighty-second chapter is publishedSee zhunti back in their own crazy chasing their future, Hoshi Ko's face appeared on a plot smile, before leaving the greater, then the alignment provided Nuwa resentment, even when cooperation, also with heart disease, and the things that can be said to be a saint the East taking into account.The contradiction between the previous plus, several saints cooperation, absolutely will alert each other, when his chance came. Think of this, Hoshi Ko is a happy, so they continue to escape in the.However, the stars and zhunti two people left shortly after, nvwaniangniang just passed Nuwa temple on a whim, ready to take a look inside, but a Nuwa inside, see the writing on the wall. The amorous king ZhouAfter seeing this, she felt angry, she thought a little emperor, even, dare to write poems and Nu Wa Temple insult, really, what can be tolerated and, if not for today, she wa Di Xin a profound lesson, then, after her. How in front of other saints, based on it.Think of this, Nuwa take out their hongxiuqiu to Zhou Lingbao, who hit, was hit when the body of the king Zhou Zhou, who, suddenly there was a red light, the Nu hongxiuqiu to block down. After seeing this, a goddess doubts, then pinch to forget them.After a while, Nuwa know why the original, King Zhou is the Terran emperor, now, it is one of the main characters "period, for the sun, heaven is not to allow him to be killed. After seeing his not killing King Zhou felt some stivy, Nu Wa, so and she turned back to the wa palace.When wa wa palace is back, feeling not willing, then life will sail out to recruit the demon. The demon saw strokes after the sails, Nuwa mood again calmed down, eyes flashed a hint of hesitation, she do not know it is right or wrong, hesitated after a while, or will move the demon sails shaking Nuwa.In the shaking strokes when the demon Nuwa sail, other saints, have felt the wa palace movement. All the reactions, see shake strokes when the demon goddess Sanqing sail, is sighed. While the West must teach and take out, his face full of smile counsel to succeed.When inviting famous people demon sail, later came to the wa palace, said "this will Nuwa you call to the wa palace, want to tell you," has come, who did not reach this quasi sacred world, all in the sun. But, we have the beastkin after the lich, robbery, so, as long as you do not take the initiative to participate in the sun, so, no matter what you are. If you don't have nothing, in the walk, even if there is what grievances, after this, also best to say. If the end of damages you, don't listen to my persuasion, insisted on "periodBetween the hands, then you will do on the list, by heaven slavery preparations "After hearing the goddess, the demon hurriedly said "I thank nvwaniangniang reminder, please empress you rest assured that I will remember mother's teachings"Hear the demon's commitment, said Nuwa "well, I hope you can do that, if you can't do it, then, that the disciples will let you to replace them on the list. Well, if you have what thing, go, Xuanyuan grave three demon left, I have something told you to do"After hearing the nvwaniangniang, the demon turned away after palace. When all the other people left, three in the fox fox demon Xuanyuan fine said "do not know, nvwaniangniang you leave us, but what orders?"."I have one thing to do in your account, after that, I allow you in my wa palace in practice, and occasionally show you one or two." after hearing this, Xuanyuan grave three demon eyes and then wait, fanaticism, asked "nvwaniangniang please rest assured that we will do our best to complete your mother, the task"After hearing the Xuanyuan grave three demon replied, Nuwa smiled said, "I want you to Shang Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty corrupt world, however, you have to remember me, you can not in the Shang Dynasty that destroyed the Zhongliang, otherwise, don't blame me for your welcome"听到伯鉴的话以后,姜子牙就看着他道“好,既然如此,你就在封神榜里呆着吧。”“多谢大仙成全。”说完,就对着姜子牙行了一礼,然后,就进入到封神榜之中。     等到柏鉴进入到封神榜以后,姜子牙就将封神榜给收了起来,往商朝的方向走去。     而就在姜子牙往朝歌城走去的时候,那朝歌城中也发生一件大事。却说,一天早朝开始以后,比干就站了出来对着纣王道“启禀大王,在过几天就是三月十五,这天乃是女娲娘娘的寿诞了,还请大王能驾临女娲庙进香,女娲娘娘乃是人族的圣母,在巫妖大战的时候,在共工祖巫将不周山撞断,导致弱水肆虐洪荒之时,炼石补天让我人族之人得以在洪荒上继续生存。”     听到比干的话以后,纣王想了一想,就开口道“孤知道了,那么,三月十五到女娲庙进香的事情,就由劳王叔来安排吧。”听到纣王的话以后,比干就站回到原来的地方。     就这样过了几天的时间,到了三月十五这天,纣王由武成王开道,众臣随架去女娲庙进香。当纣王来进到女娲庙以后,就从侍从的手里接过香。     可是,就在纣王要拜下去的时候,这大殿中就出现了一阵的怪风,将女娲娘娘塑像前的幔帐,给卷了起来,让纣王看到了女娲娘娘的样子。     当纣王看到女娲娘娘的样子以后,纣王的眼中就闪过一丝的挣扎,可是,一丝的挣扎,很快就消失了。随即,纣王就好像是变了一个样子,让侍从取里笔墨来。     听到纣王的吩咐以后,在场的人都是一阵的疑惑,不知道,纣王想要干什么。     当侍从取来这笔墨以后,纣王就来到女娲宫的墙上写了一首诗,等到众人看完那诗以后,都被吓得魂飞魄散,原来,纣王写是一首艳诗:凤鸾宝账景非常,尽是泥金巧样妆,曲曲远山飞翠色,翩翩舞袖映霞裳,梨花带雨争娇艳,芍药笼烟骋媚妆,但得妖娆能举动,取回长乐侍君王。     看到纣王写的艳诗以后,首相商容就赶紧对纣王劝道“大王,这女娲娘娘乃是圣人,不是我们可以冒犯的,大王您还是赶紧将这诗,给擦掉,然后,再向女娲娘娘请罪,要不然的话,恐有大祸降临,商朝危已。”说完,就担忧的看着纣王。     听到商容的话以后,纣王就不悦的看着商容一眼,道“商首相你多虑了,孤乃九州之主,九州上的一切都归孤所有,孤现在只是在女娲庙中提了一首诗,赞美女娲娘娘的美貌而已,你们有必要,这么大惊小怪吗?还有,商容下次我不希望,再从你的嘴里,听到商朝危以的话,要不然休怪孤无情。”说完这话以后,纣王就转身离去了。     看到纣王离去了以后,在场的众人的眼中,满是疑惑和担忧。毕竟,圣人的实力,他们虽然不是很清楚,可是,圣人之下皆为蝼蚁,这句话他们还是知道。     想到这以后,比干和商容对视了一眼以后,眼中都闪过了一丝后悔,比干是后悔要是他知道,今天会发生这样的事情的话,他一定不会建议纣王来这里进香。     而商容后悔的是,没在纣王让人取笔墨的时候,没有问一下纣王是拿它们做什么,才让纣王在这女娲庙中做下这等荒唐的事情,有负先皇的嘱托,让商朝陷入到危险之中。     看到比干和商容没有什么反应以后,武成王来到首相商容的面前道“商大人,现在我们应该怎么办?”听到武成王的问话以后,商容就开口道“还能怎么办,武成王赶紧让人取水来将这些字给擦掉,然后,再像女娲娘娘谢罪。”     听到这话以后,武成王就赶紧让人去取水来,等到水取来以后,商容和比干两个人,就一边擦,一边向女娲娘娘请罪。等到他们俩将这些字迹都擦掉以后,商容和比干两人,就重重的给女娲娘娘磕了九个头,代替纣王向女娲娘娘请罪,之后,才起身离开。     可是,商容和比干两个人,不知道的是,等到他们都离开了以后,墙上原本已经擦掉的字迹,又再次出现在了墙上。看到那艳诗再次出现了以后,空中传来了一声轻笑,随后,又安静了下来。     “没想到,准提圣人竟然爱慕女娲娘娘,还写出一首艳诗来赞美女娲娘娘,不知道,当女娲娘娘知道准提圣人,你借纣王的身体写出一首艳诗来赞美她,会有什么反应,还真是期待呀。”说完,星辰子就从虚空之中,走出来微笑的看着准提的藏身之处。     “星辰子,你如此胡言乱语?难道,你就不怕得罪女娲娘娘吗?”。     “是吗,难道是我的眼睛看错了吗,应该不会呀,不过,准提圣人,你提醒的对,我看为了谨慎起见,还是再仔细的看一遍吧。”说完,星辰子就拿出一面透明的镜子,仔细的看了起来。     看到自己刚才对纣王做的事情,都在显现出来以后,准提面色阴沉的看着星辰子“星辰子,你到底想要怎么样,你应该知道这件事情公布出来的话,我固然将女娲娘娘彻底的得罪死,可是,作为让女娲娘娘名声受损的你,也讨不了好,只会白白的便宜其他人。星辰子,我看不如现在就将那镜像给毁了吧。只要,你将那镜像毁了,我准提欠你一个因果。”     “记不记恨对于我来说有区别吗,你们不是早就决定要对付我了吗?”。“你是怎么知道这件事情的。”听到准提脱口而出的话以后,星辰子微笑的看着准提道“没想到,你们真的联合到了一起。”说完,星辰子就自己施展空间法则,消失在准提的面前。     看到星辰子离开了以后,准提就连追了上去。他不能让星辰子,将手中的镜像公布出来。那女娲必定会记恨于他,若是,平时的话,准提最多只是感觉到麻烦不会太大的在意,可是,现在自己处于关键时期,要是,女娲在关键时刻为难自己的话,那么,他们西方教的算计将付之东流。这是他绝对不允许的事情,想到这以后,准提就在星辰子后面疯狂的追着。     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,万分感谢。  第八十二章公布     看到准提在自己后面疯狂的追着自己以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝阴谋得逞的笑容,之前闹得越大,那么,女娲就越对准提怨恨,到时候,就算是合作,也会心怀芥蒂,而且,这次的事情,可以说是将东方的几位圣人都算计进去了。     加上以前的矛盾,几位圣人之间的合作的时候,绝对都会彼此戒备,到时候他的机会就来了。想到这以后,星辰子就是一阵的高兴,于是,就继续在洪荒之中逃跑着。     却是,星辰子和准提两人离开没一会,女娲娘娘就正好路过女娲庙,一时兴起就准备到里面看一看,可是,女娲一进入到里面,就看到纣王写在墙上的艳诗。     看到这种情况以后,女娲感觉到一阵的愤怒,她想不到一个人间小小的帝王,竟然,敢在女娲庙中写艳诗侮辱自己,真是,是可忍而孰不可忍,今天,她女娲要是不给帝辛一个深刻教训的话,那么,她以后,还怎么在其他圣人面前,立足呢。     想到这以后,女娲就拿出自己的灵宝红绣球,往纣王的身上砸去,眼看就砸到纣王身上的时候,纣王的身上,突然出现了一阵红光,将女娲的红绣球给挡了下来。看到这种情况以后,女娲一阵的疑惑,于是,就掐指算了起来。     过了一会以后,女娲就知道了其中的原因,原来,纣王乃是人族的人皇,现在,又是大劫时期,做为这次大劫的主要人物之一,天道是不允许他被人杀死的。看到自己不能将纣王打杀以后,女娲就感觉到有些气闷,于是,她就转身回到娲皇宫。     当女娲回到娲皇宫以后,就感觉到一阵的不甘心,于是,就命人将招妖帆给取了出来。看到招妖帆以后,女娲的心境就再次平静了下来,眼中闪过了一丝的犹豫,她不知道这么做是对还是错,犹豫了一会以后,女娲还是将招妖帆摇动。     在女娲摇动招妖帆的时候,其他的圣人,都感觉到了娲皇宫的动静。众人的反应不一,三清看到女娲摇动招妖帆的时候,都是叹了一口气。而西方教的准提和接引知道了以后,脸上满是计谋得逞的笑容。     而当招妖帆上有名的人,都来到娲皇宫以后,女娲就开口道“这次将你们叫到娲皇宫来,是想要告诉你们,大劫已经来临,凡是没有达到这准圣境界的人,都在这次的大劫之中。可是,我们妖族之人已经,经历过了巫妖之劫,所以,只要你们不主动参与到大劫之中,那么,就没有你们什么事情。你们要是没事的话,最近就不要在洪荒上行走了,就算是有什么恩怨的话,也最好等这次的大劫结束了之后,再说。要是,你们不听我的劝说,硬是要在大劫期间动手的话,那么,你们就做好上榜,受天庭奴役的准备。”     听到女娲的话以后,众妖就连忙开口道“我等多谢女娲娘娘提醒,还请娘娘您放心,我等一定谨记娘娘的教诲。”     After this, Nuwa loosed the saint's momentum, the three demon to press down on the ground, after personally feeling Saint momentum, let the three demon body, can't help shaking up.After seeing the three demon trembling fear, Nuwa will own momentum, to close up, "what would you like, take up this task?"After hearing the question nvwaniangniang, Nine Tailed Fox quickly said, "you can service for the empress, who is my honor, just that, not lack of Shang Dynasty master, to several of our current capacity, probably hiding from them. Then, nine low head under the fox tail.After hearing nine tail fox, Nuwa didn't care said "you can rest assured, since, I asked you to do this thing, this, how can I not consider it, this is my innate treasure Qiankun Ding, refining Dan Lian interest, you will take it to go after, but the saints, no one can see your body"
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    As the soul appears, Jiang Ziya feels the call to himself is the soul of the present, "who are you? Are you calling me?"After hearing Jiang Ziya's questioning, the soul said "this is the 'big fairy, I will" Xuanyuan emperor Kam Terran side, dead body when Emperor Xuanyuan and Chi war. However, I do not know how, not to six in reincarnation, from me the moment of death, you there is a power, my soul will go to Beihai to pull, and trapped in Beihai. Until a few days ago, my mind suddenly there was a voice, tell me, I can't reincarnation, because I was in heaven when nothing is in God, gods of the robbery, this must be in the sun with heaven is destined, escorts to the gods "After listening to the words "in later, Jiang Ziya will be the gods to take out Jiang Ziya. Just the gods to take out, Bai felt Fengshenbang Kam, a suction, let him go to the gods on the fly into the gods. When the gods in Kam into Bai and Jiang Ziya saw gods appeared in the name of Bai. 这灵魂一出现,姜子牙就感觉到那呼唤自己的就是眼前的灵魂,“你是谁?是不是你在呼唤我?”     听到姜子牙的问话以后,那灵魂就开口道“启禀大仙,我本是人族轩辕人皇身边的大将伯鉴,在轩辕人皇和蚩尤大战的时候身死。可是,我不知道怎么回事,不能到六道轮回中投胎转世,从我身死的那一刻起,就有一股力量,将我的灵魂往北海中拉去,并困在北海之中。直到几天前,我的脑海里突然出现了一个声音,告诉我,我不能投胎转世,是因为我当为天庭的清福正神,在封神之劫中,必须将这次大劫中与天庭有缘的人,接引到封神榜之中。”     听完伯鉴的话以后,姜子牙就将封神榜给拿了出来。姜子牙才刚将封神榜给拿出来,柏鉴就感觉到封神榜上,传来一股吸力,让他往封神榜上飞去,进入到封神榜之中。当柏鉴进入到封神榜中之后,姜子牙就看到封神榜上出现了柏鉴的名字了。     一会之后,柏鉴就再次出现在姜子牙的面前,这时,柏鉴的手上拿着一面旗子,上面写了一个引字。然后,柏鉴就马上来到姜子牙的面前道“多谢大仙成全,柏鉴现在已经知道该怎么做了,等到大仙你将封神台建起来以后,柏鉴就会在封神台上呆着。不过,现在我却只能是跟着大仙你了,还望大仙你收留。” Later, Bai Kam appeared once again in front of Jiang Ziya, then, in the Bai holding a flag, write a word. Then, immediately came to the "Bai in front of Jiang Ziya for help in Bai now rank, know what to do, you will wait for the immortal gods Taiwan built later, will stay in the Bai Jian gods Taiwan. However, with you is my only sin now, but hope you keep marching"As the soul appears, Jiang Ziya feels the call to himself is the soul of the present, "who are you? Are you calling me?"After hearing Jiang Ziya's questioning, the soul said "this is the 'big fairy, I will" Xuanyuan emperor Kam Terran side, dead body when Emperor Xuanyuan and Chi war. However, I do not know how, not to six in reincarnation, from me the moment of death, you there is a power, my soul will go to Beihai to pull, and trapped in Beihai. Until a few days ago, my mind suddenly there was a voice, tell me, I can't reincarnation, because I was in heaven when nothing is in God, gods of the robbery, this must be in the sun with heaven is destined, escorts to the gods "After listening to the words "in later, Jiang Ziya will be the gods to take out Jiang Ziya. Just the gods to take out, Bai felt Fengshenbang Kam, a suction, let him go to the gods on the fly into the gods. When the gods in Kam into Bai and Jiang Ziya saw gods appeared in the name of Bai.Later, Bai Kam appeared once again in front of Jiang Ziya, then, in the Bai holding a flag, write a word. Then, immediately came to the "Bai in front of Jiang Ziya for help in Bai now rank, know what to do, you will wait for the immortal gods Taiwan built later, will stay in the Bai Jian gods Taiwan. However, with you is my only sin now, but hope you keep marching"
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    到圣人,凌驾于他们的头上。有了打算以后,老子看着鸿钧问道“老师,那星辰子如何才能突破到混元大罗金仙境界呢?”     “星辰子,现在已经将善尸和恶尸斩出,想要突破到混元大罗金仙之境,就必须将自我斩出的话,走斩三尸之法成道。待他将自我斩出之后,就能引出混元之劫,只要渡过此劫,在那空间法轮的帮助下,三尸自然会融合到一起。”     听到鸿钧说道星辰子走的是斩三尸之路的时候,他们的心中不禁一阵庆幸,想要将自我斩出的话,必须有先天至宝寄托自我才行。     星辰子手中的弑神枪,已经被他用作斩恶尸只用,之后他们只要阻止星辰子得到混沌钟就可以阻止星辰子达到混元大罗金仙之境了。想到这以后,众圣的脸上露出了一丝的轻松。     看到众圣脸上的轻松以后,鸿钧就继续开口道“你们不要轻松的太早,星辰子早就用时间法则烙印,与我换了一件适合他的先天至宝混元珠,等到封神大劫结束之后不久,那件先天至宝就将出世。到时候,他只要得到这件先天至宝,就能将自我斩出了。”     听到这话以后,众人都是吃惊的看着鸿钧,没想到,星辰子早就将一切给算计好了,真是好深的算计,想到星辰子那可怕的算计能力,众圣对星辰子的警惕不禁是提升了几倍。     看到众圣对星辰子深深的警惕以后,鸿钧的眼中闪过了一丝的得意“好了,能告诉你们的事情,为师都已经告诉你们了,现在你们就各自回去吧。”说完,鸿钧就消失在众人的面前。     看到这种情况以后,众人就出了紫霄宫,回到自己的道场之中,却说,星辰子离开混沌之后,就直接来到崆峒山之中,一进去,就看到姜子牙正在崆峒山里,看着自己给他的玉符。     看到星辰子回来了以后,姜子牙就连忙来到星辰子的面前行了一礼道“弟子姜子牙拜见老师。”等到姜子牙行完礼之后,星辰子就将他扶了起来道“起来吧,姜子牙。”     之后,星辰子就将姜子牙带到自己修炼的地方。“姜子牙,你乃是代天封神之人,在没有将你身上的因果了结之前,正常修道话,你就算是再怎么努力修炼,都不能达到天仙境界。”     听到星辰子的话以后,姜子牙就不可置信的看着星辰子,难道,他姜子牙这辈子难在修道之路上,不能走得长远吗?想到这以后,姜子牙不禁是感觉到一阵的绝望。     而姜子牙的变化以后,星辰子并没有开口提醒,而是在一旁静静的看着,期待着他自己走出困境,只有这样,他才能达到更高的境界。     姜子牙没有让星辰子失望,只是迷茫了一会之后,就坚定的看着星辰子道“老师不管前路多么的艰险,弟子都不会放弃求道之路的。”     看到姜子牙眼中的坚定以后,星辰子的脸上露出了一丝欣慰的笑容“姜子牙,你能这么快就坚定道心,不枉为师为你做了那么多的安排,姜子牙,虽然你在因果没有了结之前,正常的修炼修为不能有太大的进步,可是,你作为这代替封神之人,你身上必定有这特殊之处,你现在尝试一下,能不能吸收洪荒之中的劫去来修炼,要是,你能将这劫气降服的话,那么,你以后成就,将不可限量,甚至是成圣也不是不可能的事情。只是那劫气能影响人的心智,让人变得肆杀,要是你的心智不够坚定,必将被劫气影响,而陷入到万劫不复的境地,所以,怎么做你一定要想好。当然,你要是不愿意走这一条路的,为师可以另外想办法,解决你身上的问题,只是到了那时,你的成就就不可能太高,不过,就算是这样为师也能保住你能达到准圣境界。要怎么做,你自己选择吧。”说完,就好奇的看着姜子牙想要知道他会如何选择。     星辰子的话音刚落,姜子牙就迫不及待的开口道“老师,我想走第一条路,现在封神大劫还没有彻底的开始,那天道一定不会让我这代天封神之人,陷入到疯狂之中的,所以,我想要趁着这个时机,试一试引劫气入体修炼的办法。”     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,谢谢。  第七十九章劫体     “聪明的选择,既然如此,那么,为师现在就收取一丝劫气,打入你的身体之中,你可要坚持住,只要,能将那一丝劫气给收服的话,那么,你就可以尝试着利用这一丝劫气,来吸收你身体之中的因果之力了。”     说完,星辰子就快速的将一丝劫气,用空间之力包围起来。然后,郑重的看着姜子牙道“徒儿,为师现在就将这一丝劫气,打入你的身体之中,你可准备好?”     听到这话以后,姜子牙就郑重的点了点头道“老师,我已经准备好了。”“既然你准备好了,那么,为师现在就将这一丝劫气,打入你的身体之中。”说完,星辰子就将那一丝的劫气,打入姜子牙的身体之中。     这一丝劫气劫气一进入姜子牙的身体,就快速的往姜子牙的灵魂处冲去,融入到姜子牙的灵魂之中。当那一丝的劫气融入到姜子牙的灵魂之中以后,姜子牙的身上就出现一股毁灭的气息。     感觉到姜子牙身上,那丝纯粹到极致的毁灭气息以后,星辰子的眉头不禁是紧皱起来。看向姜子牙的目光中充满了担忧,不过,看到姜子牙在毁灭的气息影响下,并没有完全丧失理智之后,星辰子就决定再观察看看。     却说,那一丝劫气融入到灵魂之中以后,姜子牙就听到一个声音不停的在诱惑他,让他将周围的一切都毁灭。可是,姜子牙残存的理智,却告诉他不能被这个声音诱惑,要不然的话,他将陷入到万劫不复的境地之中。     靠着残存的理智,姜子牙一直和那个诱惑自己毁灭一切的声音对抗着,这一对抗就是十天的时间。十天之后,姜子牙突然感觉到,那个不痛诱惑自己的声音,减弱了一些,同时他的理智也恢复了一丝。     看到这种情况以后,姜子牙的心中一喜,然后,全身心的对抗起那个诱惑自己的声音来。     当随着第一缕劫气的消失,那些剩下的劫气,也开始慢慢的被姜子牙收服,不再影响姜子牙。看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容。     就这样,过去了五天的时间以后,那姜子牙就将那一丝劫气,给彻底收服,让劫气里面的毁灭之意,再也不能影响到他。看到姜子牙将那一丝的劫气收服了以后,星辰子的脸上露出了一丝轻松的笑容。     等到姜子牙睁开眼睛之后,星辰子就好奇的看着姜子牙道“姜子牙,你现在感觉怎么样了?”     “老师,我感觉到很好,前所未有的好。”说完,就微笑的看着星辰子。“那么,那一丝的劫气,现在怎么样了?”“老师,那一丝的劫气,已经是融入到弟子的灵魂之中了,对了,老师可否将那封神榜,交给弟子呢?弟子现在有用。”说完,就看着了星辰子。     听到姜子牙的话以后,星辰子就将那封神榜拿了出来,递到姜子牙的面前“这本来就是属于你的先天灵宝,你拿去吧。”“多谢老师。”说完,就接过星辰子手中的封神榜。     之后,姜子牙就将自己灵魂之中的那丝劫气,就打入封神榜之中,当封神榜吸收那一丝劫气以后,就光芒大放,随后,这些光芒,就全部进入到姜子牙的身体之中。     失去了那些光芒以后,封神榜就灵光暗淡的掉落在地上,不过,这个时候,谁都没有理会那灵光暗淡的封神榜。星辰子这个时候,正紧张的盯着闭目领悟什么东西的姜子牙,生怕他出现什么意外。     却说,当那些光芒进入到姜子牙的身体之中以后,就分成两部分,一部分融入姜子牙的身体之中,一部分则是融入到他的灵魂之中。等到这一切完了以后,姜子牙就睁开了眼睛。     看到星辰子担心的看着自己以后,姜子牙的眼中闪过了一丝的感动,然后,看着星辰子道“多谢老师的指引,现在弟子已经找到了自己的道了。”     “姜子牙你说什么,你已经找到自己的道了?”说完,就吃惊的看着他。看到星辰子吃惊的眼中以后,姜子牙就微笑的点了点头道“是的,老师弟子已经找到了自己道了。其实,弟子作为代天封神之人,有专门的修炼之法,这功法名叫劫体,就藏在封神榜之中,不过,想要得到封神榜之中的功法,必须先拥有一丝劫气,破开封神榜中的封印,得到功法劫体。”     “劫体,姜子牙听这功法的名字,难道,这劫体是专门吸收劫气,进行修炼的功法吗?”。     “不错,老师正是如此。不过,只有得到封神榜之中劫体印记之后,才能修炼。而现在那印记已经融入到,弟子的身体和灵魂之中。世上除了弟子之外,再无人能修炼这劫体。”     “那你在修炼劫体的时候,可有什么危险没有?我想这种需要劫气修炼的功法,一定不可能那么容易修炼的吧?”     “确实没有那么容易修炼,它需要有强大的意志,不然会被那劫气中的毁灭气息,将神智抹除。所以,等到弟子修炼到大罗金仙之时,必须要有一件保护弟子神智的顶级先天灵宝保护弟子神智才可以,直到弟子将恶尸斩出,弟子才再也不会被劫气影响,而不必担心被劫气给影响。不过这寄托恶尸的先天灵宝也十分的特殊,天地之中只有那一件灵宝才能让弟子寄托恶尸,只是,现在我还没有修炼到那种程度,还不知道,那件先天灵宝是什么。”说完,就有些苦恼的看着星辰子。     看着姜子牙那苦恼的眼神以后,星辰子就笑了笑道“姜子牙你不必那么苦恼,那保护神智的顶级先天灵宝,为师早就给你准备好了,等到时机成熟的时候,为师就带你去取这件先天灵宝。至于,那寄托恶尸的灵宝,等知道是什么灵宝之后再想办法吧。既然,你已经找到了适合自己修炼的功夫,那么,姜子牙你就先就开始修炼吧,虽然,这劫气能影响你的神智,可是,你长期的对抗劫气,能让你道心更加的稳定。所以,你还是借助劫气,打磨一下自己的道心吧。”     新人新书,有诸多不足之处,还望各位能多多体谅,随便求一下支持,万分感谢。  第八十章封神劫起     “老师,弟子知道。”说完这话以后,姜子牙就开始修炼起劫体来,看到姜子牙开始修炼以后,星辰子就在一旁为姜子牙护法,以免他在修炼的时候,发生什么意外。     姜子牙一修炼劫体,星辰子就看到两丝劫气,快速的穿过崆峒山的禁制,来到姜子牙的头顶,然后,融入到姜子牙的身体之中,这两丝劫气,一进入到姜子牙的身体之中,姜子牙的额头处,就出现一个淡淡的火焰印记,帮助姜子牙镇压着,劫气之中的毁灭气息。     可是,就算有火焰印记的帮助,那姜子牙也是花了五天的时间,才将那两丝劫气彻底收服。     等到姜子牙将那两丝劫气收服了以后,姜子牙额头处的火焰印记,就清晰了一丝。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸上,就露出了一丝的笑容“不愧是代天封神之人专属功法,果然厉害,竟然连劫气都能镇压。”说完这话以后,星辰子也坐在一旁开始修炼起来。     不过,在修炼的同时,星辰子也分出一丝的心神,关注姜子牙的修炼,以防姜子牙出现什么意外。     虽然,姜子牙得到劫体,能正常的修炼,可是,因为修炼劫体之时,必须有坚强的意志,对抗劫气之中的毁灭气息,所以,每一次炼化劫气之后,姜子牙都必须停下来,休息一番。     而在姜子牙没有修炼劫体的时候,星辰子将一些修炼事情和洪荒的一些事情以及权谋和兵法,传授给姜子牙。     时间就这样过去了五十年的时间,姜子牙在星辰子全力培养下,达到了真仙境界,
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    看到星辰子云淡风轻的样子和眼中的自信以后,姜子牙心中的担心就消失得无影无踪,他相信老师一定能和原始圣人对抗的。     想到自己的老师能以准圣境界,对抗圣人的时候,姜子牙眼中闪过一丝的崇拜,看来自己拜了一个了不起的老师。而原始听到星辰子的话,就不屑的开口道“星辰子,你好大的口气,难道,你以为你将空间法则领悟到大成境界之后,就能和圣人对抗了吗,真是天真的想法,今天我就让你见识一下圣人的实力。”说完,就祭出三宝玉如意往星辰子的身上击去。     只是,那往星辰子身上击去的三宝玉如意,却被星辰子用弑神枪击飞,甚至连三宝玉如意之中的元神,都被弑神枪吞噬了一丝。     “星辰子,你竟然敢用弑神枪伤害我元神,你找死。”说完,原始就愤怒的祭出盘古幡,发出一道混沌剑气,往星辰子的身上击去。     看到往自己身上击来的混沌剑气以后,星辰子就连忙施展空间法则,躲过了混沌剑气的攻击。     “原始圣人,我无意与你为敌,你要是在出手继续攻击与我的话,那么,你就休怪我对你不客气了。”话音刚落,星辰子就出现在另外一边,不善的看着原始。     “是吗,那我到是想要看一看,你是如何的不客气法。”说完,就祭出中央戌己杏黄旗护在自身。然后,再次用盘古幡发出一道混沌剑气,往星辰子的身上击去。     “既然如此,那么,原始圣人你就不要怪我了。”说完,星辰子就混沌之中的星辰塔,招了回来,立在自己的头顶,将自己护住,然后,直接施展开极空式,往混沌剑气上击去。     之后,众人就听到‘砰’的一声以后,那到混沌剑气就被弑神枪击散,然后,那弑神枪就继续往原始的身上击去。看到这种情况以后,原始的眼中闪过了一丝的忌惮,就连连发出几道混沌剑气,往那弑神枪上击去,想要将那弑神枪给击飞。     可是,那弑神枪将第一道混沌剑气击散了之后,就直接消失在众人的眼前,看到消失的弑神枪以后,原始连忙将自己的神识扩散开来,探查四周波动,找出弑神枪的踪迹。     而就在原始寻找弑神枪踪迹的时候,那弑神枪无声无息的出现在原始的身后,急速的往他身上刺去。     当原始发现弑神枪的踪迹以后,想躲避已经来不及,那弑神枪已经突破中央戌己杏黄旗防御,出现在他的身后,而他这时只能是眼睁睁的看着那弑神枪击,在自己的身上。     可是,弑神枪将要击到原始身上的时候,那一直在暗中戒备的老子,就快速的出手,将天地玄黄玲珑塔,往原始的头顶扔去,帮助原始抵挡下了弑神枪的攻击。     看到弑神枪的攻击被抵挡下来以后,原始的眼中不禁闪过一丝的庆幸,然后,感激的看了一眼老子,之后,就愤怒和戒备的看着星辰子。     “众位圣人,不知道,我现在可有资格,收这代天封神之人为徒呀。”说完,星辰子就微笑的看着众圣。     听到星辰子的问话以后,原始就冷哼了一声,不过,却没有再说什么。毕竟,刚才星辰子展现出来的实力,让他十分的忌惮,他要是想要赢星辰子的话,就必须将隐藏起来的手段,全部都展现出来。     可是,现在大劫将至,要是他在这个时候,将隐藏的底牌全部暴露出来的话,大劫之中还怎么和其他的圣人争斗呢,要知道,其他几位圣人,才是他今后最大的对手。     想到这以后,原始就不再说什么了,而其他圣人在见识到星辰子的实力以后,也认可了他收姜子牙为徒的事情,看到众圣都都沉默了以后,星辰子就知道,他们是默认了自己收姜子牙为徒的事情。于是,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容。     而就在这个时候,星辰子和众圣就接到鸿钧的传音,让他们都到紫霄宫之中。看到这种情况以后,众人就快速的往紫霄宫飞去。     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,万分感谢。  第七十七章对峙     等到星辰子进入到紫霄宫中坐好之后,鸿钧就出现在他们的面前“这次将你都招来是封神榜,也到了最后签订的日子了,众圣不可再拖延。”说完,就直直的看着众圣。     看到鸿钧直直的盯着自己以后,众圣就连忙开口道“是,老师,我们知道了。”“那么,你就先将封神榜之事,商量好吧。”说完,鸿钧就消失在众人的面前。     看到鸿钧消失了以后,老子就率先开口道“两位师弟,老师刚才发话了,这封神榜签订之事,却是不能再拖延了,还望两位师弟早日决断。”说完,老子就直直的看着原始和通天两个人。     “大师兄,不是师弟我不想早日签订封神榜,可是,通天师弟不配和,我也没有办法,总不能让我将阐教弟子都写上吧,而且,就算是我将阐教弟子都写上了,距离封神榜上的三百六十五人,还差了一百多人呢。”说完,原始就无奈的看着老子。     听到原始的话以后,老子就看着通天道“通天师弟,你是什么意思?”听完了老子和原始的话以后,通天知道他们是想要逼自己将剩下的名额补齐。“大师兄,我没有什么意思,只是,那剩下的一百多个名额,不可能都写截教的弟子。”     通天的话音刚落,原始就脸色难看的看着通天道“看来,通天师弟你是不将我阐教弟子灭绝,是决不罢休,真是狠毒的心肠呀?”     “我可没有那样的想法,只是想让你们阐教再写上一些,然后,剩下就由我截教的弟子补齐。总不能他阐教只写了几十个无关紧要的人,却要我截教,写上三百多个吧。”说完,通天就不忿的看着原始。     “通天师弟你写上的那些弟子怎么能和我门下的十二金仙想比呢?”     看到原始占了大便宜之后,还要数落自己的弟子时,通天不禁愤怒的看着原始道“原始你欺人太甚,难道你的十二金仙是玄门弟子,我的那些弟子就不是玄门弟子了吗,既然这样,那么,剩下的那些名额就你自己去解决吧反正我在封神榜上写的名字已经够多的了。”     听到通天的话以后,原始就生气的想要说些什么,可是,还不等他开口,就听到老子的声音传来道“既然,你们都不愿意填写剩下的名额,那么,我们不如将这剩下的名额空下,看两教弟子的各自手段和气运,不知道,两位师弟你们觉得,我这提议怎么样呀?”说完,老子就看着原始和通天两人。     听到老子的话以后,原始和通天两个人考虑一会,就点了点头道“就按大师兄你说的办吧。”看到原始和通天两人,都同意了自己的提议以后,老子就满意的点了点头。     “老师,我们决定不在填写这剩下的人选,看阐教和截教两教弟子的实力和机缘,来决定这上榜的人选,老师你看此法是否可行?”老子刚说完这话以后,鸿钧就出现在了众人的面前道“既然,你们决定如此了,那么,希望你们不要后悔。”“老师,我等绝不后悔。”     “在大劫期间尔等圣人和星辰子不等随意出手。”听到鸿钧的话以后,众圣就连忙答应道“是,老师我们知道了。”     看到星辰子没有答应以后,鸿钧就看着星辰子道“星辰子,你不答应吗?”。     “敢问道祖,我为什么要答应呢,要知道,我的门下只有姜子牙一人,而姜子牙作为代天封神之人,必定因果缠身,在大劫开始之时,他的修为能达到天仙境界就不错,比起那些圣人弟子来说这样的实力差的远了,受劫气的影响,一定会有不少人会对付我那弟子,道祖你说在这种情况下,我能不出手维护我的弟子,免得他在大劫未完之前身死吗?”。说完,就直直的盯着鸿钧。     “星辰子你放心,在大劫期间,天道是不会看着姜子牙身死的,大劫未完之前,没有人能杀死姜子牙。”     “道祖,虽然,天道能保住姜子牙不死,可是,世上让人生不如死的办法多得是。道祖,你能保住那些被劫气影响的人,不会这样将这些用在姜子牙身上吗?”。说完,就戏谑的看着道祖。     “那么,星辰子你到底想要怎么样,才会答应在大劫之中,不随意出手呢?”说完,鸿钧就直直的盯着星辰子。     “我想要道祖你将造化玉蝶在姜子牙下山应劫之时,赐予他护身和参悟,我想有造化玉蝶护身,那么,在大劫之时应该没有人,能伤害到姜子牙。若是道祖你答应,我便答应在大劫之时,不会随意出手。要不然的话,道祖你就不要怪我插手捣乱大劫了。”说完,就坚定的看着鸿钧。     看到星辰子竟然敢这样可鸿钧说话以后,众人都是吃惊的看着星辰子,不知道,星辰子到底是哪里来的胆子,竟然敢如此和鸿钧说话。     听到星辰子的条件以后,鸿钧就直直的盯着星辰子,随后,星辰子就感觉到鸿钧的目光之中,出现了一股威压,想要让他臣服。     感觉到鸿钧身上针对星辰子的威压以后,星辰子身体之中的空间法轮,就自动的出现在星辰子的头顶,对抗着鸿钧的威压。     看到星辰子的古朴真实空间法轮,竟然能对抗自己威压的时候,鸿钧的眼中不禁是闪过了一丝的吃惊。“星辰子,你已经领悟到一丝混元之道了吗?”。     “不错,在机缘巧合之下,对混元之道有了一丝的领悟。所以,道祖你的威压,对我来说,没有太大的作用,因为,我现在已经是走上了参悟混元大罗金仙的道路了。”     听到星辰子承认了以后,众人都是吃惊的看着星辰子,没想到,在盘古开天辟地之后,竟然,还有人能在洪荒之中,领悟到一丝混元之道,真是了不起的悟性和机缘呀。     “星辰子,既然你已经领悟到了一丝混元之道,走上了参悟混元大罗金仙的道路,说明,你有成为大道圣人的机缘,从此不再归天道所管。我确实不能再无偿的要求你做什么了。好,我答应你的条件,在封神大劫正是开始的时候,我会将造化玉蝶打入姜子牙的身体之中,保护他的,至于,能不能从造化玉蝶上领悟到什么就看他的悟性了。”     尝试每天二更中,希望大家能给我一些动力。  第七十八章选择     听到鸿钧答应自己的条件以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容,“多谢道祖成全,道祖要是没有什么事情的话,那么,我就先离开了。”“你去吧。”     出了紫霄宫以后,星辰子就微笑的看着身后的紫霄宫,心中暗道“今日,我将自己踏上参悟混元大罗金仙道路的事情,公布出来,我想你们一定不会,眼睁睁的看着我,达到混元大罗金仙境界,那么,就让我们看一看最后谁能如愿,是我借助你们的压力达到混元大罗金仙境界,还是你们将我的混元之路斩断。”想到今后面对的挑战以后,星辰子的心中不禁是一阵的兴奋。     却说,等到星辰子离开紫霄宫以后,鸿钧就看着众圣道“洪荒开辟,大道之下只留五位大道圣人之位,即有五人能成就混元大罗金仙之位,大道圣人不管是地位,还是实力都凌驾于,你们这些天道圣人之上。现在,星辰子已经开始参悟混元之道,若是不能在下一次此大劫结束之前,参悟成功的话,那么,他就再也不可能,成就混元大罗金仙之位。这样一来,大道圣人之位就将减少一位。     还有,在星辰子不能领悟混元大道之后,每一量劫,都会出现一个踏上领悟混元之道的道路,成则成就达到圣人之位,败则减少一位大道圣人的名额。不过,若是星辰子先达到混元大罗金仙境界的话,那么,之后一定会出四位达到圣人的,他们参悟混元之道的时间也将变得不定。”     听到鸿钧的话以后,众圣心中决定,一定不能让星辰子达到混元大罗金仙境界,出现达
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    If so, they don't have clear, absolutely no chance to teach western and Oriental missionary, but now the original Babel and Sanqingshan two people, obviously appeared contradictory, as long as the two of them in the sun, to promote the one or two, and then the original two people will definitely Babel, thoroughly break at that time, they teach, is the west to the East. After this time the missionaries thought, two people face a glimmer of a smile.Poor results also hope that you can support it, thank you.The seventy-fourth Chapter 10 LineSee the sky and the original cracks between Western and led workshops and teach two people over, is not Lao Tzu feel any pressure, then solemnly looking west teach two humanitarian "two way friends, now is an eventful year east two road friends, hope not to come out of the East, some of the things otherwise, you don't blame me heartless." he said, Lao Tzu just looked straight at the connection and workshops of two people."Lao Tzu a friend, you have time to warn us not to think, how to adjust the original contradiction and Babel two way friends good, as long as their two friends can solve the contradiction, we brothers two people naturally can not intervene in Oriental things, otherwise, us two is definitely not miss so, the chance of a lifetime." he said, and would take up at Lao Tzu not resigned to playing second fiddle."Since two, the friend insisted that, so, when you need sun, with two friends doing a. Just at that time, two friends lost face, don't blame me." after this, Lao Tzu on your pocket rate palace to go.See three left after they have left, and the next two people led back to the West began to teach, counsel, how the amulet, let the Oriental religions vitality, so that he can teach the west to the east to preach.With more and more of the gas, robbery, when two gods, the stars found themselves now cut to sub two dead by simply reckoning no secret, after seeing this, Hoshi Ko's face, he gave a smile, it seems to be long, the secret will be utterly confused, even the sage can not deduce. SecretIt stars son to wait fifty years later, when the secret, even want to figure out what the sage is very difficult, after seeing this, stars son walked out of the Kongtong mountain, go to the sea.In the blood the Styx, Hoshi Ko came to the edge of the blood, but is a doubt, don't know what to do, the stars here, when he suddenly heard puzzled, "Styx friend, came the voice of the child stars of the Hoshi Ko visit, also hope you out of sight." then, stars son is there again.After hearing the words of the child stars, the fast out of the sea, "the stars came before the stars son friends, you come to my blood, but what's the matter?"."The way, don't, don't you invite me in sit?". Then, the stars would smile at the river Styx, hear this, the will be welcomed into their sub stars in Xuehai palace.When two people were seated, the once again asked "stars son friends, can you tell me your blood to now?"The stars would directly said "I come to you this way the blood is want and friends to do a deal"After hearing the stars son, looking at the stars "sub unhappy transaction, my body can make friends, you see things, only twelve products industry is a way of fire lotus, you said this is the exchange transaction, congenital Lingbao?"."This is good. After hearing this congenital Lingbao", the first burst of anger, but when he saw the stars son full of confidence like that, can't help but wonder, is the stars, what make yourself very much chips?Think of this, just curious to see the stars the son "see a friend so you must have confidence, so that I can not refuse anything, just do not know what it is?"After seeing the Styx curious looking at myself, stars son shook his head, "I'm not that kind of thing, I want to use my hands and fall treasure money Qiankun two congenital Lingbao, twelve fire lotus, change your friends don't know you, would you?" he said. The stars will fall treasure money and sub universe figure out."Star son friends, although the two Lingbao your hands are good, but compared to my twelve fire red lotus, still a bar, a friend, I wonder why,可是,却看到星辰子只是微笑的看着自己,并没有为自己解释其中的原因,看到这种情况以后,冥河的眉头不禁是皱了起来,过了一会以后,就无力的叹了一口气道“要是道友你能为我解释其中的原因,那么,冥河愿意将十二品业火红莲交换给道友你,并且,欠道友一个因果,不知道道友你觉得怎么样呀?”  第七十五章收徒     “冥河道友,果然痛快。”说完这话以后,星辰子就祭出星辰塔,然后,将自己和冥河罩在里面。等到做完这一切以后,星辰子就看着冥河道“因为,西方教两位圣人,在大劫之后也会像我一样背负着不好的名声。”     听到星辰子的话以后,那冥河就震惊的看着星辰子道“星辰子道友,你的意思是那西方教的两位圣人,在大劫之后,将会叛出玄门吗?”。看到星辰子点了点头之后,冥河不禁被这个消息,震得是愣在那里。     过了一会,冥河才从震惊中清醒,清醒过来之后,就疑惑的看着星辰子道“道友,这个消息,你是从什么地方得来的?”     “这个不能告诉你,可是,我可以对天发誓,这个消息是真的。”听到星辰子如此肯定的说道以后,冥河就沉默起来,过了一会以后,就将十二品业火红莲拿了出来,递到星辰子的面前“道友,这是十二品业火红莲,现在,我就用它和道友你交换落宝金钱与乾坤图两件先天灵宝。”说完,就准备将十二品业火红莲里面的元神给收回来。     可是,就在这个时候,星辰子却突然阻止道“冥河道友且慢,现在还不到我将十二品业火红莲,带走的时机。”     “喔,那么,道友你想要什么时候,将十二品业火红莲给带走呢?要是,这件先天灵宝长时间的,留在我手上的话,我可没有那本事将它保住。”说完,就直直的看着星辰子。     “冥河道友你不用担心,在此次大劫彻底的结束之前,我会带着我那弟子来,将这件灵宝收走的。”     “道友,你什么时候收了一个弟子,我们怎么都不知道呢。”说完,冥河就吃惊的看着星辰子。     听到这话以后,星辰子就苦笑了一声道“我现在还没有将他收录门下。”“星辰子道友,你对你那弟子可真好呀,还没有将他收录门下,就为他准备了好一件,连圣人也会眼红的顶级先天灵宝。”说完,就感叹的看着星辰子。     听到这话以后,星辰子就笑了笑,然后,将自己手中的落宝金钱和乾坤图递给冥河“道友,这两件先天灵宝就先交给道友你了。”     “好,那么,我就先收下来,只是,道友你记得,带自己的弟子,在大劫彻底的结束之前,将十二品业火红莲给带着,要不然,等到这大劫结束了之后,再来取的话,那西方教可就不会那么轻易的,让你们将这件灵宝带走的。”     “多谢冥河道友的提醒,我知道了,我还有事,就先离开了。”“星辰子道友,你自便就是。”听到这话以后,星辰子就直接消失在冥河的面前。     出了血海之后,星辰子就往商朝的领地走去,开始寻找起姜子牙的踪迹来,因为,知道一些姜子牙的信息,所以,星辰子并没有直接开始推算姜子牙的踪迹,而是,推算其爷爷或是父亲的踪迹,借此找到姜子牙。     不过,这姜子牙真不愧,是代天封神之人,就算以星辰子这样的修为,也不能推算出他爷爷或是父亲的一丝消息,既然不能推算出姜子牙的消息,那么,就根据自己前世知道的一些姜子牙的信息,慢慢的打听姜子牙的下落。     就这样,经过二十年的努力,星辰子终于知道了,姜子牙的下落,在知道了姜子牙的下落以后,星辰子的脸上,不禁是露出了一丝的笑容,然后,就快速的往朝歌走去,一会就来到了姜子牙的面前。     看到突然出现在自己面前的星辰子以后,姜子牙不禁是吓了一跳,等到冷静下来之后,就狂热的看着星辰子道“道长,你是修道之人吗?”。     看到星辰子点了点头以后,姜子牙就狂喜的,跪在星辰子的面前道“道长,弟子姜子牙一心向道,还望道长,您能收我为徒。”说完,就期待的看着星辰子。     “姜子牙,你先起来。”说完,就将姜子牙给扶了起来,看到星辰子并没有收下自己后,姜子牙的眼中不禁闪过一丝失望。     看到姜子牙眼中的失望以后,星辰子就笑了笑道“姜子牙,你不必如此,我并没有不答应收你为徒,只是,等到告诉你的重要之后,你还愿意拜在我星辰子门下的话,那么,我就收下你,要是,不愿意,我也不会勉强。”     听到这话以后,姜子牙就疑惑的看着星辰子,难道自己有什么特别的地方吗?“姜子牙,你乃是代天封神之人,只是,天机混乱,让圣人不能算到你的踪迹,要不然的话,那些圣人早就出现在你的面前,抢着来收你为徒了,全力的指导与你。而我却只是一个斩二尸的准圣。姜子牙,你现在可还愿意拜在我的门下,要是不愿意的话,告诉我你想拜在那一教门下,看在我们相识一场的份上,我送你去。”说完,就直直的看着姜子牙,想要知道姜子牙会如何的选择。     而姜子牙听完现在的话以后,就沉默起来,许久之后,就恭恭敬敬的给星辰子磕了一个响头道“我愿意拜在道长门下,弟子姜子牙拜见老师。”     看到姜子牙的选择以后,星辰子就哈哈大笑起来“好,姜子牙以后,你就是我星辰子的大弟子了,你放心,为师定会全力的栽培与你,让你成为洪荒之中顶级的存在。”说完,就将姜子牙给扶了起来。     当姜子牙拜星辰子为师以后,那紫霄宫中的封神榜,一阵的跳动,看到这种情况以后,众圣都是一阵的吃惊,不知道,封神榜,为什么会在这个时候,突然跳动起来。     而就在这个时候,鸿钧突然出现在众圣的面前“代天封神之人,已经拜在星辰子的门下,封神榜当交给星辰子。”说完,就划破虚空,将封神榜扔给星辰子的面前。     今天成绩极其惨淡,还望各位能支持一下,万分谢谢。  第七十六章不愿     看到出现在自己眼前的封神榜以后,星辰子的脸上,就露出了一丝的笑容,然后,就将封神榜给收了起来。     之后,星辰子就带着姜子牙来到崆峒山附近。“众位圣人,既然都已经来了,何不出来一见呢?”说完,就看着那些圣人藏身的地方。     看到星辰子发现了自己的藏身之处以后,众圣就直接出现在星辰子的面前,一出现,那原始就迫不及待的看着星辰子道“星辰子,那代天封神之人,不适合拜在你们的门下,你还是让他拜在,我们圣人的门下的好。”     “敢问原始圣人,代天封神之人,怎么就不适合拜在我星辰子的门下呢,难道,原始圣人觉得凭我现在的修为,还教不了一个凡人吗?”。     听到星辰子的质问以后,原始的眼中闪过了一丝的不悦,随后,就放出了自己全身的气势,压到星辰子的身上,可是,却看到自己的气势,对星辰子根本就没有什么作用。     看到这种情况以后,原始的眼中,闪过了一丝的吃惊。“原始圣人,你的气势对我没有,想要抢走我星辰子开山大弟子的话,就拿出一些真本事来吧。”说完,就微笑的看着原始。     而在一旁的姜子牙,看到星辰子竟然敢挑衅原始圣人的时候,不禁是震惊的看着星辰子,难道,他就不怕圣人震怒,将他打伤吗,毕竟,圣人之下皆为蝼蚁,这句话,姜子牙还是听说过的,想到这以后,姜子牙就担心的看着星辰子,生怕星辰子被原始所伤。     看到姜子牙眼中的担心以后,星辰子就微笑的看着他道“徒儿,你不必为我担心,要是,为师不想受伤的话,那么,洪荒之中除了天道和道祖之外,无人能将为师击伤。”before you will have so much confidence, I would agree with you?"After seeing the Styx curious looking at myself, it stars smile at night because the friend River Styx, you lose twelve fire red, if you are not, you will be twelve fire red lotus, and I exchange it, then wait until after the end of the gods. Two, western education sage, will teach by western Daxing potential, twelve fire lotus plot to take friends in your hands, the friend, you can have confidence in calculation of two sages, twelve fire Lotus products industry confidence will keep?""I know you want to star in the two western sages teach to counsel, to keep the twelve products industry is very difficult but the fire lotus, I am not the only one way to go, I can put western education, believe that the two sages teach western, that time will be very welcome to join me twelve, the industry, the fire can not only keep the hands of the lotus, the three leader, also can do western education so I can teach and practice. With the help of Western Stars son friends, you say I have the necessary exchange of the twelve industry and the friends of the fire lotus road?". Then, smile. Look at the stars, the stars will want to know how to persuade selfYourself.
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    可是,还没等他将周天星辰剑给祭出来,他就感觉到胸口一痛,身体直接倒飞了出去。     低头一看就看到自己的胸口,被什么东西给刺穿了。看到这种情况以后,昊天就吃惊的看着星辰子,不知道他是怎么做到的。     “看来,还是我的空间法则更强一些。昊天从今以后,不要再来试探与我,要不然的话,休怪我无情。”说完,就将周天星辰剑给收了回来,然后,消失在灵霄殿之中。     看到星辰子轻易的就将昊天给击败了以后,灵霄殿之中的人都是一阵的吃惊和庆幸,看向星辰子的目光中,更是充满了敬畏。看到这种情况以后,昊天的脸色,就是一阵的难看“星辰子,今日之耻,来日我一定要你百倍奉还。”说完,就会自己的宫殿闭关疗伤。     而星辰子离开了灵霄殿以后,就再次回到自己的紫薇宫中管理诸天星辰,有时也会为紫薇宫中的人讲道一番,让他们的修为能更近一步。     却说,当昊天将身上的伤势治疗好以后,思考了一段时间以后,就往紫霄宫飞去,“弟子,昊天有事求见老师。”说完,就跪在紫霄宫门前。     “进来吧。”话音刚落,那紫霄宫的宫门就自动打开,看到这种情况以后,昊天就连忙往里面走去,看到高台上的鸿钧以后,昊天就行了一礼“弟子昊天拜见老师。”     “昊天你不在天庭之中,来紫霄宫中求见于我,可是有什么事情吗?”。说完,鸿钧就面无表情的看着昊天。     听到鸿钧的问话以后,昊天就委屈的开口道“回老师的话,弟子奉老师之命为天庭之主,管理洪荒,可是,那圣人门下弟子和一些实力高强的天庭之人,却不听从弟子命令,还望老师能下令,让这些人听从弟子的命令,以便更好的管理洪荒。”说完,就期待的看着鸿钧。     看到这种情况以后,鸿钧就淡淡的开口道“我知道了,你先回去吧。”听到这话以后,昊天的心中一喜,然后,对着鸿钧行了一礼“多谢老师,那么,弟子就先告退了。”说完,就往外面走去。     等到昊天离开了以后,鸿钧就传音给六位圣人,让他们来到紫霄宫中一见。     接到了鸿钧的传音以后,众圣不敢怠慢,快速的往紫霄宫飞去。“弟子见过老师,不知道,老师招我等来紫霄宫,可是有什么事情吗?”。     “刚才昊天来紫霄宫中求见与我,言圣人门下弟子和天庭中有些人不服他的管教,希望,我能帮助与他,正好,再过五百年的时间,这大劫就会来临,此次大劫乃是因为三教弟子在人族大兴的时候,杀伐过重而引起,未斩一尸及领悟法则的准圣,都在其中。”说完这话以后,鸿钧就看着底下的人。     听到鸿钧的话以后,三清的眉头都紧皱了起来,而就在这时,女娲开口问道“敢问,老师我们妖族之人,是不是也在这次的大劫之中?”“不是,只要妖族之人不参与到这次的大劫之中的话,就不会牵连到他们。”     听到鸿钧的话以后,女娲就松了一口气。这时,老子就开口道“敢问老师这应劫之人会怎么样?”     听到老子的问话以后,鸿钧就拿出了一件灵宝,放在这桌子上“这是封神榜,你们现在可在上面,写下自己门下名字到时候,当榜上有名之人身死了以后,就可以凭着封神榜而成就神位。不过,当他们成神以后,会受到封神榜的节制,到天庭之中任职,在这期间受天庭差遣,修为不会有任何的提升。至于,未死之人则是肉身封神,听封不听调。这次的大劫,需要三百六十五位上榜之人,何人上榜由你们几人商量。上榜之人待到下次大劫来临之时,才能脱离。”     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,谢谢。  第七十二章纷争起     听到了鸿钧的话以后,三清的脸色就变得更加的难看。毕竟,他们都不想自己的弟子,去做天庭的手下。于是,众圣就沉默了下来,看到众人都沉默以后,鸿钧就开口道“这是封神榜,就放在这里,至于,谁上榜就由你们自己绝对,不过,必须在大劫开始之前确定好。”说完这话以后,鸿钧就消失在众圣面前。     看到鸿钧无声无息的消失在自己的面前以后,众人的眼中不禁闪过了浓浓的忌惮,过了一会,老子就率先开口道“我的门下只要玄都一名弟子,而且,也未参与到杀伐之事,所以,不当上榜。”说完,老子就看着其他的人。     其他的人听到老子的话以后,都点了点头“正该如此。”毕竟,老子的门下,只有玄都一人。要是让玄都上榜的话,就相当于是绝了老子的道统,到是,老子绝对不会干休的。     看到众人都同意自己的话以后,老子就将面前的封神榜,递到元神天尊的面前。“我那门下个个都是有德之人,不当上榜。”说完这话以后,元始天尊就不待其他人说什么,就将面前的封神榜,放到了通天的面前。     看到通天面前的封神榜以后,众圣就齐齐的看着通天,毕竟,四教之中,就以截教的人数最多,看到大家都看着自己以后,通天拿起桌上的封神榜,将几十个业力深重再无一丝进步可能的弟子名字,写到上头,然后,将封神榜递到女娲的面前。     “我门下只有只有两个伺候童子,更不曾参与到洪荒的纷争之中,所以,也不当上榜。”说完,就看着其他的人,看到他们都同意以后,就将面前的封神榜,递到接引圣人的面前。     “刚才老师有言在先,此次大劫乃是三教弟子,在人族大兴的时候,杀伐过重而引起的,我西方教弟子未在那时,参与到人族之事上,所以,不当上榜。”     听到接引的话以后,准提就连忙符合道“确实如此。”虽然,不甘西方教,能躲过这一次大劫,不过,众人也没有什么好的理由,硬要西方教的弟子上榜,最后,只能是无奈的点了点头同意了接引的话。     看到众人同意自己的提议以后,接引就将自己面前的封神榜,再次放回了老子的面前。看到这种情况以后,元始天尊就连忙开口道“通天师弟,你门下弟子多是业力深重之辈,我看师弟,你将这些弟子都送上封神榜,让他们到天庭之中尽一番力如何。”     “哼,原始师兄,你门下的十二金仙,在公孙轩辕成就人皇之位期间,杀的人不必我门下那些业力深重的弟子,杀的人少,不如,原始师兄,你也将那些弟子都送上封神榜,让他们也到天庭之中效力一番吧。”说完,通天就戏谑的看着元始天尊。     “通天,你好歹毒的心思,竟然想绝我道统,我原始定不与你干休。”说完,祭出三宝玉如意,准备往通天的身上击去,看到原始的动作以后,通天也快速的将青萍剑给祭了出来。     可是,就在这个时候,老子突然出现在两人的中间,不悦的看着两人道“两位师弟,这里乃是紫霄宫,是老师的道场,两位师弟在这里动手,就不怕老师怪罪吗?”。     听到老子的话以后,原始和通天两人,都是惊出一身的冷汗,然后,再次做到自己的位置上,看到这种情况以后,老子就知道现在,已经不适合,再继续谈下去了。     于是,就看着众人道“这封神乃是大事,为了谨慎起见,不如我们三次相商,你们觉得怎么样呀?”众人听到老子的话以后,思考了一会,就都点了点头。     而就在众人都点头以后,鸿钧就出现在众人的面前。看到鸿钧出现以后,老子就开口道“老师,我们决定三次商量之后,再决定上榜的人选,不知道,这样可否?”     “可以,那封神榜就放在这里,等到你们最终确定了以后,再将他挂到紫霄宫门前,到时候,封神之人拜在那一教门下,这封神榜就交给那一教。”说完这话以后,鸿钧就再次消失了。     看到这鸿钧消失了以后,众圣也就各自离开了。这些圣人回去以后,就各自将自己的弟子,叫到了自己的身边,将大劫来临的事情告诉了他们,并一心修炼,提高实力,好在大劫之中有自保的能力。     却说,当众圣回到自己的地方以后,洪荒上的准圣们就感觉到洪荒之中,开始徐徐升起一丝丝的劫气,看到这种情况以后,众人就知道大劫已经是再次开启。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就不屑看了一眼灵霄殿的位置,“昊天,真不知道你是聪明,还是愚蠢,竟然,想要取巧将皇道法则圆满,要是,法则能考取巧圆满的话,那么,洪荒之中的亚圣,就不会至今都没有出现一位了。现在,你向道祖告状,揭开了大劫序幕,将三清全部都得罪死,失去了三清的支持,你也就相当于失去了玄门的支持,到时候,你只能投靠西方教。投靠了西方教的人,就不适合再成为天庭之主,失去了天帝之位的你,怎么可能将皇道法则真正圆满呢。连这一点都看不透,竟然还妄想真正的号令天下,真是愚蠢?”说完,星辰子也不再继续呆在紫薇宫中,转身往崆峒山走去,为以后的事情做一些准备。     等到星辰子将一些事情安排好以后,已经是两百年后了,现在已经是到了二商封神榜的日子,这一次原始并没有一个不写,而是爽快写了几十个名字,之后,就再次将封神榜递给了通天。     看到原始写了几十个名字以后,通天也刷刷的写了一百多个名字,现在封神榜上,总共是写了两百个名字,虽然,已经不少了,可是,距离道祖要求的三百六十五人,还差了一百多人。     看到这种情况以后,原始就不悦的看着通天道“师弟,我阐教只有几十个人,都已经是写了几十个名字了,而师弟你截教弟子过万,其中业力深重,根基浅薄的弟子不再少数,就算是这样,师弟,你难道也不愿意将他们其中根基最浅薄业力最深重的弟子写上,凑足封神榜上需要的人数吗,还是,师弟你真的想要师兄我将阐教的弟子,全部都写上之后,才愿意将剩下的名字写齐吗?”。说完,原始就直直的盯着通天。     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,谢谢。  第七十三章试探     看到原始不善的盯着自己以后,通天就平静的开口道“原始师兄,我并没有那样想,只是,他们都是我截教的弟子,在他们没危害,到截教之前,我怎么能眼睁睁的,看着他们平白无故的应劫呢?之前,我之所以会将那些弟子写上封神榜,也是因为,他们做出了危害截教的事情。”     听到通天的话以后,原始就继续劝说道“可是,师弟你的那些弟子,根基浅薄,业力深重,要是,没有大功德以后,以后,基本上再无进步的可能,还不如,让他们上榜,洗刷掉身上的一些业力,等到应劫归来之后,他们的修为说不定能更近一步。”     “原始师兄,你不要再说了,我是不会改变主意的,我能将一百多位弟子写上封神榜,已经是我最后的极限,我绝对不会再往封神榜上面,多写一个截教弟子的。更何况,师兄你门下的十二金仙身上的业力,也不小的,师兄,你怎么不将他们写上封神榜,洗刷掉他们身上的业力呢”说完,就讥讽的看着原始。     “看来,通天师弟你是打算,一定要师兄门下的十二金仙上榜几人了,既然如此的话,那么,通天师弟大劫来临之时,你就不要怪师兄我无情了,算计了你们截教了。”说完,就恶狠狠的看着通天。     听到原始的威胁以后,通天就不甘示弱的回道“那么,师兄你可要小心了,师弟手中的诛仙剑阵,它可不是吃素的,万一到时候,伤到了师兄,也希望你师兄你,不要记恨与我呀。”     听到诛仙剑阵之名,原始的眼中闪过了一丝的忌惮,毕竟,那剑阵是洪荒第一杀阵,非四圣不可破。不过,既然两教注定在此次大劫之中为敌,那么,不如现在借着这个时机,好好的了解一下诛仙剑阵。     想到这以后,原始就看着通天道“是吗,听通天师弟你这么一说,师兄到是想要见识一下,那诛仙剑阵是不是像老师说的那样,真的需要四圣齐至,方能破除。”     一听这话,通天就知道,原始是打定主意,要算计自己的截教了,现在,之所以如此说,就是想要见识一下诛仙剑阵的威力,好在大劫来临之时做出应对,只是,通天对于手中的诛仙剑阵有绝对的自信,只要不死四圣一起出手,就不可能破除,所以,对于原始的试探,通天根本就没有在乎,而且,他也想要见识一下盘古幡的威力。     “既然,师兄你想要见识一下,诛仙剑阵的威力,那么,请原始师兄进阵吧。”说完,通天就快速的将诛仙四剑和诛仙阵图,给祭了出来,布出诛仙剑阵。     “原始师兄,诛仙剑阵已经布成,不知道,师兄你可敢进阵。”说完,就微笑的看着原始。     诛仙剑阵一成,原始就感觉到一股冲天杀气,将四周的混沌之气都给驱逐了出手,只剩下纯粹的杀气。看到这种情况以后,原始不禁是暗叹一声,真不愧是洪荒第一杀阵,果然厉害。     随后,就祭出中央戌己杏黄旗,化出朵朵金莲将自己护住,然后,就踏进诛仙剑阵之中。原始一踏进诛仙剑阵之中,就感觉到阵中的杀气,比外面要浓郁一百倍。     就算通天没有催动诛仙剑阵来攻击自己,这阵中的杀气,却自动的击在中央戌己杏黄旗化出的金莲之上,不停的消耗着幻化出来的金莲。     看到这种情况以后,原始就将盘古幡祭了出来,发出一道混沌剑气,将四周的杀气交给击散。“师弟,光凭这些杀气是奈何不了我的,你还是施展出诛仙剑阵真正的威力吧。”     “师弟我这就如师兄你所愿,师兄,你可要小心呀。”说完,通天就快速的打出一串串手印融入,到诛仙剑阵之中,当这些手印和诛仙剑阵融合到一起以后,原始就感觉到阵中的杀气,就快速的聚拢到一起。然后,出现一道黑色剑气,快速的往原始的身上击来。     看到这种情况以后,原始就连忙挥动手中的盘古幡,发出一道混沌剑气迎上那黑色剑气,只听‘砰’的一社以后,两道剑气就同时消失在阵中。     “师兄,你那盘古幡的威力,应该不止如此吧,师弟,我可是对开天至宝盘古幡的攻击力,十分的好奇,不如,师兄也让师弟我见识一下盘古幡真正的威力吧。”     “那就要看师弟,你有没有这本事了。”“是吗,那么,师弟哦就让师兄你见识一下我的手段。”说完这话以后,通天就不停的震动诛仙四剑,随后,那原始就感觉到大阵之中,突然出现了无数的剑气,快速的往他身上击来。     虽然,原始有中央已设杏黄旗的防御,和盘古幡的攻击,可是在面对着漫天剑气的攻击下,那中央戌己杏黄旗的防御和盘古幡的攻击,还是不能将这漫天的剑气给抵消了,让其中的几道剑气,击在了道袍之上,将原始的身上的道袍,击出了几个小洞。虽然,原始并未受伤,却是已经输了。看到竟然拜在通天的手中以后,原始的脸色,就变得那看起来。     而通天看到原始身上的道袍,出现了几个小洞以后,就哈哈大笑起来“哈哈哈,师兄,看来论攻击力,还是我的诛仙剑阵更胜一筹。”说完,就得意的看着原始。     听到通天得意笑声以后,原始那本来已经很难的脸色,随后,也一言不发的回到自己的玉虚宫中,看到这种情况以后,接引和准提的脸色,都是一阵的高兴。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    Yes, it seems that you are not aware of it, the gap between us, since, if so, then, I want to see, how big the gap between us in the end. "Carter, the body of the king Haotian law, suddenly increased several times.Feel the body into the little Haotian limit emperor way the realm of law, can not help but sigh is the son of the stars, it is ultimately Haotian could not resist the temptation, rapidly enhance the strength, choose the most suitable for the emperor King law."Really is the most suitable for the emperor's rule, only a few thousand time, the king rule, realized the small limit state, however, Haotian I have confidence, do not need long, I can catch up with you, because you understand on the emperor's way the law, is no longer a step may"Then, it shows the real body, a cupola of war of the true body, and then, holding the axe to Ganqi Haotian cut off the head.However, in the Borner Ganqi axe, to hit myself, body Huang Tao Haotian law, turned into nine i.cairica, Borner will attack to resist, and let the Borner tied, so that he could not move.After seeing himself and Haotian gap, Borner and without a hint of frustration, but let his heart war more strong.After seeing Borner changes, people's eyes can't help but was a glimmer of appreciation, "good game, if you continue to grow, so, maybe you can become the first breakthrough Borner, ancestral witch realm by their own big witch, unfortunately, you have no chance." he said, in the hands of the sword quickly across the neck, Borner will head to cut down, and threw it to the side.However, Borner head was cut down to Haotian, Borner can smell and war, did not disappear, but is more and more strong. After seeing this, and everyone is a doubt.Just then, they see Borner in two milk with navel for eyes, mouth, full of fighting at the battle of Haotian, who rules quickly attach Ganqi axe, all of a sudden, after nine the king rule of Ipomoea Jinlong to burst open, fast, Wang Hao the day on strike.After feeling the Borner body that is more and more strong atmosphere, also dare not to underestimate the Haotian punishment day, cautious with punishment. But, after a while, Haotian found criminal days, though, now, Borner injuries heavier, but he who is not the law of war, enhancement stop.After shooting is in front of his face, breaking through to the ancestral realm, against the law of understanding, also achieved rapid rise, just for a moment, then into a small distance limit not far away. After seeing this, Haotian knew that he could not continue to drag on, otherwise also, do not know what Borner can reach the realm.Think later, Haotian quickly Borner side head to seal up, then resorted to the mirror and nine Haotian, i.cairica, Borner force will be trapped, hands is a quick hit of a string of fingerprints, Borner falls on the body, finally, will give Borner seals in the West Sea eye.Wait until the Borner sealed up later, just smiling at the Haotian humanitarian "you don't let Borner destroy the mood of the meeting, we still continue to taste the peach""No Haotian brother, brother is busy, just go back, to look at you to wait, a senior teacher for many years, I give you a piece of advice, sage, for some people, not the young ants, you can drive this sentence. Hope you can remember you firmly then, Lao Tzu." it disdain at Haotian."Lao Tzu senior counsel, brother, I will remember, but you always believe that my real world order of the day." he said, just smile at Lao Tzu.However, the voice just fell, he heard the holy Qi Qi cold hum a, let Haotian public spat blood. "So let's wait and see, we have the first brother Haotian is left." he said, the saints would disappear in heaven.After seeing this, other people have left heaven. Just for a moment only in heaven.Poor results also hope that you can support, thank you very much, in addition, the solemn promise will be finished.The seventieth chapter Haotian ambition"All the saints you one day I That's going too far., you must pay the price." he finished, Haotian resentment at the saint, just sitting.Said, after Zhen Yuan left heaven, with the stars together came to the Kongtong mountain. "Zhen Yuan friends, this period of time, heaven but what happened, how friends know that Hao Tao, Huang Tao abuse law, still insisted on understanding?""Hey, friend, do you know the way, this time you retreat, is that there are a lot of Terran Daxing, merit can be thought, naturally attracted people to intervene, and Hao Tao friends is one of them, unfortunately, the strength is not strong, is frustrated, I think this is like Hao the friend, will choose to understand King law, good and fast to enhance their strength"After hearing the Zhen Yuan Zi said so, Hoshi Ko can not help but be sighed, then looked at Zhen Yuan Zi "friends, the next time the amulet, will come in soon after the road you don't know, what is going to do?""Star son friends, next time no damages what relation, and I, I do not intend to participate, this time back then, I will close five Zhuang Guan, ease of cultivation""The way you can have this plan is best, but the way if I am in the amulet what accident of words, a friend, can you help me take care of you, my disciples?"After hearing the stars son so said, Zhen Yuan can not help but is surprised at him "by way of your strength and your body's merit, is also can be friends. How are you?""Although no one can kill me, but I will have to seal up, if I was sealed up in the sun, also hope a friend, you can when he is in need of help take care of my disciples""You know, since in the amulet danger, then friends why participate in? Do the others, can not force you to participate in the sun?". Then, it puzzled to see the stars."No, I just take you to the different way, you are really at Xian, as long as not to participate in the sun, so no one will deal with you, I can be different, some people do not want to see me to continue to grow, it will be a threat to their status. Not to mention I know, the space law, it is not against the law, guards, how can achieve satisfactory state. Moreover, I also want to in the sun, will cause on understanding, seeking peace, can." and the firm looked at Zhen Yuan.After seeing this situation, the town Yuan Zi sighed, since this is the case, then, I will not say anything, just, I do not know, when you do not know how to close the disciples ah, as, now called out to let me see ""He is not worshipped at my door, but soon I will he included under the door, then you can see the natural way, just friends, you should be ready to meet, salute." he said, smiling at you Zhen Yuan.Friends of the road, you rest assured, I will be ready to meet the ceremony. After the two and discuss some things, the town of Yuan Zi on the back of his five Zhuang concept.Wait until after the departure of Zhen Yuan, stars son came to the palace in the palace of crape myrtle, crape myrtle, managing the heavens stars. When the stars in that sub Haotian crape myrtle palace, is a can not help but frown, "Yao Chi, you said that the stars, why at this time, in the Ziwei Palace?""No matter how to say, Haotian, the crape myrtle Temple belong to the stars, a son, he will not let us join them. Moreover, we do not have the strength, can intervene in the crape myrtle Temple thing." he said, he looked worried about Haotian, hope to dispel the Haotian palace, in Myrtle thought."Yaochi I know you are good for me, but if I even heaven among the people, can soothe it, talk about the world order, such as orders can not be the world, my king rule, how to perfect the sage realm, achievement." and was firmly watching Yao Chi and show their determination."Haotian, I see you as the next time. Then, before you start not later, then, the stars have left the son of heaven, and what the Ziwei palace, stop you?""The Jade Pool, that is not the same as if I wait until the stars son left, before you start it, then, even if it is to take a king I rule Dijun crape myrtle, the most they can break into the realm, but if it will begin, Dijun to soothe the crape myrtle's words, then, my understanding of Huang Dao law the absolute can reach half step successfully. At that time, the sage, in addition to who will be my opponent, and even a saint, I also have no ability to fight. Although unlikely victory over the saints, but the sage cannot kill me, then I make the world a Hao is innocent for the moment"See the eyes full of ambition Haotian, yaochi heart, just sigh, see Haotian look, he knew that no matter what their persuasion, Haotian will not change my mind.But, the stars son and it is so easy to deal with people,听到星辰子那居高临下的口气以后,昊天就愤怒的看着了星辰子道“星辰子,你放肆,当初道祖有言在先,六御之中以我为尊,今日,你不仅膻闯灵霄殿,更藐视六御之首的我,要是不将你拿下治罪的话,以后,我还怎么管理天庭呢?”     “昊天,你何必如此惺惺作态呢,你不是早就想要将我降服,好让你的皇道法则,更近一步吗?只是,就凭你那修为,你能做到吗?”。说完,就藐视的看着昊天。     看到星辰子那藐视的眼神以后,昊天就再也顾不得什么,直接释放出自己的皇道法则,往星辰子的身上压去。     “不错的法则领悟,可是,比起我,来却是差得远了,而且,我的空间法则,是逆天法则,威力比你的皇道法则强得多了。”话音刚落,星辰子的头顶,就出现了一个法轮,直接将昊天压在自己身上的皇道法则,给驱散了。     “昊天,现在我就让知道,你我之间的差距,有多大了吧。”听到星辰子,竟然将自己对刑天说的话,重复了一边以后,不禁更加的气愤,然后,直接祭出皇道灵宝九龙剑,融合皇道法则,之后,就快速的往星辰子身上砍去。     当九龙剑和皇道法则融合到一起以后,皇道法则在九龙剑的增幅下,竟然达到了大成法则境界的威力,看到这种情况以后,星辰子不禁是好奇的,看了一眼昊天手中的九龙剑,没想到,那宝剑竟然还有如此作用。     等到闪过了昊天的攻击以后,星辰子就好奇的问道“昊天,你手中的先天灵宝是什么,怎么能将小成极限皇道法则的威力,增强到大成境界呢?”     “这是皇道灵宝九龙剑,应皇道法则而生,能将皇道法则的威力增强一分,星辰子,现在我们的法则境界,在同一境界,就让我们看一看,到底是你空间法则的攻击力,更强一些还是我皇道法则的威力,更强一些吧。”     “既然你想要知道两种法则的强弱,那么,就如你所愿。”说完,星辰子就拿出周天星辰剑,施展开极空式,看到周天星辰剑消失在以后,昊天就感觉到一阵的危险,于是,就想要将昊天镜祭出来护住自身。but it will teach two western saints to calculate gray Lord, think of this, yaochi can not help but worry about them.But, after the stars returned to the palace on the crape myrtle, undivided attention to management of the stars of heaven, heaven, other things, and not in, let Haotian suddenly can not find the reason. To deal with the starsHowever, if you are going to be the stars son rein, Haotian intend this easily give up, now, can not be calculated to the stars, so he hit the stars from the front the prestige, think of this, let Haotian Taibaijinxing, will go to the heavenly stars son temple.When the stars son heard Taibaijinxing invitation, not only sigh breath "shuyujingerfengbuzhi, since you are not willing to see me quiet so I practice, stir him upside down, let the world know my stars son badly, then no one dare to offend." this, stars son directly display space law, came to the heavenly temple.After seeing the stars suddenly appeared in the heavenly temple, Haotian he frowned and asked: "crape myrtle lake, you ignore the rules of the day, directly into the heavenly temple, you are not too extravagant"Yes, I don't think so, you do not seem to be Lao Tzu Haotian, sage advice in mind, which is not good "
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    看到星辰子的动作以后,天道法轮就知道了星辰子的打算,不过,他并没有在意,而是,连续发出了七道,浓郁至极的天道之力,快速的击到空间法轮上面。这些天道之力都蕴含着自己的意志,岂是那么好吞噬。     空间法轮对于天道法轮发出的天道之力,来者不拒,将这些天道之力都给吸收了,当空间法轮将那些天道之力全部吸收了以后,上面出现了许多的密密麻麻的裂痕。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就将自己的元神遁出,快速的进入到空间法轮之中,帮助着空间法轮,镇压着里面的天道之力。     看到星辰子元神进入空间法轮,镇压里面的天道之力以后,准提的眼中就闪过了一丝的幸灾乐祸和残忍。随后,他就祭出七宝妙树,狠狠的往星辰子身上击去。     只是,一击就将星辰子给打回了原形,看着立在自己面前的星辰塔以后,准提就疯狂的往星辰塔上击去,就算不能将星辰塔给打碎,也要将星辰塔的根基损坏一些,之后,再将星辰塔给封印起来,等到星辰子元神回归之后,看他还能逃到什么地方去,到了那时,他一定要好好的回报星辰子对自己那一丝元神所做的事情。     想到这以后,准提的脸上就露出了一丝笑容,然后,就疯狂的攻击起星辰塔来,可是,准提没攻击几下,天道法轮就突然发出一道天道之力,往准提的身上击去,一下子,就将准提给击飞了出去。“准提,那星辰塔乃是减缓量劫的功德灵宝,不当有损。”     听到天道的话以后,那准提不敢再继续攻击星辰塔,只能是无奈的在一旁观察起空间法轮来。     却说,当星辰子的元神进入的空间法轮以后,就感觉到里面的浓郁的天道之力之中,传来一股威压,让他的元神想要臣服于这股威压。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就坚定的,看着四周的天道之力道“我星辰子此生定要无人可欺,空间之力给我吞噬。”说完,星辰子的元神就和空间法轮融合为一体,带着星辰子,要无人可欺的信念,开始的吞噬起四周的天道之力来。     虽然,天道之力不甘,就这样被空间之力给吞噬了,奋力反抗,可是,在星辰子那无比坚定的信念下,那些天道之力还是被星辰子给一点点的吞噬了,随着,星辰子吞噬的天道之力,越来越多,那空间法轮上的裂痕,就快速的恢复着。     等到星辰子将天道法轮之中的天道之力都吞噬了以后,那空间法轮上就光芒大发,随后,全部光芒就进入到空间法轮之中,变成一个朴实的法轮,出现在星辰子元神的上方。     看着星辰子元神上方那朴实无华的空间法轮,虽然,感觉到一丝气息,可是,他们心中的感觉告诉自己,那空间法轮的威力,至少比之前增强了几倍。     而天道法轮看到星辰子通过自己的考验以后,就消失在众人的面前。“星辰子,既然你已经通过了天道的考验,那么,这青莲宝色旗的事情,吾就不再管了。”说完这话以后,鸿钧也消失在众人的面前。     看着那被打回原形的星辰塔以后,星辰子的眉头不禁皱了起来,然后,快速的进入到星辰塔之中,快速的吸收四周的灵力,再次化出了人形。     之后,星辰子就微笑的看着准提圣人道“准提圣人,不知道,你可想要回我手中的青莲宝色旗呢?”     听到星辰子的话以后,准提和接引的眼睛一亮,然后,不可置信的看着星辰子道“星辰子,难道,你愿意将青莲宝色旗,还给我吗?”。说完,准提就疑惑的看着星辰子。     “想要让我将青莲宝色旗还给你,也不是不可以,只要你答应我一个条件就可以了?”“条件,不知道,是什么条件呢?”说完,准提就戒备的看着星辰子。     “我想要一件属于以后属于你们西方教的灵宝。”听到星辰子的话以后,准提和接引两个人就沉默起来,过了一会,那接引就看着星辰子道“不知道,星辰子你能否告诉我们那是什么‘先天灵宝’?”     听到接引加重了先天灵宝四字以后,星辰子就笑了笑道“是什么先天灵宝,我不能告诉你,不过,我可以告诉那是一件防御性顶级先天灵宝,防御能力比青莲宝色旗还要好上一丝,还有,我手中的青莲宝色旗,关系到准提圣人以后,能否更加一步,所以,对你们你们来说,我手中的青莲宝色旗,绝对要比那一件先天灵宝,对准提圣人的帮助要大一些。”说完,星辰子就微笑的看着接引圣人。     听到星辰子的话以后,接引就叹了一口气道“星辰子,你说的不错,好,我们答应你的条件,用那件先天灵宝,交换你手中的青莲宝色旗。”     接引圣人的话音刚落,星辰子就感觉到自己和那件灵宝之间有了一种莫名的联系,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就将自己手中的青莲宝色旗扔给准提。     “等到那灵宝显示属于你们西方教的时候,我会告诉两位圣人的。”说完,星辰子就消失在接引和准提的面前。     看到星辰子离开了以后,那准提就面色难看的看着接引圣人道“师兄,我怎么感觉我们好像失去了一件很重要的东西呢?”     听到这话以后,接引就叹了一口气道“师弟能让星辰子看上的先天灵宝又岂是简单的呢?可是,那星辰子说的对,相比那件灵宝来说,还是青莲宝色旗对师弟的帮助大一些。”  第六十八章蟠桃大会     听到接引的话以后,准提的眼中闪过了一丝的感动,随后,愧疚对着接引道“师兄,这次却是我连累到西方教了。”     “师弟,你这说的是什么话呀,师弟你的初衷也是为了西方教好,只是我们低估了星辰子罢了。好了,师弟我们回西方教吧。”说完,接引就往西方教走去,看到这种情况以后,准提也连忙跟了上去。     却说,当星辰子离开了以后,就划开空间回到崆峒山之中,然后,就开始闭关巩固起空间法境界来。经过,青莲宝色旗被抢的事情,星辰子的威名,再次传遍洪荒,从此再无人敢打星辰子手中的弑神枪的主意。     不过,因为空间法则的威力,让洪荒上的众人都知道了,两大逆天法则和其他的法则的差距。对于,那两大逆天法则更是眼热,一个个都开始寻找起含有时间法则和空间法则的先天灵宝来,希望借此能领悟到时间法则和空间法则。     不过,这些都和星辰子没有关系,他自从回到崆峒山以后,就全心全意的修炼起来。这一修炼就是九千年的时间。“终于,将空间法则彻底的稳定在了大成境界,甚至有了一丝的进步,现在,我终于有了插手洪荒大势的能力了。”说完,星辰子的脸上,就露出了一丝的笑容,     而就在这个时候,星辰子突然感觉到有人正往崆峒山来寻他,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就一闪身来到了外面。“小仙太白金星,见过紫薇帝君。”说完,就对着星辰子行了一礼。     “起来吧,太白金星,你来我这崆峒山,可是,有什么事情吗?”。     “回帝君的话,是那先天灵根蟠桃树所结的蟠桃,已经成熟,所以,玉帝想要在五十年后,召开蟠桃大会,请洪荒上大能品尝一下蟠桃滋味,不知道,帝君您可愿前往?”说完,就拿出请柬递到星辰子的面前。     听到这话以后,星辰子考虑了一会,就接过太白金星手中的请柬“你回去回禀玉帝,就说我会准时参加的。”“是帝君,那么小仙就告退了。”说完,太白金星就高兴的往天庭飞去。     “玄门大劫要开始可吗?正好借着此次大劫,了结了和截教的因果,以便突破至混元大罗金仙境界。”说完,星辰子的眼中就闪过了一丝的期待和兴奋,之后,星辰子就回到崆峒山之中,再次修炼起来。     时间就这样过去了五十年,这天是蟠桃大会的日子,于是,星辰子就往天庭之中走去。当星辰子来到南天门的时候,就看到那太白金星正在外面迎接着各位来客。     当他看到星辰子以后,就连忙来到星辰子的面前,行了一礼道“见过帝君,帝君里面请。”说完,就带着星辰子来到他的位置之上。     当星辰子走进大殿的时候,就看到被邀请的人,除了圣人以外,基本上都已经到齐了,不过,当那四教弟子看到星辰子以后,脸上快速的闪过一丝的不悦,可是,畏于星辰子的实力,却是,不敢多说什么。     而鲲鹏等紫霄宫中听道的人,则是一脸复杂的看着星辰子,虽然,从他们知道星辰子领悟的法则是空间法则时,就知晓星辰子早晚有一天会超越他们,可是,他们没想到这一天会来得这么快。     不过,星辰子并没有理会这些,而是微笑的看着镇元子道“镇元道友,多年不见道友的修为又更近一步了,真是可喜可贺呀。”     “星辰子道友,老道的这点进步比起道友来,可是差的远了,道友你的威名,可是,在道友你闭关的时候响彻洪荒。”说完,镇元子也微笑的看着星辰子。     听到这话以后,星辰子不禁苦笑道“我到是也想像道友你那样安静的修炼,可是,有些人不允许呀。”     听到这话以后,镇元子不禁一愣,随后,看着星辰子道“道友,要是道友你只是向我一样安静的修炼的话,那么,道友你现在绝对不可能达到如今,这个境界。是福是祸,谁有能说得清楚呢?”     听到镇元子的话以后,众人不禁都沉默起来,而就在这个时候,昊天和王母两人出现在众人的面前,看到昊天和瑶池两人竟然,这么迟才出现,鲲鹏等几位老牌准圣的脸上,都闪过了一丝的不悦。     可是,没等他们说什么,就听到太白金星的声音传来道“西方教准提圣人到。”话音刚落,就看到准提圣人,来到了大殿之中。     “见过准提圣人。”说完众人就对准提行了一礼,只是那些同是紫霄宫听道的人和星辰子,却只需要行半礼。     “各位道友客气了。”说完,就微笑的看着那些紫霄宫听道之人,然后,坐到了属于自己的位置之上。一会之后,其他几位圣人也陆续的来到了这里。     众圣到齐了以后,不禁都好奇的看着星辰子,想要知道星辰子在九千多年的时间里,达到了什么境界,可是,看了一会以后,却发现自己竟然不能看透星辰子的深浅。     看到这种情况以后,众圣的眉头不禁皱了起来。“星辰子没想到,你这么快就达到了如今的境界,真是厉害,看来要不了多久,你就能和我们相提并论了。”说完,通天就复杂的看着星辰子,那眼神中有欣慰,有骄傲,更有一丝的遗憾。     “还要多谢通天教主当初的成全,要不然的话,我星辰子也不可能这么快,就达到如今的境界。”听到星辰子如此的说道以后,通天就点了点头,然后,就开始品尝起桌上的蟠桃来。     可是,没过多久,众人就听到一个无礼的声音传来道“我说昊天,瑶池你们召开蟠桃大会,却唯独不请我们巫族的人,参加是看不起我们巫族吗?”。话音刚落,众人就看到一个粗壮的大汉,出现在大殿之中。     “大巫刑天,你好大的胆子,竟然,敢在这个时候,捣乱蟠桃大会,难道你就不怕朕将你击杀吗?”。说完,昊天就脸色难看的看着刑天。     过年期间事情多,更新不给力,还望各位体谅一下,最后,厚脸皮,求一下支持。  第六十九章皇道法则     听到昊天的话以后,刑天就不屑的看了昊天一眼道“将我击杀,昊天你有这本事吗?”。看到刑天如此轻视自己以后,昊天不禁是愤怒的看着刑天道“刑天,你找死。不知道,哪位卿家愿意去将叛逆刑天给降服呢?”说完这话以后,昊天就看了圣人弟子和一些未臣服于天庭的散修们一眼。     可是,却发现那些人并没有理会,反而是对于自己刚才的话,都皱起了眉头。看到这种情况以后,昊天的脸上不禁变得难看起来。     “没想到我堂堂天庭,竟然无人能帮朕将刑天拿下,既然如此的话,那么,朕就自己出手。”说完,祭出一把宝剑,缓缓的往刑天面前走去。     看到昊天几千年之后,竟然变得如此霸道以后,星辰子不禁是一阵的疑惑,不知道,是什么让昊天变得如此的霸道。     随后,星辰子的眼中,就露出了一丝的了然。原来,当昊天走下台阶的时候,身上就涌出了一股霸道的气息,往刑天的身上压去,因为昊天没有控制自己的气息,所以,在场的众人除了圣人以外,都清楚的感觉到了昊天身上,那让一切臣服的气息。     “皇道法则,没想到,昊天道友领悟的竟然是皇道法则,难怪行事如此的霸道。”之后,不禁奇怪的看着昊天,不知道,他为什么会选择这种法则。     感觉到昊天身上的皇道法则压制以后,刑天也释放出自己领悟的法则,一股冲天的战意出现在刑天的身上。“没想到,刑天你领悟的竟然是战之法则,真是不错的法则,可惜,比我的皇道法则还是差额一丝,而且,刑天你的法则境界比起我来,却是差得远了,你不是我的对手,还是乖乖的束手就擒,这样,我说不定能放你一马,要不然的话,休怪我无情。”说完,就自信的看着刑天。     “巫族只有战死的大巫,没有投降的大巫,更何况,我不觉得自己比你昊天差。”说完,就充满战意的看着昊天。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    不过,现在帝江的攻击已经快要击到星辰子的身上,他只能先将这个疑惑给压下,然后,发出了一道空间之力将帝江的攻击给抵挡了下来。     感觉到星辰子的空间之力以后,帝江不禁是大惊失色道“空间之力,星辰子你怎么会拥有真正的空间之力呢,难道,你已经凝聚出了空间法则烙印了吗?”。     “你知道真正的空间法则之力,那么,你为什么不让自己的伪空间之力蜕变呢,难道,你没有凝聚出空间法则烙印吗?”。说完,就直直的盯着帝江。     而帝江听到星辰子的问话以后,眼中快速的闪过了一丝的慌乱,虽然很快就消失了,可是,还是被星辰子给看到了。  第二十二章插手     看到帝江眼中一闪而过的慌乱,星辰子不禁是沉思了起来,想要弄清楚帝江的空间法则,是怎么一回事。而帝江看到星辰子沉思起来以后,就快速的往星辰子的身上击去,不让星辰子有思考的时间。     “看来,帝江你的身上有什么大秘密,这个秘密一旦被发现的话,你绝对死无葬身之地,甚至还会连累到其余的祖巫,对不对?”说完,就快速的闪到一边,然后,直直的盯着帝江,想要再次从他的脸上看出什么来。     只是,有了上次的教训,这次帝江十分的谨慎,让星辰子什么都没有看出来,看到这种情况以后,星辰子不禁是有了一丝的失望,只是想到已经确定帝江的身上真的有大秘密了之后,星辰子的脸上,就露出了一丝的笑容。     “星辰子,你是在找死。”说完,就疯狂的往星辰子的身上击去,一副和星辰子不死不休的架势。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子也开始全身心的应对起帝江的攻击来,虽然,帝江的空间之力是伪空间之力,可是,他对空间法则的领悟,却是让星辰子感觉到眼睛一亮,战了一会以后,星辰子就感觉到自己的空间法则提升了一成。     “帝江祖巫多谢你的指点,就这样一会的功夫,让我的空间法则提升了一成,现在,你已经不是我的对手了。”说完,就全力的施展空间法则,往帝江的身上击去。     可是,就在这个时候,星辰子就突然感觉到有几个强大的气息,快速的靠近着这里。“哈哈哈,星辰子你今天必死无疑。”     “帝江,你不要高兴的太早了,只要,你们祖巫不能布出十二都天神煞大阵,那么,就算是你们十二祖巫齐聚,也不可能奈何得了我。”     “星辰子,你还真是自信,只是,希望你这真的是自信,而不是自大,要不然的话,这约战就是一个笑话了。”说完,就连连出拳往星辰子的身上砸去。     硬碰硬了几次之后,星辰子就感觉到身体中,出现了许多的伤口,“真是厉害的祖巫真身。”说完,就闪到一边,感叹的看着帝江。     “星辰子,你现在才知道祖巫真身的厉害了,太迟了,你给我去死吧。”说完,就满脸杀气的看着星辰子。     “既然,你们祖巫想要至我于死地,那么,你们就不要怪,心狠了。混沌之力给我来。”星辰子的话音刚落,就全力的施展空间法则,将混沌之中的混沌之力给接引下来,然后,星辰子的身上就快速的出现一副星辰图,将帝江给笼罩在里面。“周天星斗大阵给我起。”     看到星辰子一个人,就将周天星斗大阵给布置出来以后,帝江就不可置信的看着星辰子道“星辰子,你怎么可能布置出周天星斗大阵呢?”     “我的本体为星辰果树,这周天星斗大阵本该为我所有,我能布置出又有什么可奇怪的呢?帝江你给我去死吧,我倒要看一看巫族失去了你以后,还能不能布置出十二都天神煞大阵,流星一击。”     星辰子的话音刚落,那周天星斗大阵之中,就出现一个巨大的星辰,随后,就隐藏到大阵之中,再次出现的时候,就狠狠的击在了帝江的身上,直接将击飞了出去。     “帝江,你给我去死吧。”说完,就祭出鸿蒙尺,将周天星斗大阵之中的力量注入到其中,然后,快速的往帝江的身上击去,准备一举将帝江给击杀了。     “星辰子,你敢击杀我大哥的话,那么,我们巫族绝对和你们,截教不死不休。”说完,其他的祖巫,就疯狂的往周天星斗大阵上击去,准备将周天星斗大阵给击破,好将帝江给救出来。     “是吗,你们敢杀截教的弟子,我就敢将你们巫族灭族,不相信的话,你可以试一试。”说完,就不在理会其他的祖巫,快速的往帝江的身上击去。     当鸿蒙尺击到帝江身上的时候,直接将帝江的祖巫真身,给击散,让他再次恢复人形,身体多处留血,脸色苍白,好像随时会死去一样。     “原来如此,帝江没想到在死亡和暴露巫族最大的秘密之间,你选择了生存,将巫族最大的秘密暴露了出来。帝江你也不过如此,你说要是我将你们巫族最大的秘密公布于众,你们祖巫的下场会怎么样呢?”说完,星辰子就戏谑的看着帝江。     听到这话以后,帝江不禁是感觉到一阵的羞怒,自己又吐出了一口血,吐出了这口血以后,帝江的身体就变得虚幻了起来,好像随时都能消失了一样。     可是,就在星辰子准备再次出手,将帝江给彻底击杀的时候,从六道轮回之中突然传来一股力量,将星辰子的周天星斗大阵给破除了。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就脸色难看的看着六道轮回的方向道“后土,你以为利用六道轮回的力量,将周天星斗大阵破除了,就能保住帝江的命,真是天真的想法。”     “星辰子,你要是敢杀祖巫的话,我绝对和你不死不休,到时候,哪怕是将六道轮回毁灭,我也要将你给杀死,你信不信。”说完,就在星辰子的不远处,凝聚出了自己的虚影。     听到后土的话以后,其他的祖巫都是得意的看着星辰子,“是吗,那么,我们就不是不休好了。”说完,就趁着大家都没有反应过来之前,用鸿蒙尺击到帝江的身上,一下子将帝江给击杀了。     “星辰子,你竟然敢杀害我大哥,我一定要你死。”说完,就准备再次抽取六道轮回之力来攻击星辰子。“后土还你敢再动手吗,要是,你再抽取六道轮回之力的话,那么,你将失去六道轮回的控制权,到时候,我看你怎么成圣?”     听到这话以后,后土虚影不禁是吃惊的看着星辰子道“星辰子,你知道我能成圣?”“当然知道,要是六道轮回的功德,还不能成圣的话,那么,其余的几位圣人怎么能成圣呢?”  第二十三章选择     “星辰子,既然你知道我能成圣,为什么还要杀死我大哥,难道,你以为我不能杀死你吗?”。说完,后土虚影就直直的盯着星辰子想要知道星辰子,有什么凭仗,让他如此的肆意妄为。     “谁要杀我,我就杀谁。我星辰子不是一个坐以待毙的人,要是,其他祖巫也想要杀我的话,那么,休怪我无情。”说完,就冷冷的扫了其他的祖巫一眼。     听到这话以后,后土虚影的眼睛一转,随后,就直直的盯着星辰子道“那要是整个巫族的人都要杀的话,你是不是要将巫族给灭族呢?”     看到后土虚影直直的盯着自己以后,星辰子就和后土虚影对视了起来,一会之后,就坚定的看着后土虚影道“是。”说完这话以后,星辰子就感觉到自己浑身上下,好像是去掉了一层枷锁,让他感觉到一阵的轻松,对四周的空间法则感悟也变得更加的清晰起来。看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容。     而后土虚影听到星辰子的回答以后,脸上也是露出了一丝的计谋得逞的笑容,看着后土虚影脸上的笑容,星辰子的笑容也变得神秘莫测起来。而就在这个时候,星辰子突然感觉到鸿蒙尺一阵的跳动,好像要逃脱自己的控制一样。     看着星辰子手上跳动的鸿蒙尺以后,后土脸上的笑容就更加的浓了。“星辰子,这鸿蒙尺乃是父神开天是的功德所化,含有父神的一丝意志,你之前将我大哥击杀,现在更是直接说要将巫族灭族,那么,你与父神之前的因果,就已经消失,鸿蒙尺自然不会再归你所有,现在我倒要看一看,你星辰子失去了鸿蒙尺以后,还拿什么来对抗我们巫族。”说完,后土虚影就得意的笑了起来。     而其他祖巫听到后土虚影的话以后,也是哈哈大笑起来,“星辰子,待会我们就杀了你,为帝江大哥报仇。”看着手中剧烈跳动的鸿蒙尺,星辰子深深的看了金鳌岛一样。     然后,不在意的笑了笑道“没想到,鸿蒙尺中竟然留有盘古大神的意志,既然,你想要离开我,我强留也没有什么意思,你走吧。”说完,就主动将鸿蒙尺中的元神给收了回来,放鸿蒙尺离开。     鸿蒙尺离开星辰子的掌控以后,就感觉到后土虚影身上那属于盘古的气息,随后,鸿蒙尺就快速的往后土虚影之中飞去,直接认后土为主,看到鸿蒙尺认自己为主以后,后土虚影的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容。     “星辰子,我看你没有鸿蒙尺在手,今天怎么活下去,还有,你不要指望你老师通天圣人会来救你,在你击杀大哥,说出要将巫族灭族和放弃鸿蒙尺的时候,你和他之间的师徒之缘,就消失了。帝江大哥,一会我们就为你报仇。”说完,就畅快的笑了起来。     听到后土虚影的笑声以后,星辰子就面无表情的转过身来,看着东海金鳌岛的方向。而在金鳌岛之中修炼的通天,看到星辰子动作以后,就叹了一口气,然后,身形一闪消失在金鳌岛之中,再次出现的时候,已经是在星辰子的不远处来了。     “星辰子,你为什么要这样做?”说完,就直直的看着星辰子等待着他的回答。“老师,巫妖两族的人,都想要置弟子于死地,弟子如此作为,只不过是自保罢了。”说完,就平静的看着通天。     两个人对视一会以后,通天就无力的叹了一口气道“星辰子,截教现在已经容不下你了,你现在和巫妖之间的因果太深,要是,我现在不将你逐出截教的话,你和巫妖之间的业力,将会落在截教之上,到时候,我截教将有覆灭的危险。为师不能眼睁睁的看着截教覆灭。”说完,通天就直直的盯着星辰子。     听到这话以后,星辰子就直直的跪在通天的面前,给通天磕了九个响头“多谢老师的多年的教化之恩,老师的恩情弟子不敢忘,若有机会弟子一定会报答老师您的。从今天起我星辰子叛出截教,从此与截教与通天圣人再无一丝的关系,天道为证。”最后一句话,星辰子是用大法力说出,让洪荒上的所有人听得清楚。     看着星辰子的举动,通天的眼中满是复杂,深深的看了星辰子一眼,无力的叹了一口气之后,就转身回到金鳌岛之中。看到通天离开了以后,星辰子闭上了眼睛,直直的立在那里动也不动的。     “星辰子,现在我看还有谁会来救你,你给我去向我帝江大哥忏悔去吧。”说完,浊九阴就快速的往星辰子的身上击去。     “对付你们祖巫,我星辰子一人就足够了。”“是吗,好大的口气。”浊九阴的话音刚落,他的拳头就已经击到了星辰子的身上。     看到这种情况以后,浊九阴的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容,只是很快他的笑容,就凝固在了脸上,原来,他击中的星辰子的身体之后,星辰子的身体突然想镜片一样破碎开来。     “空间镜像,星辰子你怎么可能将空间法则领悟到这种程度呢?”说完,浊九阴就戒备的看着四周,防止星辰子偷袭自己。     “浊九阴,你放心吧,我星辰子要杀你的话,你再防备也没有用的。”说完,星辰子就出现在浊九阴的不远处,藐视的看着浊九阴。     “好大的口气,星辰子你不要忘记了,我领悟的时间法则并不比你空间法则差,你有什么资格藐视于我呢?”     “要是,你浊九阴真的领悟时间法则的话,你确实能和我一较高下,可是,浊九阴你真的领悟了时间法则了吗?”。说完,星辰子就戏谑的看着浊九阴。     看着星辰子眼中的戏谑,浊九阴的心中升起一丝不妙的感觉,可是,随后一想星辰子不可能知道巫族最大的秘密,于是就故作疑惑的看着星辰子道“星辰子你刚才那话是什么意思我不太明白?”     “浊九阴你是真的不明白,还是,不相信我已经知道了你们巫族最大的秘密了呢?”“什么最大的秘密,星辰子我不太明白你说的话?”     不好意思之前,家里出了一点事情耽误了更新,之前欠的我会尽快补上。  第二十四章意外的联手     “浊九阴你们都明白的,只是,你们在装糊涂,或是不相信罢了。”说完,星辰子就微笑的看着浊九阴。     而就在这个时候,后土虚影突然对着其他的祖巫传音道“各位哥哥,玄冥姐姐赶紧动手,将星辰子给击杀了,他已经知道了我们祖巫的秘密了。”听到后土虚影的传音以后,其余祖巫看向星辰子的目光中就充满了震惊和杀机。     “后土,其实你可以大大方方的告诉他们,我已经知道了你们巫族的最大的秘密,只要,我将这个秘密给公布出来的话,那么,你们祖巫就将变得堪比拥有四十八道禁制顶级先天灵宝一样珍贵的存在。”     听到星辰子的话以后,浊九阴几人的脸色,变得难看起来,然后,快速的往星辰子的身上击去,想要阻止星辰子,将他们巫族最大的秘密,给公布出来。     看到浊九阴等人的动作以后,星辰子的脸上,就露出一丝不屑的笑容“现在,才想要阻止,是不是太迟了,而且,你们阻止得了领悟空间法则的我吗?”。说完,星辰子的身体,就消失在众人的面前。     而就在这个时候,帝俊和东皇太一等人就出现在不远处,“星辰子,告诉我们巫族最大的秘密,只要你将这个秘密,告诉我们妖族的话,那么,我们妖族保证不会再找你的麻烦。”说完,帝俊就在那里静静的等待起来。     “是吗,你妖族不找我麻烦,我还准备和你算一算之前的账呢,不过,在找你们算账之前,我就先将巫族最大的秘密,公布洪荒。让你们也尝尝时刻被人惦记的滋味。”说完,星辰子的身影,就出现在巫妖的正中间。     “星辰子,你要想清楚,要是你将我们巫族最大的秘密给公布出来以后,我们巫族就真的和你不死不休了,你可要想出再说。而且,我们祖巫不是好惹的,我相信敢伸手到我们祖巫身上的人不多。”说完,后土虚影就直直的盯着星辰子,眼中满是警告和杀气。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    而就在这个时候,星辰子突然感觉一股大功德,往天庭之中涌去,看到这种情况以后,星辰子掐指一算,随后,就知道了其中的原因,原来,是帝俊和羲和两个人完成了天婚,得到了大功德,现在看来的话,帝俊应该能借着这次的大功德将善尸斩出,并更近一步吧。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子不仅没有一丝的担心,反而对十年之后的约战更加的期待了,只是,现在他需要去验证一下自己心中的猜测,所以,就将自己的心中的兴奋给压了下去,然后,划开壁障快速的往金鳌岛走去。     而在修炼的通天感觉到星辰子往金鳌岛走来以后,不禁是一阵的疑惑,不知道,星辰子这个时候,来金鳌岛有什么事情。“童子,你去将金鳌岛外面,将星辰子接进来。”“是,谨遵老爷吩咐。”说完,就往金鳌岛外面,将刚到外面的星辰子给接引了进来。     “弟子星辰子,拜见老师。”“星辰子,你起来吧,星辰子你这个时候,来找为师,可是有什么事情吗?”。“老师,不知道,那定海神珠可在老师您的手中。”     听到星辰子的这话以后,通天不禁是一愣,随后,苦笑着开口道“二十四颗定海神珠,已经不在为师的手中了,它被为师赐给你赵公明师弟了,怎么星辰子你需要定海神珠吗?”。说完,就直直的看着星辰子。     “没有,弟子只是需要定海神珠来印证一下,弟子心中的想法罢了。”听到这话以后,通天不禁是松了一口气,要是,星辰子想要问他要定海神珠的话,他还真有些为难。“既然如此的话,那么,你就去三仙岛找你赵公明师弟吧。”     “是,多谢老师指点。那么,弟子就先告辞了。”说完,星辰子就往三仙岛走去。不到一会的时间,星辰子就来到三仙岛外面。     “赵公明师弟,三宵师妹,师兄星辰子有事相求,还望四位能出来一见。”说完,星辰子就在外面静静的等了起来。     而三宵和赵公明四人接到星辰子的传音以后,这眉头不禁是皱了起来,他们和星辰子没有一点交际,不知道,星辰子要求他们什么事情。     “大哥,大姐我们和星辰子又不认识,不如,就让身边的童子,去告诉他,我们不在,让他离开,你们觉得怎么样呀?”说完,碧霄就直直的看着云霄和赵公明两人。     听到碧霄的话以后,云霄和赵公明的脸上,不禁是露出了一丝的为难。“这样不好吧,毕竟,星辰子再怎么说,都是我们的师兄,我们没必要将他给得罪死吧,不然,我们去问一下,他来找我们有什么事情吧?”说完,赵公明就直直的看着云霄。     “大哥,你担心什么呀,得罪死了就得罪死了呗,难道,星辰子他还敢报复我们不成,要是,他敢报复我们的话,我们三姐妹就让他尝尝九曲黄河阵厉害。反正,我不喜欢他,本事不大,惹事的本事却是不小,最好是十年之后,被巫妖两族的人,给击杀了,省得是连累到我们截教的气运。”     听到碧霄如此的说道以后,三人都开始犹豫了起来,过了一会,那云霄就开口道“大哥在我们这里的事情,很少有人知道,而星辰子这个时候来,说不定是老师告诉他的,既然如此的话,我们就见一见他,看看他找我们有什么事情吧,到时候,只要事情有些为难,我们直接拒绝了就是。”说完,云霄就让身边的童子将星辰子给迎了进来。     一会之后,星辰子就进入到三仙岛之中,只是这星辰子才进入到三仙岛之中,那碧霄就质问道“星辰子你来我们三仙岛有什么事情吗?”。     看到碧霄无礼以后,星辰子的眉头不禁是皱了起来,疑惑的看着碧霄道“师妹,不知道我有什么地方得罪了你吗?”。“没有只是我看你不爽,星辰子你还快说来我们三仙岛有什么事情求我们吧?”说完,就不耐烦的看着星辰子。  第二十章莫名的敌意     看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸色也变得难看起来,本来星辰子在来之前,还打算借着这件事情,让自己欠他们四人一个因果,好以此在封神大战的时候就他们四人一命。现在,看来根本就没有这个必要。     有了决定以后,星辰子就直直的看着赵公明道“赵公明师弟,我想借你的定海神珠参悟一年的时间,作为交换,我告诉你一个消息,不知道,你意下如何呢?”     只是,星辰子的话音刚落,碧霄就迫不及待的开口道“星辰子,你的算计是不是太好了一些,一个消息就想要借我大哥的定海神珠参悟一年的时间,当我们四人都是白痴吗?想必对于参悟二十四颗定海神珠,这件事情对你一定很重要,既然如此的话,你就拿一件上品先天灵宝来换一年的参悟时间吧,要不然的话,你就滚出三仙岛,这里不欢迎你这样的人。”说完,碧霄就戏谑的看着星辰子。     “碧霄你放肆了,我不管怎么说都是你的师兄,你如此无礼,不怕老师怪罪吗?”。说完,星辰子就直直的看着碧霄。     “我们可没有将你当成我们的师兄,还有,星辰子你尽管将这件事情告诉老师,我倒要看一看老师是帮你还是我们四人。”说完,就得意的看着星辰子。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就深深的看着碧霄,而其他的三人看到星辰子直直的看着碧霄以后,就连忙来到碧霄的身边,戒备的看着星辰子,生怕星辰子会伤害到碧霄一样。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就叹了一口气“记住你们今天的话,希望以后,你们不会后悔,还有,我这个消息是关系到赵公明你和另外一个人成道的因果。这成道的因果有多大,我想不需要我来说明一下吧,我星辰子不是任人敲诈的人,你们若是不愿意,我转身就走,绝对不会纠缠你们的。”     “星辰子,你说的是不是真的。”说完,云霄就谨慎的看着星辰子,害怕星辰子欺骗与他。     “当然是真的。要是你们不相信的话,我可以对天发誓。”听到星辰子如此的说道以后,赵公明和三宵四人都沉默起来。     过了一会以后,赵公明就开口道“好,星辰子,我答应你的条件,将定海神珠借你参悟一年的时间,你告诉我和另外一人成道的因果吧。”说完这话以后,赵公明就将自己的二十四颗定海神珠,递到了星辰子的面前。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就接过赵公明手中的二十四颗定海神珠“你想要将二十四颗定海神珠演化成二十四个小世界,必须先得到乾坤尺才能演化成功,而乾坤尺在燃灯道人的手中。所以,除非你放弃二十四颗定海神珠,要不然的话,你们两个人必定会有一战。一年之后,我会放开二十四颗定海神珠,到时候,赵公明你自己将它召回即可”说完这话以后,星辰子就直接消失在众人的面前。     看着星辰子视三仙岛的禁制如无物的时候,云霄不禁是一阵的吃惊,没想到,星辰子的修为如此的高,想起刚才对星辰子的无礼,云霄不禁有了一丝的担心。     可是,就在这个时候,云霄突然听到一声冷哼声传来“什么吗,就凭这样一个不知道真假的消息,就将二十四颗定海神珠借给星辰子,大哥你是不是太草率了一些,我们刚才就应该让星辰子对天发誓的。你看,星辰子拿到二十四颗定海神珠之后,就马上离开了,大哥我看星辰子的那个消息十有八九是假的,大哥你还是将二十四颗定海神珠给召回来吧,那毕竟是你的成道灵宝,要是出了什么意外可就不好了。”说完,碧霄就直直的看着赵公明。     “三妹,这样不好吧,我的感觉告诉我,星辰子他没有骗我,要是我现在将二十四颗定海神珠给收回来的话,那么,必将和他结下因果,再怎么说星辰子都是我们截教的人,到时候,星辰子有什么损伤就不好了。”说完这话以后,赵公明就为难的看着碧霄。     “哈哈,大哥你放心吧,就凭星辰子现在的修为,根本就活不到十年的时间,大哥你是不是忘记了,星辰子十年之后,就要履行和巫妖两族的约战了,而且,刚才那星辰子刚才差点就对我出手,大哥你可要给我出一口气呀。”说完,碧霄就恳求的看着赵公明。     看到这种情况以后,赵公明就看了琼宵,看到她他同意了之后就点了点头道“好吧,既然如此,那么,我就将二十四颗定海神珠收回来,算是给星辰子一个教训,给小妹你出一口气。”     “大哥,你对我真是太好了。”说完,就满脸笑容的看着赵公明。看到这种情况以后,赵公明就无奈的笑了笑,然后,双手连连往虚空之中打出一串手印,完了之后,就让二十四颗定海神珠之中的元神印记,对星辰子传音道“星辰子,我不相信你告诉我的消息,所以,恕我不能将二十四颗定海神珠借给你了。”     赵公明的话音刚落,二十四颗定海神珠就遁入到虚空之中,消失在星辰子的面前。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸色就变得难看起来,然后,回头看着三仙岛的方向轻声道“赵公明,三宵你们既然如此的算计于我,日后自有你们偿还此因果的时候,希望到时候,你们不会后悔今日的决定。”说完这话以后,星辰子就回到自己的瀛洲岛之中。     而在金鳌岛之中的通天看到这种情况以后,脸上就闪过了一丝的不悦,不过,三宵毕竟是自己喜爱的弟子,自己也不忍心太过责怪,最后,就无力叹了一口气,打算替三宵了结于星辰子的因果。     却说,当星辰子来到瀛洲岛的时候,就看到妖师鲲鹏正在不远处,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就开口问道“鲲鹏道友,不知道你在这里等我,可是,有什么事情吗?”。     听到星辰子称呼自己为道友的时候,鲲鹏的眉头不禁是皱了起来,然后,直直的看着星辰子,当他发现自己看不起星辰子的时候,就微微一笑道“我听说星辰子道友,你要挑战我们妖族,所以,过来看一看道友你有没有这个资格,现在,看来你星辰子确实不凡,竟然能在这么短的时间里,就达到准圣境界,让我不禁都想要和道友你切磋一下,不知道,星辰子道友你可愿意呀。”说完,就直直的看着星辰子。  第二十一章战     听到鲲鹏的话以后,星辰子就深深的看着鲲鹏,而鲲鹏看到星辰子看着自己以后,就微微一笑。过了一会,星辰子才开口道“看来我的身上有什么东西让道友你感兴趣了,所以,道友你才会来找我吧,既然如此的话,那么,就让我们痛快的一战吧。”说完,星辰子就将鸿蒙尺给祭了出来,然后,微笑的看着鲲鹏。     看到这种情况以后,鲲鹏也将自己的灵宝妖师宫给祭了出来,然后,就在一旁等待星辰子的攻击,“既然如此的话,那么我就不客气了,道友你接我一招阴阳击。”     星辰子的话音刚落,鲲鹏就看到星辰子的身体之中出现了一道太极图案,然后,快速的往他的身上击来。感觉到太极图案的威势以后,鲲鹏不敢有一丝的大意,连忙将妖师宫往太极图案上砸去。     可是,就在这个时候,太极图案上突然出现一团阴阳二气,将妖师宫给牢牢的拖住,“鲲鹏道友,你还是拿出真本事来吧,要不然的话,是奈何不了我的。”     “好,既然如此的话,那么,星辰子道友我就不客气了。”说完,就发出一道风刃往那太极图案是击去。看到这种情况以后,星辰子就连忙施展开空间法则,将那风刃给击散。     看到星辰子施展开空间法则以后,鲲鹏的眼睛一亮,然后,直直的盯着那空间法则,生怕有一丝的错过。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子的眼中一亮,随即就明白鲲鹏为什么回来找自己了,想清楚了之后,星辰子就施展开空间法则闪到了一边,微笑的看着鲲鹏道“鲲鹏道友,你想要参悟我的空间法则,看来道友你的野心不小呀?”     听到星辰子戏谑的声音,鲲鹏先是一愣,随后,就大大方方的承认道“不错,我正有此意,毕竟,我的敌人不是一般的强大,这人是谁,我想星辰子道友你也知道。”     听到这话以后,星辰子就知道鲲鹏说的敌人是谁了,“鲲鹏,你放弃吧,你不是适合领悟时间法则或是空间法则中的一种,强行而为,对你没有好处的,而且,就算你面前领悟到一丝空间法则或是时间法则,你也绝对不能将它修炼到小成境界的。”     “怎么会这样,星辰子道友你不会是骗我吧。”说完,就直直的盯着星辰子想要确定星辰子说的是不是真的。     “我没有骗你。”听到这话以后,鲲鹏就沉默起来,过了一会才看着星辰子道“星辰子道友,你能告诉我其中的缘由,要是道友你告诉我其中的缘由,那么,我鲲鹏欠道友你一个因果,不知道,道友你觉得怎么样呀?”     “抱歉,其中的原因,我不能告诉鲲鹏道友你,可是,我可以对天发誓,我没有骗你。”说完,星辰子就直直的看着鲲鹏。     两个人对视了一会以后,鲲鹏就叹了一口气“星辰子道友我相信你说,多谢道友你的提醒,鲲鹏欠道友你一个因果,我还有事就先离开了。”说完话以后,鲲鹏就施展开风之法则,回到北冥之中。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子也回到瀛洲岛之中,开始调整期自己的状态来,就这样平静的,过去十年的时间。     “五百年之约已经到了,那么,我也该去了结因果,以后好安心的修炼了。”说完,星辰子就往瀛洲岛外面走去。     星辰子一出瀛洲岛,就感觉到虚空之中隐藏着不少的人,这些人应该都巫妖两族的人,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就微微一笑,然后,就快速的往祖巫殿走去。     星辰子刚进入巫族的势力范围不久,他就看到帝江祖巫出现在他的不远处。“星辰子,没想到,你竟然真的敢来履行五百年之约,难道,你以为凭你现在的实力,能和我们巫族对抗了吗?”。     说完,帝江就脸色难看的看着星辰子,要知道,当初星辰子可是和巫妖两族一起定下的约战,现在,先来他们巫族,不是在说他们巫族的实力,不如妖族吗。     “当初我既然敢定下约战,自然有胆子来,帝江祖巫,我们还是不要再说什么废话直接开战吧。”说完,星辰子就将鸿蒙尺给祭了出来。     “星辰子,既然你着急着找死,那么,我就成全你,我倒要看一看,将你击杀了之后,你的老师通天,能将我怎么样。”说完,就拿出自己自己的巫器空间之杖,往星辰子的身上击去。     当空间之杖和鸿蒙尺碰到一起之后,帝江就看到自己的空间之杖上竟然出现了一丝的裂痕,而星辰子在和自己硬碰了一击之后,也没有一丝的后退,看来星辰子的肉身也达到准圣的境界。     看到这种情况,帝江不禁是吃惊的看着星辰子,他没想到星辰子竟然能再五百年的时间里达到准圣的境界,而星辰子看到帝江吃惊的看着自己以后,脸色就露出了一丝的笑容。     “星辰子你不要高兴的太早了,你以为你的肉身达到准圣境界了之后,就能和我们祖巫对抗了吗,真是太小看我们祖巫了,现在我就让你看一看什么是祖巫。”说完这话以后,帝江就现出了自己的祖巫真身,然后,发出了一道空间法则之力,往星辰子的身上击去。     只是,当星辰子看到帝江的攻击以后,眉头不禁是皱了起来,原来,帝江虽然也将空间法则领悟到了小成境界,可是,他的空间之力,却是伪空间之力。
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    "Earth Zu Wu did not expect, you can find my trace, really made me curious?" although Donghuang Taiyi to earth to speak, but the eye is stared straight at the stars, want to know what is the stars of choice.After seeing the stars look straight too has been Dong Huang, watching the stars son also want to know straight after his choice, after seeing the two men looked at his son, the stars light said "earth ancestral witch will not, I told the secret stars Sunday a large array of ancestral witch, I assume the causal no, but now I don't need to use the power of the stars to restore the origin, so the ancestral witch you change or a condition"After hearing the stars son so said, but is a regret, after then, and some did not give up the opening of "the stars, you really do not intend to deliver the mystery of a large array of stars Sunday to the family, if you like it, I can call you then, what I merit for a successful German. The merit is, I think you are clear"Hear the soil conditions, can not help but there is a star child heart, just think, after Sunday will tell the secret to a large array of stars involved in the causal sorcery clan then stars son on the firm to the earth shook his head. After seeing this, the earth can not help is regret and sigh, Donghuang Taiyi it gave a satisfied smile.In too much of a smile, let the stars son frowned is tighter, "then I would change a child stars, Hoshi Ko and I want you in the final battle of the lich, holding a progenitor witch, this is the last one, if I can't promise you. If so, please leave it"After hearing the soil conditions, Hoshi Ko's face showed a wry smile, the earth really is the ancestral witch highly of yourself, think themselves in the battle of the Lich and involved in the qualification, however, at this time, Hoshi Ko's ear suddenly out of the sound of Babel "stars, you promised to the soil conditions"After hearing this, I was surprised to see the stars son back, do not know how he knew his teacher has been concerned here. Don't, what happens to the earth's body?Dismal results also hope you can appreciate your support, looking at the lone star is not easy to codeword's sake.The twelfth chapter promises"I promise you Houtu ancestral witch, conditions." the words of the child after hearing the stars, the earth's face, can not help but be a glimmer of a smile, but after hearing the stars too Dong Huang, is showing a hint of disdain "yes, the stars, at that time, I see how you in we demon clan forces, under the protection of a ancestral witch""This is not to worry about the demon emperor you, my own way." hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi is cold to hum a, then go to heaven, wait until after the Donghuang Taiyi left the earth to Jin ao Island, the direction for a ritual way "thank you, brother the promise of Babel"Wait until after the ceremony after the earth, looking at the stars "sub curious stars, I want you to know that my mission is what, tell me""After your ancestral witch mission, the body is of six, let the world have a soul belonging, let them be reincarnated." after hearing this, the earth's eyes, and then stared straight at the stars saying "what is six, how to let the soul in turn the world?""Six into heaven, humanity, Asuras, hungry ghosts, animals, hell these six. Six in the palm of their duties, according to the person's virtues and karma into the road. What in heaven, humanity, Asura is three, as a reincarnation of virtuous people the hungry., beast, hell for the next three, there is a karmic reincarnation of people. The other eighteen layers of hell, this is let the evil, sin"The stars of the Carter, he closed his eyes as if after epiphany, who is a strong force of heaven, after seeing this, Hoshi Ko's eyes gave a clear understanding, it's force already hidden in the body of the earth, no wonder, after the soil can know the emperor too much of a coming and teachers have been concerned about their own things.After a while, after Ancestral witch just opened eyes, then looked at the stars "complex sub stars son friends, you really extraordinary, actually, can know my things, then, friends may wish to witness the birth of six on the side?""Of course." he said, smiling at you. After a while the earth earth ancestral witch nostalgia has a look at the ancestral witch temple, is now out of their ancestral witch Mami.After feeling after Ancestral witch momentum, appeared on earth "as the ancestral witch, I don't know, you can have what thing?""I want to borrow your friends in a sea of Blood River." after hearing after answer, the eyebrows furrowed, "please friends say, what to do by the sea?""I want to build a six at the bottom for public use is the soul of reincarnation, Providence, the friends hope you don't stop"After hearing of the soil, the soil body at the thick of Tao, the know it is true, then smiled since it is fate, I naturally will not stop, you even though you borrow it. "Then, stand aside at the earth.After seeing this, the earth is facing the sky said "there is a sense of Pangu earth, the soul, may of reincarnation gives a reincarnation of“见过后土祖巫。”说完,星辰子和冥河两个人就对着后土行了一礼,受了两个人的礼以后,后土就淡淡的开口道“从此再无祖巫后土,只有六道轮回平心娘娘。”说完这话以后,平心娘娘就消失在冥河和星辰子的面前。     等到平心消失了以后,冥河不禁是好奇的打量起星辰子来,说实话他对星辰子能比他和后土两个人,早知道六道轮回的事情十分的好奇。     而星辰子看到冥河直直的盯着自己以后,就面带不悦的开口道“不知道,前辈你如此的盯着我,可是有什么事情吗?”。看到星辰子脸上的不悦,冥河就不在意的笑了笑“我只是有些好奇,星辰子你是怎么知道六道轮回的事情的呢?”     “这是晚辈的秘密,无可奉告。”说完这话以后,星辰子就往东海瀛洲岛走去,这次观看后土祖巫化六道轮回,让星辰子有了一些领悟,所以,准备回瀛洲岛好好的闭关一番,好为去混沌之中补足本源的事情做准备。     看到星辰子的动作以后,冥河并没有阻拦,而是回到了血海之中。星辰子回到瀛洲岛一闭关就是五百年的时间,在这五百年的时间里,星辰子将元神的境界突破到了大罗金仙境界初期,并且完全巩固。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就满意的笑了笑,然后,就往金鳌岛走去,只是他才出了瀛洲岛,就看到自己的老师通天已经是在不远处等着他了。     于是,星辰子就连忙来到通天的面前行了一礼道“弟子星辰子拜见老师。”“星辰子,你果然没有让为师失望,竟然这么快就达到了进入混沌之中的要求,走吧,我们现在就到混沌之中去,混沌不比洪荒,那里时刻充满危险,有为师为你护法,你才能安心恢复本源。”说完这话以后,就不待星辰子说什么,就带着他进入到混沌之中。     等到进入到混沌以后,通天就快速的找了一个适合星辰子修炼的地方,“星辰子,你现在就在这里安心的补足自己的本源吧。”“是,有劳老师您为弟子护法了。”说完这话以后,星辰子就坐了下来,吸收起混沌之气修炼起周天星辰体来。     成绩惨淡还望各位能看着孤星码字不易的份上支持一下,万分感谢。  第十三章 法则     只是,星辰子才刚吸收一缕混沌之气,进入到自己的身体之中,他就感觉到混沌之气,肆意的破坏着他的身体,不一会的时间他的身体就多处出现破损。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就现出了自己的本体,一株巨大的星辰树,就出现在通天的面前,现出了本体以后,星辰子身体里的情况好了一些。     只是,还没有等到他高兴,就感觉到四周的混沌之气快速的涌入到星辰树之中,看到这种情况以后,星辰子只能是加快转化,让混沌之气更加快速的变成星辰之力,快速的补充着自己的本源。可是,星辰之力是在是太多,一时之间,星辰子感觉到自己要被撑爆了一样。     而一直关注着星辰子的通天,看到星辰子的异状以后,就连忙开口提醒道“星辰子,你尝试一下,看看能不能沟通洪荒世界之中的星辰,将这多余的星辰之力,送入到洪荒星辰之中。”     听到通天的提醒以后,星辰子就连忙开始感应起洪荒世界来,因为,星辰树和周天星辰有密切的关系,星辰子只是一会的功夫,就感应到了洪荒之中的星辰。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸色就露出了一丝的笑容,只是,当他想要将身体之中多余的星辰之力,送到洪荒星辰之中的时候,却被混沌和洪荒之间的空间壁障给阻挡住。              “是的,老师。”说完,就不再隐藏自己身上的空间法则波动,感觉到星辰子身上的空间法则波动以后,通天就得意的哈哈大笑起来道“好,真是太好了,看来这三教第一人的名头,是要落在你的身上了,真是期待二师兄他知道你领悟了空间法则时候的表情。”     听到通天的笑声,星辰子的脸上也是露出了一丝的笑容。过了一会,通天就平静下来,直直的看着星辰子道“既然,你已经是领悟了空间法则,那么,这混沌之气也不能伤害到你了,为师就先回去,你就在混沌之中好好的修炼,争取早日达到准圣境界。好为,为师出一口气,知道了没有?”     “是,老师弟子知道了。”听到话以后,通天就往金鳌岛走去,等到通天离开了以后,星辰子就开始修炼起来,因为现在他的身体比之前强大了十几倍,混沌之气已经不能再伤害到他的身体。所以,星辰子只花了十年的时间就将本源全部补足。     当本源全部补足的时候,星辰子就感觉到一阵的圆满,心灵更像是去了一层枷锁一样。看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容。只是,之后想起自己曾经吸收了不少的星辰之力恢复本源,现在自己本源已经恢复,那么,就将自己之前吸收的那些星辰之力还给洪荒之中的星辰吧。  第十四章交易     有了这样的想法以后,星辰子就来到混沌和洪荒的壁障之中,吸收起混沌之气,并将它们转化成星辰之力,送入到洪荒的星辰之中。     花了五十年的时间,星辰子将之前自己吸收的洪荒星辰之力,全部都还给了洪荒星辰,等到做完了一切以后,星辰子的心中就感觉到一阵的轻松。     看向壁障之中的空间之力的时候,就感觉到更加的清晰,领悟起空间法则的速度来更加的快了,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就再次开始领悟起空间之力来。     只是,当他将空间法则领悟到一成五分的时候,就发现自己对空间法则的领悟,变得艰难起来,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就知道自己差不多一件是到了瓶颈了。     于是,停了下来,看着不远处的混沌之力道“我现在的本源尽复,那么,就让我看一看能不能,将身体之中周天星辰虚影,用混沌之力凝聚出来,要是能成功的话,那么,以后自己的一击,就能达到周天星斗大阵一次攻击的威力,到了那时,洪荒之中除了圣人之外,再无人是我的对手。”     想到这以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容,然后,就探入到混沌之中,只是,他才一脚踏入混沌之中,就感觉到自己来到一座宫殿的之前,看着上面的写着的紫霄宫的时候,星辰子不仅是一阵的吃惊,不知道,自己怎么会来到这个地方。     而就在星辰子吃惊的时候,紫霄宫的宫门突然打开“星辰子道友,道祖让你进去。”“有劳道兄了。”说完,就跟着昊天来到鸿钧的面前。     “徒孙,星辰子拜见师公。”说完,就对着鸿钧行了一礼。“起来吧。”听到这话以后,星辰子就抬起头来,疑惑的看着鸿钧,不知道,他将自己招到紫霄宫中,可是有什么事情。     不过鸿钧并没有先开口,而是打量起星辰子来,等到大殿之中只剩下星辰子和鸿钧两个人以后,星辰子就开口问道“师公,不知道,你将徒孙招来,可是有什么事情吗?”。说完,不禁有些担心的看着鸿钧。     “星辰子,你不必担心,我之所以将你招来,是天道想要从你的身上,得到一件东西,不知道,你可愿意?”“喔,徒孙的身上,竟然,还有能让天道想要的东西,还真是稀奇,不知道,天道想要从徒孙的身上得到什么东西呢?”说完,就戒备的看着鸿钧。     “天道,想要你身上时空法则烙印中的时间法则烙印,不知道,你可愿意?”说完,就直直的看着星辰子。     而星辰子听到鸿钧的话以后,不禁是一阵的疑惑,不知道,自己的身上怎么会有时空法则烙印,而就在这个时候,星辰子想到自己见到空间之力的时候,那莫名的熟悉感,看来这时空法则烙印,应该是在自己穿越的时候,烙印到自己身上的。     “看来,你已经是知道你身上时空法则烙印的来源了,不知道,你可愿意将时空法则烙印之中的时间法则烙印给天道呢?”说完,就微笑的看着星辰子。     “我可以将时间法则烙印给天道,只是不知道,天道打算拿出什么担心来换呢?还有,之前天道的算计我,让我迷失在空间之力的事情,准备怎么了结。”     只是,星辰子的话音刚落,他就看到一个法轮出现在鸿钧的头顶,“那不是算计于你,是而是对你考验,只有通过了之前的考验,你才能算是真正星辰树,星辰子,直接说吧,你想要什么?”     “我想要混沌钟。”“你是想要将混沌钟给通天,让他镇压截教的气运吧。”“不错,不知道,你可愿意,我想我身上的时间法则烙印,应该不比那混沌钟差。”     听到星辰子的话以后,他就听到法轮中传来一声的叹气声“星辰子,截教的镇压气运之物,不该是混沌钟,那混沌钟是注定为后土所掌,其他的人要是想要得到混沌钟,将会和后土和六道轮回结下因果,当然,若是你执意要混沌钟,我可以在巫妖大战之后给你,不过,这混沌钟就只能是你一个人使用,和后土与六道轮回的因果,将由你自己承担,现在,你可还愿意要混沌钟吗?”。     听到这话以后,星辰子的眼睛一亮“你的意思是后土祖巫注定成圣的吗?”。“不错,盘古的遗泽和六道轮回的功德,足够她成圣。”     “现在,洪荒之中,可有适合我的先天至宝?”“有,只是还不到出世的时候,等到它出世的时候,我自然会将它交给你的。以此来了结时间法则烙印的因果,可好。而且这时间法则烙印离开了你,你才能更好领悟空间法则,要不然的话,你身居时空法则,难有达到亚圣的一天。”     “好,既然如此,我就将时间法则烙印交给你。”星辰子的话音刚落,他就感觉到身体之中,有什么东西离开了他的灵魂,让感觉到一阵的疼痛。而等到疼痛消失了以后,他就感觉到自己对空间的联系更加的清晰。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子的脸上就露出了一丝的笑容,“星辰子,我想你应该知道了星辰树的妙用了,希望你早日修炼到准圣境界,将善尸斩出,到时候,你就可以靠着星辰树,分到洪荒的一部分气运了。”     听到这话以后,星辰子就沉默起来,过了一会,才开口道“要是,我将星辰树作为寄托善尸的灵宝之后,星辰树可还能为我所用。”     “星辰子,你想要将星辰树练成一件先天灵宝吧。”“不错,我正有如此打算,我准备将星辰树炼化成一件先天灵宝,可以用来布置周天星斗大阵。”     “你放心,你尽可以按照你心中想的那样,将星辰树练成先天灵宝,只需要你在没有用到它的时候,将它放置在混沌之中,就可以了,还有,这是造化玉蝶的碎片,对你炼制灵宝有帮助,就送给你吧。”     话音刚落,星辰子就看到几块细小的碎片,出现在自己的面前,然后,融入到他的身体之中。等到这一切做完了之后,他就看到那法轮消失在鸿钧的头顶。     成绩惨淡还望各位能支持一下,万分感谢。  第十五章巫妖大战     随后,他就听到鸿钧的声音传来道“星辰子,希望你以后能照看着玄门一些。还有,这里发生的事情,你不得告诉任何的人。”听到这话以后星辰子先是迟疑了一会,之后才开口道“是,师公我知道了。”“好,你回去吧。”话音刚落,星辰子就发现自己回到原来的地方。     只是,星辰子才刚回到洪荒和混沌之间的壁障,他就感觉洪荒之中,一股股煞气,不断的冲击着洪荒和混沌之中的壁障,看到这种情况以后,星辰子不禁是快速的来到洪荒之中。     当他来到洪荒之中以后,他就看到巫族和妖族的大战,正在进行着,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就隐藏在虚空之中,观察起巫妖大战来。     “妖族众人听令速速布下周天星斗大阵,趁着巫族不能布置十二都天神煞大阵时候,一举将巫族消灭了。”“是,妖帝。”说完,妖族的众人就快速的布置起周天星斗大阵来。     “帝俊,你真是好打算,可惜,你的算计要落空了,我们巫族早有准备,各位兄弟布置十二都天神煞大阵,让妖族的人看一看。”     帝江的话音刚落,众位祖巫和五位大巫就迅速的按着各自的位置站好,在妖族将周天星斗大阵布置出来的时候,也将十二都天生煞大阵布置出来。     看着十二都天生煞大阵布置成功以后,帝俊的脸色不禁是难看起来,恨恨的看着那盘古虚影道“没想到,你巫族早有准备,看来是我小看了你们巫族了,只是,就算是让你们布置出十二都天生煞大阵又如何,前一段时间,星辰子将他吸收的星辰之力,全部都还给了周天星辰,现在,我就让你们见识一下真正的周天星斗大阵,众星聚。”     听到帝俊的指挥以后,众人就将星力聚集到形成了一个巨大的星辰“流星一击。”说完,帝俊就将那巨大的星辰,往盘古虚影的身上击去。     只是,盘古虚影看到这种情况以后,却是不在意的笑了笑,然后,将手掌摊开,随后,一把斧头的虚影出现在他的手中“开天辟地。”说完,就握紧手中的斧头虚影,对着那巨大的星辰一劈,一下子击将妖族的流星一击给破除了,然后,斧光去势不减的往前方击去。     “帝俊,不需要你挑拨,等到大战结束的时候,我们自然回去找星辰子,我们巫族可是对他身上的周天星斗大阵的奥秘十分的好奇。”说完,脸上就露出了一丝戏谑的笑容。     听到那盘古虚影的话以后,星辰子的脸色就是一阵的难看,看来巫妖都不打算放过自己,真当他星辰子是软柿子,谁想捏就捏的吗?想到这以后,星辰子就露出了一个残忍的笑容。     却说,看着劈来的斧光,帝俊等人都是感觉到一阵的危险,知道不能让斧光击到周天星斗大阵上,要不然的话,不知道,将会有多少的妖王,要死在这一击之下。     于是,帝俊就连忙大喊一声“星光壁障。”而东皇太一则是祭起混沌钟,就往那盘古虚影的身上击去,看到自己身上击来的混沌钟以后,那盘古虚影就举起拳头,往混沌钟上击去,一下子,就将混沌钟给击飞了出去。     当斧光碰到星光壁障的时候,那斧光就被浓郁的星辰之力快速的消耗着,等到那星光壁障力量消失的时候,那斧光虽然已经是接近透明,可是却还是继续的往大阵上击去。看到这种情况以后,东皇太一就顾不得自己身上的伤势,再次祭起混沌钟将那斧光给击碎了。     虽然,巫族利用五位大巫布置出了十二都天生煞大阵,可是那五位祖巫却是远远不能和后土相比,只是,两次的攻击,那盘古虚影的力量,就已经消耗了差不多。     现在,最多只能是再发出一次的攻击,不过,他们妖族的情况也不好到哪去,大多数的妖王都受了不轻的伤,不知道,在盘古虚影的力量耗尽之前,能有多少的妖王能活下来。     想到这以后,帝俊的心底不禁涌来一阵的悲哀,随后,眼中闪过了一丝的坚定,然后,现出了自己的身形,直直的往那盘古虚影上冲去。     看到帝俊的动作以后,众妖王不禁是着急的开口道“妖帝大人不可。”说完这话以后,也是纷纷的现出身形,往那盘古虚影冲去。     而盘古虚影看到这种情况以后,就哈哈大笑起来,“帝俊,既然你自己找死,那么,我们就成全于你,开天辟地。”说完,就再次发出一道斧光,往帝俊的身上击去。     而在发出了第二道斧光以后,那盘古虚影就分离开来,十一个祖巫都是脸色苍白的倒在地上,一个个看起来受伤不轻,至于那五个大巫则是当场身死。     只是就在那斧光要击到帝俊身上的时候,突然被一股力量定在虚空之中,随后,鸿钧的身影就出现在众人的面前,面无表情的看着众人道“巫妖就此罢战,一万年以内不得再战。你们可有异议?”说完,就直直的看着巫妖众人。     听到鸿钧的话以后,帝俊等人心中一喜,连忙开口道“我等谨遵道祖之命。”说完,就直直的看着十一位祖巫。果然不负所望,从他们的脸色看到不忿。     看到这种情况以后,帝俊的脸上Then, from heaven a great merit, this merit is divided into three. 20% of them fly to the stars, to reward him for Houtu advice, however, all these merits to the stars to the stars into the ontology tree, used to enhance their health.Fly to the half blood. The blood is a leader, because of his place. One is about 75% of them to six. Then, the cycle slowly appeared a shadow, slowly clear. When will merit completely absorbed after they saw the earth once again appear in front of them.
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    The eighth chapter reasonAfter hearing this, Jun face ugly, then looked at the stars "sub sub stars straight, you don't think of you and the stars on Sunday, there was such a relationship, it is little, just don't want you to touch my bottom line, otherwise you will blame me, Hugh you fling caution to the winds to kill the baby, nine back." then, we took nine children go to heaven.After hearing the words just to Jun, too. Here, only with God to heaven again Jun went, until they were three people left after the stars went to the island to go to sub Yingzhou."The strength is not enough, if I have the strength of the sage, that even Jun to know I have a large array of stars on Sunday and how can I, the demon emperor thank you for giving me a valuable lesson, let me know the truth. The crime is weak before the third Lich war, I will find you today the end of cause and effect"Think of this, Hoshi Ko also broke the idea to travel, decided to your soul first make up the origin, then it gives himself a star soul, into the stars in the sky, to absorb some of the power of the stars, to make up the origin of the soul.Say, wait until after the nine Jun, 13 people back to heaven and the baby too, nine baby looked puzzled. "The demon emperor Jun adults, why not just take advantage of the opportunity to kill the stars?""Oh, I did not want to be to kill the stars, the stars on Sunday to ensure large array, not by other people, understand the mysteries, but not when you and the stars son war, I suddenly considered that, if we do not reach the Jinxian realm in the sub stars before, he will to kill, then, Hoshi Ko's consciousness into the sky and the stars, the stars, a sub consciousness obstacle, the power of at least a large array of stars on Sunday fell to 30%"After hearing this, nine babies can't help is a big surprise, did not think this will happen, "then, the demon emperor adults we should be how to do?" "and so on, all have to wait until the stars break into sub Jinxian realm and the stars is large and it is not. Mediocrity, I believe that not much time, he will be able to break through to the Jinxian realm. At that time, as long as the three no holy, he is absolutely dead"After this, Jun felt a glimmer of the stars of the transaction, Qiazhiyisuan, son of God will know stars into the stars, after seeing this, Jun on the face a smile.The stars said, son will own soul and the stars together, feel the stars quickly into his soul origin, he added. The lack of soulJust a star can only make him one of the origin of perfection, all he wants to complete the origin of the soul, must be before they can enter into every one of the stars of the stars. So until absorption in the soul belongs to the origin of a star, it will want to stars the power of the stars, to complement the body the origin, however, feel the power of the stars seemed to be what cannot be settled, he led the same.After seeing this, now looked at the direction of "Heaven straight Jun, too, today you stop me into the road, we do not know how you prepare, how do I cause monster between you""You don't need to worry about the stars, when reaching Jinxian, and we will find you out, stars son causal, I assure you, you want to make up the origin of the soul can, however, want to make up the body of the source, is not that you don't waste energy. The effort""Is it, then, I am waiting for you," after the words, the stars began to restore their origin, so, after two hundred years of time, the stars will finally be the body of the source to make up.After seeing this, Hoshi Ko's face into a smile, but at this time, he is suddenly feel a coercion came "I am too Lao Tzu today I Li said: people teach, teach enlightenment to human, Taiji and congenital treasure Baraka linglongta migration and repression. People teach"Lao Tzu Carter, and they see heaven a fall in the body Lao Tzu merit, but in this case, Lao Tzu who get a greater merit, so this merit is hiding behind his body before merit.When will these Lao Tzu after absorbing the merit, Lao Tzu feel the soul fly to heaven, in heaven. And then placed in the sky rose a purple, as long as thirty thousand years, the ground is blossoming lotus gush, congratulations Lao Tzu sanctified.The Kunlun Mountains is just Lao Tzu sanctification, the original also found his holy Road, step out of their retreat, "my name is Yuqing Primus, Li said: today I teach to teach, and suppress the congenital treasure Pangu banner, by Li." he said, see heaven a fall in the original merit body, which led to hide himself in the body of the holy day of merit, all just up and down pressure.However, then there is a voice of "I am a supernatant of Babel, today I said: our teaching, to treasure legend Zhu Zhen congenital array air transport, our stand." then, heaven fall again and a fall in the sky merit body, leads to the body hidden in the sky open merit sanctified.While the West connecting road to see after all three sanctification, face a glimmer of a smile "not our sanctification day." after this, take it straight at the next.Take the next hearing words later, first one Leng, then, his face showing a hint of ecstasy, after seeing this, then you know zhunti clear, so he said "today I receive a zhunti, Kyoritsu said: Western education, to teach twelve lotus town of Western air transport Li said," heaven will teach a merit in both of them fall on the body, however, led and zhunti two personal merit not two of them so they are holy, and under the forty-eight big ambition to raise enough to merit the sanctification.After seeing the three holy, stars son quickly flew to Kunlun Mountains, after all, the teacher sanctified this event, he is not going to see how the disciples and a lot of it.When the stars came to the Kunlun Mountains, I saw the boy waiting beside Babel and where he "stars son brother, Lord commanded you returned directly to the temple supernatant on it""Have two brothers, so I went to the advanced." after this, go now. Go to the temple. "The disciples were stars son meet the teacher. The teacher then congratulations preaching sanctification, eternal eternal." "the stars, you up""Yes, thank you." "the stars, you worship in his legacy, I have not given you the apprentice ceremony, today just send you a fortune." he said, to what Hoshi Ko said, just out of a giant hand, stop to go to catch those stars.Big star Babel uptake force, nature is hiding from Jun and Dong Huang two people, but now they can not Babel has been sanctified against, only helplessly watching the stars. He uptakeThe ninth chapterAfter seeing the Emperor Shun and a Shiqu, Babel on the face into a smile, a short time, with the power of the stars appeared in the sky of a hand, then it will be in the hands of the stars of the sky, the stars to the play.These stars power into the stars son body, he felt that hindered the barrier crashing long broken, his practice in order to break through to the beginning of Taiyi Jinxian, and the body's origin, also added a half enough, he reached Jinxian realm.After seeing the situation, on the front line of Babel stars son a ritual way "thank you all." "the stars, you don't have to be so, you are a teacher to disciple, for you, there's only one thing I hope you can understand, if you are back in full force with the origin of the stars if so, you will no longer get asylum. The Sunday star Hongmeng feet beyond, there is a danger taken." then it straight at the stars."Thanks to the teacher reminded the disciples to know, for the disciples to wait until to withstand the forces of chaos after the disciples will go to chaos, chaotic gas recovery source" 听到星辰子的选择以后,通天就欣慰的笑了笑,“既然你已经做出了选择,那么为师就助你一臂之力,这是我们三清根据盘古记忆创出来的九转玄功,乃是修炼肉身之法,修炼到极致更是有一丝以力证道的可能,为师现在就将这功法赐给你,对你前往混沌之中修炼会有帮助的,星辰子要是你没什么事情的话,就回瀛洲岛好好的修炼九转玄功,并将修为巩固一番。”说完,就对着星辰子的识海一点,将九转玄功赐给了星辰子。     “多谢老师栽培,老师这是鸿蒙尺,弟子今日就将它送给老师,作为镇压截教气运之物吧。”说完这话以后,星辰子就准备,将自己鸿蒙尺上自己的印记给抹掉。     可是,就在他准备动手的时候,却发现自己不能动弹了,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就疑惑的看着通天道“老师,截教需要鸿蒙尺来镇压气运,要不然的话,截教的气运,终有会流失的一天。”     听到这话以后,通天就欣慰的点了点头道“这点为师又怎么会不知道呢,可是,你手上的鸿蒙尺,乃是盘古父神,于你了结因果之物,洪荒上除了你以外无人可用,要不然的话,就会和盘古父神接下因果。到了那时,就算是圣人也有被打落圣人境界的危险。”     听到通天如此的说道以后,星辰子不禁是遗憾的叹了一口气,听到星辰子的叹气声以后,通天就笑了笑道“徒儿,你不必担心,有诛仙剑阵镇压气运截教的气运,在短时间之内截教的气运是不会有任何的问题,而在这一段时间之内,为师会将镇压气运的问题给解决掉的,星辰子你还是去巩固自己的修为吧。”     “是,老师徒儿知道了。”说完这话以后,星辰子就往东海瀛洲岛走去。     却说,当帝俊和太一两个人看到通天的动作以后,太一不禁是担心的看着帝俊道“大哥我们以后怎么办,现在通天已经成圣,要是,我们再阻止星辰子补充本源的话,那么,一定会惹他不快,到时候,难保他不会出手对付我们的。”     “哎,二弟你说的,我又何尝不知道,可是,要是让星辰子将本源都补充好的话,那么,我们周天星斗大阵的威力,至少要下降一成,到时候,我们如何对付祖巫的十二都天神煞大阵。”     而就在他们烦恼的时候,一张玉符突然出现在帝俊的面前,感觉到什么女娲圣人的气息以后,帝俊就连忙查看起来,等看完上面的内容以后,帝俊不禁是感觉到一阵的轻松,然后,对着娲皇宫的方向行了一礼“多谢女娲娘娘的指点。”     “大哥,女娲娘娘说什么了?”“二弟,刚才女娲娘娘告诉我,要是星辰子用周天星辰之中的星辰之力恢复全部本源的话,那么,他和盘古大神之间的因果就不存在,到时候,鸿蒙尺将有可能保不准,这一点通天圣人已经告诉星辰子,所以,我们不必担心星辰子会用星辰之力恢复全部的本源了。”     听到帝俊如此的说道以后,太一的脸上,也露出了一丝的笑容“这真是太好了,这样一来我们就可以全力的对付巫族了,只要我们能一统洪荒的话,将得到大气运,到时候,就算是没有鸿蒙紫气,我们也能达到亚圣境界。”     “二弟你说的对,我们现在就将召集妖族商议一下对付巫族的事情。”说完,帝俊就开始召唤起妖族来。     却说,星辰子回到瀛洲岛以后,花了十年的时间将太乙金仙初期的境界完全巩固,之后他就开始查看起九转玄功来,一边参悟九转想玄功,一边则是沟通天上的星辰,回忆起开天之时和补充元神本源时候的情景来。     过了一百的时间以后,星辰子抓住一点灵光创出了最适合自己的炼体功法,周天星辰体,修炼到圆满境界之时,随手一击就有周天星斗大阵大战全力一击的威力。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子就是一阵的高兴,只是,还没有等到他开始修炼,他就感觉到自己的心中一痛,好像有什么东西失去一样。     看到这种情况以后,星辰子连忙掐算起来,知道了心痛的原因以后,星辰子就快速的往东海边上飞去。     等到星辰子来到东海边上的时候,就看到一个太乙金仙后期的妖兽毕方,正在屠戮人族,看到这种情况以后,星辰子就连忙将鸿蒙尺给祭了出来,往妖兽毕方的身上击去。     而正在那屠戮人族的毕铁,看到星辰子竟然偷袭自己以后,大喊一声“星辰子,你竟然敢偷袭与我,难道,你就不拍我父亲毕方妖王找你麻烦吗?”。说完,就将自己的上品防御灵宝玄火鼎给寄了出来。     只是那鸿蒙尺毕竟是可以媲美先天攻击至宝的灵宝,而且,毕铁的修为,只比星辰子强两个小境界罢了,所以,在星辰子含怒的一击之下,毕铁直接重伤倒飞了出去。     看到毕铁重伤了以后,星辰子拿出一些疗伤的东西,开始全力的救助起那些重伤的人族,而毕铁看到星辰子没有在继续攻击自己以后,就连忙拿出了许多的疗伤的丹药服下。  第十章荣幸     在众多的疗伤丹药的帮助下,毕铁的伤势快速的恢复着,不到一会的时间,就恢复到了原来的程度,等到毕铁恢复了以后,星辰子也将帮助那些受伤的人族,恢复得差不多了。     “星辰子,你为什么要偷袭于我,今天,你要是不给我毕铁一个交代的话,那么,你休怪我毕方一族于你不死不休。要知道,我可是毕方一族,族长毕方妖王唯一的儿子。”说完,就愤怒的看着星辰子。     “是吗,让毕方一族于我不死不休,你毕铁有那分量吗,况且,你难道不知道,人族是大师伯的立教之根本,是受我们三清庇护,你如此肆意的杀害人族,可有将三清圣人放在眼里?今天,你要是不给我一个交代的话,休怪我将你给打杀了。”说完,就直直的看着毕铁。     感觉到星辰子的杀意以后,毕铁不禁是一阵的害怕,也想起了人族是老子圣人的立教根本,自己肆意的杀戮人族,无疑是和老子结下因果,想到这以后,毕铁不禁是一阵的害怕,然后,就准备离开去找自己的父亲毕方妖王商量对策。     
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    See the flesh was beaten injured Kunpeng Hongyun, but is the Styx breath, and then again, in spite of what will be twelve goods to offering out fire HL support in itself.The third chapter red counterattackAfter seeing the river at the foot of the twelve fire red lotus, show yourself, "a way of looking at night the river Styx, unexpectedly, the twelve industry has been a way of red fire, you got your friends is really good opportunity, then just do not know, Ming River friends and you can keep twelve fire lotus?"After this, red cajolery looking at the river Styx. See the eyes of a red face, the river becomes ugly. "This thing is not to worry about red friends, friends or do you think first should be how to live""This thing is not to worry about, if I want to go with you, and two men the ROC simply, stop me"After hearing the red words, and his face is a Styx Kunpeng ugly, but they also know that the cloud said is true, "since it is so, then, why don't you leave red now? Do you want to kill two of us?". After this, Kunpeng guard look at the red cloud.However, red cloud did not answer questions but Kunpeng, smiling at the sky, after seeing this, Styx and Kunpeng two people, is also looking straight to the world, after a while, the two person and what Kunpeng suddenly thought, the face became ugly.See the two person's face and the ROC, after becoming ugly, red smiled and said "it seems that the two friends you have thought of why I don't leave, Jun, too since you have arrived, then came out at the sight of it, I think two as the Lord of heaven, not can't see it." he appeared red straight at Donghuang Taiyi and Jun's hideout.But the one and two Jun, see red found his hiding place, just came out, some surprised at "red Hongyun fellow, you didn't think you hide so deep, but today this war, we still don't know what you are actually speed rule. Now, we also found the hiding place, it seems you do more than we are""Unfortunately, alone, I am not your opponent, you have come since the ancestral witch, so out of it together, I did not expect you twelve ancestral witch was also interested to me Hongmeng Ziqi, really made me curious, you get the ancestral witch Hongmeng Ziqi have what effect""We want to get the Hongmeng Ziqi, of course, its own use, you do not have to ask, obediently will give us a good Hongmeng Ziqi. After this, the twelve ancestral witch on the straight to the red cloud around, surrounded by red cloud inside.After seeing the twelve ancestral witch action, and Jun one or two people face became too ugly. They did not think the twelve ancestral witch dare out together, it seems, they are shizaibide of Hongmeng Ziqi.The red monster family and see the basic strong top here, sighed breath "it seems that I'm doomed today, however, I red even death also want to you, pay a painful price." after this, red seriously look at the presence of people.Yes, well, I see a red what you got, let the people pay the price. "After this, the emperor would disappear in front of the red river." well, I also want to see the space law of emperor Jiang ancestral witch, see what is your space method my speed is fast, or fast rule. "After this, red cloud also disappeared in front of everyone.Then, they heard the emptiness, crash stop bursts, after a while, the red and Emperor river two people some embarrassed to appear in front of the "red cloud, unexpectedly, you will realize that such high speed law point, if I'm not wrong, your speed rule one step can reach great heights. It believes that as long as you today die, you do not need long time, the speed can be reached to complete even the law realm, at that time, even the sage can not be what you gave. Just a pity, you will die today." with these words later, Emperor Jiang looked at the otherPeople.After emperor Jiang Jun et al. Hear the words are startled, at the same time the heart decided today absolutely can not let the cloud live, otherwise, the red revenge is not they can afford to think. After this, everyone to see red eyes filled with murder.After seeing this, red smiled and said "I know, I today is going to die, but I also said that even if I die, will all of you here to pay a painful price." after this, his 99 red soul gourd once again brings up.Subsequently, Jun et al. To see a bright light on your gourd, after seeing this, then a series of sound is not good, they did not expect to be so red refuse, will own the best soul to Lingbao 99 gourd blew now.After seeing this, quickly Donghuang Taiyi chaotic clock offering out of a rock, the 99 will be given in the gourd soul don't let it explode, see, 99 soul gourd given after all is not relieved. However, at this time, suddenly red is fast to too much of a body hit.Look at the power of Donghuang Taiyi know Stop red attack, Donghuang Taiyi can only give up on suppression of 99 soul gourd, once again shake up chaos will be given in the red bell, the emptiness, while in red cloud was set at the twelve ancestral witch quickly to Kunpeng et al and red body on the hit.However, they were almost hit when red body, they suddenly saw a law of light, the body appears red then chaos bell flew to go out quickly, directly hit a fly too."I never thought I would break at this time, unfortunately, my soul has broken up the point, it is the day I want to die a ah, so, so, I will let you see what the red sage is the law realm attack"Hongyun Carter, will be the body of Hongmeng Ziqi taken out, then, will be 99 to call back the soul gourd. When all this is done after the red smile at all.When the emperor heard before Hongyun Jiang et al, he felt bad, now see red action, ready to go to other places to run.The fourth chapter unwilling"Now I want to run, but it was too late, now, I will show you, what is the real sage blow." says Carter, they see that red body and soul 99 gourd, and a light emission, until the two rays melt together later, red it all into obscurity Ziqi.Wait until the light absorption of Hongmeng Ziqi, becomes a violet, fast to people who hit, after feeling to blow the power of all is not afraid, they did not expect to be so near a terrorist.If I knew it, so they might not come to a trouble, but now regret it too late, only to the defense, but their defense, as in front of the blow is a piece of paper, a gentle touch is broken, then click continue in their the body, they will be seriously injured, only when they are dying, heaven came down a heavenly power, they will support."Unexpectedly, heaven would save you, is really unwilling ah." Carter, red cloud disappeared in front of them.After seeing the red fall, they all felt fortunate, then began to look up their own injuries, though, at the last moment heaven saved their lives, but the blow red also let them hurt, not ten thousand years, simply can not be resumed.But when they saw not far from the Hongmeng Ziqi, but with fiery eyes, then quickly go on to Hongmeng Ziqi, want to capture. Hongmeng ZiqiHowever, at this time, the rapid separation of Hongmeng Ziqi from before they do not react, disappear in front of everyone. After seeing this, and everyone is a wry smile, unexpectedly, the end is also actually what are not.Later, Emperor Shun and Emperor Jiang two people looked at each other, the consideration is not to sell each other to stay here, just think for a moment, took her back to their place, it is not yet time to Lich all-out war.He said, an island in the East China Sea on the side of the Li Xin, when the war started, just watching a battlefield, see red cloud disappeared place, there was a glimmer of inexplicable inexplicable smile, then, looking straight just war place "that is sage realm of attack, one day I will reach the realm"After this, Li Xin began to observe their own Islands, just now, oneself in the beginning, we watched the battlefield, but no one found his own opinion. A blinded secret island effect, only in this way can not be red et al found themselves.Think of this, Li Xin's face showing a hint of ecstasy, can deceive the secret, and the East China Sea, Li Xin's mind quickly flashed on the island of Penglai island and the island name Abbot Chou.Then, Li Xin started to observe God consciousness on the island, after a while, Li Xin saw a stele written Yingzhou islet three words, see this after Li Xin could not help smiling, then control the stars tree on the island to walk up.Not a moment, Li Xin saw in the Yingzhou Island Center has a law, just Li Xin state is still too low, only reached the mysterious realm of Fairy (angel really Xian Jinxian Xuanxian Jinxian Ronaldo Taiyi fairy Jinxian quasi holy saint), it will not be to get rid of the matrix, too to the things inside.After seeing this, Li Xin decided to study the law, strive to be good to get rid of get things inside the matrix,.So, over one thousand years later, Li Xin suddenly heard a voice "I am making this family, Nu Wa, a Terran." Carter, the people saw the sky flew a large merit to Nuwa head into her body, and her soul in obscurity the combination of purple.Then, all the the feeling from the body to upload Nuwa bursts of coercion, let their body can't help kneeling on the ground, wait for merit and completely fused together after Hongmeng Ziqi, Nuwa feel the soul fly to heaven, placed in them.His behavior can mobilize Tao force against the enemy, to grasp the laws of creation also has many improvement. After seeing this, Nuwa on the face into a smile."My future I am holy, Nuwa saints, ten years later, will open the ashram in thirty-three, interested parties can come to tavatimsa to watch." Carter, a purple sky rises up to thirty thousand, the ground is blossoming lotus gush. Aura between heaven and earth to a local pool, all not all the sanctified forced to kneel on the ground, to greet the birth of new saints in heaven and earth.Then, will Nuwa himself the coercion convergence, then, after the wa palace flew. People know Nuwa sanctification, is not a mood, beastkin nature is extremely happy, but after twelve ancestral Witch of sorcery clan know Nuwa sanctification, began to worry, then, is fast to the ancestral witch Temple confluence, discuss what to do. After the race
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    The first chapter through the rebirthWait for Li Xin to wake up feeling in my head, came a pain, as if someone will be many things, hard into his head, but whenever he swoon with pain when there will be a cool power into his head, let him awake again.After seeing this, Li Xin can not help but want to shout, he soon finds himself unable to make a sound now, after seeing this, Li Xin want a gush of sorrow.Li Xin was originally an orphan, after a lot of struggle, finally had some money, so, you want to go out to relax, but just go out just to be a lightning hit, lost consciousness.Now, just to restore consciousness, but also did not wait for him to understand their own situation, it was a burst of inhuman torture, but also not let him faint.Think of this, Li Xin can not help but is a harmless, since it is so, then, let him look, what makes him so painful, so Li Xin began to see his head things.After a while, Li Xin knew where he was now, why it would be so painful, for a moment, Li Xin did not know that he should be worried about it, or happy.Originally, Li Xin did not know for what reason, through to the, what if there is no accident, he can live for a long time, but now the master on the men, he is such a not immortal rookie, life would be like he can imagine.After this, Li Xin can not help but start to the later life, but, in the eyes of the confusion will disappear soon, since, he has a chance to come back, then, he must live a wonderful life.Li Xin has decided to start up, endure suffering to know the sea, just over a year's time, Li Xin finally felt the pain disappeared among the general sea. But after all these pain after Li Xin know the sea, than before and one hundred times.After seeing this, Li Xin's face into a smile, then began to look up to know the sea, just wait, Li Xin will own the general sea information are looked after, the face can not help is gave a wry smile.Originally, Li Xin is now attached to star fruit, if the origin of fruit trees, the stars are not badly impaired, so, after Li Xin can reach the lowest Jinxian realm, is the achievement of the quasi - Saint is not much problem.Unfortunately, when the stars fruit trees in the dawn of time, was found in Pangu is more perfect, to let up the world, the great God Pan Gu star fruit trees are to receive the stars, let the stars become more perfect. After all, we can not be red to kill." after this, so a smile at Dong Huang Jun.Stars of the fruit tree lost his life only after the results of the stars, the source of damage five 90%, and now he is only the original source of the original five percent, if not the original restoration, then, Li Xin later achievements.However, as long as there is enough of the stars of the origin of Li Xin's recovery force can, therefore, Li Xin believe they will be able to repair the origin, the thought of this, began to view from the memory of the self-discipline method Jue Jue. Because the stars, the stars of the most fruit Li Xin memory, so, just after a while, Li Xin you should know how to practice.Then, according to the stars Li Xin Jue of the records, began to practice. This is a practice for one hundred years, that Li Xin did not know for what reason, suddenly from the practice state backed out.After seeing this, Li Xin is a doubt, don't know why this is the case, but at this time, Li Xin suddenly felt a coercion, let his body can't help kneeling down, until the body of Li Xin kneeling down, he heard "Heaven pass a majesty sound""Originally, the time has come for the ancestor Road, after going to the holy birth, when the Lich war, it seems I have to continue practicing, for worship in the saint's door. Otherwise, the Lich war or when the gods of the war, only do fodder."Think of this, Li Xin began to practice, and in practice when Li Xin, who in the Purple Palace hear, also began to return to his cave.Say, when too much of a Tao treasure and Jun in the road to heaven, Jun hurriedly said "brother, what do you think we should do, if now, wait until the holy words Sanqingshan et al, so, this first thing on, was measured by a few of them say. After all, Saint we can not fight"After hearing so Jun said, Donghuang Taiyi sighed a breath "big brother, this how may I don't know, but after Dao Zu, sage will be born, we can't stop, can't stop, otherwise, we will die. However, the saints are not can't fight, as long as we can reach the sage realm of words, so, we can self in Saint's hands, and even against the saints""Brother, how do you know this thing?" he said, Jun is looking straight Donghuang Taiyi. "This thing, when I was in chaos, refining the clock to know." "well, how long is your brother So that is what it is., the time needed to reach the realm of sage?"After hearing Jun words, Donghuang Taiyi wry smile a channel "elder brother, you underestimate the difficulty of the sage realm, I now there is no trace of the grasp, can reach the level. To achieve the sage realm, can be much more difficult than sanctification"Listen to a too said later, Jun is quiet for a moment, then said "brother, if it is not, then, we took the body. The purple red""Brother, I'm going to so, however, we do not have hands, people will be tempted to wait until after the death of the red, we'll begin not later, as a result, Tao even want to blame, blame is not on our head."The younger brother you say well, someone better than you and me. As long as we always pay attention to the red cloud, last time, the takings of it." he said, Jun also laughed.The second chapter designs a groupSo, over time in the past one thousand years, in the one thousand years first appeared a rare calm, but on that day, suddenly came north is loud, then turned ugly demon division Kunpeng appeared in the north of the city.After a while, Kunpeng already feeble heaved a breath way "red cloud, is not what I want and you, just do not want to see you again, God is still at it, if you die, I do have a difficult progress, because you have become my demons." after this, Kunpeng disappeared in beim.At this time, also don't know is already eyeing his Kunpeng cloud, is five Zhuang view happy eating ginseng fruit. See red where happy eating ginseng fruit, Zhen Yuan had no sigh of breath "red cloud, how can you eat it, you know, now the but there are many people staring at you Hongmeng Ziqi, you should take the time to practice now, as long as you can achieve the sage, then, is the real security, then, how much you want to eat ginseng fruit can." then, dollar son in town looking straight red.After seeing Zhen Yuan Zi eye care, Hongyun stopped "Zhen Yuan Zi, you don't have to worry about, the end will come, Zhen Yuan, if I fall, I don't want you to avenge me""Red cloud, how do you suddenly say so, do you count to what?". Then, dollar son in town looked anxiously at the red cloud.See Zhen Yuan eyes anxiously, red also don't want to cheat him, so he nodded, "yes, I really learned many things, and I can not even Hongmeng Ziqi, I was a refinery, it seems inappropriate for me Hongmeng Ziqi all my life has been so soon. Before dying, I will let the yuan Zhen son can eat ginseng fruit"Then, Hongyun and continues to eat up, and later heard Zhen Yuan red cloud, it fell silent, after a while, just staring straight red "friends don't have red, resolving way?".No, well, Zhen Yuan I have to go, you have to take care. "After this, red to five Zhuang Guan walked outside. After seeing the cloud movement, Zhen Yuan quickly came to the side" red cloud, we together, let us look at the brothers look, who dare to play your idea. Hongmeng ziqi"Hear Zhen Yuan words later, red eyes flashed a move, then shook his head "no, this is a mortal, even with friends, can not be * *. After all, Hongmeng Ziqi the temptation is too big, Zhen Yuan you will feel at ease in the five village view to stay in it. Later, the friend of a person you want to be careful not to get involved, the battle between the Lich. Also, I feel unclearly, soon after the emergence of a new race, then you will be out, you can help you help, which benefits to you, this is me in sight when refining Hongmeng Ziqi, inadvertently."After he had said these words, Hong Yun on the rapid to go outside the five Zhuang Guan.After hearing this, dollar son in town looking straight red left direction, after a long time only to sigh, and then return to their five village concept, began to retreat.Said, after he left the five views of the cloud, it quickly came to the edge of the East China Sea, and later, when the place, stopped down and said, come out "But, after a while no one around there, after seeing this, red smiled and said "how, Kunpeng demon division, the way you are not out of it, if you don't come out, I will be thrown into space to Hongmeng Ziqi, crack, and two, you want to get personal words to Hongmeng Ziqi, see how his luck." then, just staring straight in front of the sea.Hidden in the void of the ROC and Styx in two, after hearing the red words, quickly walked out of the void, came to the front of the "red Hongyun friends, how do you find our trail""Peng, you too much nonsense, to me the words to Hongmeng Ziqi, you have this skill." after this, red will himself only a Lingbao 99 scattered soul gourds.See the red hands of 99 soul gourd, and the eyes are just flashed across the fear, after all, 99 soul gourd, but one the best attack power Lingbao, not underestimate.So, it will quickly own Kunpeng Lingbao demon division palace, give out to the red cloud offering, hit on the body, and see red demon division to the palace of his body hit, then a beat 99 soul gourd.Then, we see the ROC red sand, scattered soul fly out from the 99 gourd, demon division palace to hold, do not let it hit the red body, and the red sand in the stall demon division house at the same time, and also stop corrosion demon division palace.After seeing this, quickly to the side of the river Styx Kunpeng shouted "Styx friend, you don't do it now, if the cloud to run away from me, you don't want. Hongmeng ziqi"After hearing this, the will and a two yuan Tu nose sword to take out, straight to the red sand hit. But for a time, will the red sand to beat, after seeing this, looked at the "red red Kunpeng proud, I see you have what means now. Then let the demon division palace fast, to red cloud body hit.Yes, well, I let you see my true ability. After this, the cloud will disappear in front of the ROC and.After seeing this, and the two person is not just surprised shouted "speed law, did not think you understand the rules, red, even is the speed of your hidden rule, red is really deep"Then, two people began to be alert, after all, but can speed speed law and the law of time, compared to only a space law law. And on the two Styx and Kunpeng alert when Kunpeng suddenly felt a danger.However, before he has what action, he felt his back, came a pain, let his body, the can't help flew out.


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    她与他不共戴天,他却救了她,他说从此世上再无苏佳毓秀只有轻音,你也只不过是我养的宠物罢了。 再遇她已不是她,纵使他用尽全力也不可能追回的人,终于明白伤她太深。她只是她,不是毓秀也是轻音。

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