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LV7 2016-11-15



连载最近更新: 此长篇科幻类小说《2049太空环游记》已创作完成,大约26万字。


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  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    although murderous pressing, but more than a dozen Christmas color girl blow on the face and, actually very beautiful picture.Chu Zihang sat without moving, the girls from all sides surrounded him, a dozen guns from different direction, pointing to his head, forming a nearly perfect circle, is as if Chu Zihang is watch the shaft, and the girls is twelve times.They neatly looked at Vincent, waiting for the command of Vincent, Vincent still pointed to Chu Zihang, trembling, canthus splitting.While girls are hesitant, gun to upload to the amazing hot feeling, they were surprised to see to the hands of the PSS, found twisted red and black striped is from the muzzle to grips spread, as if black and red rattan trees around gun growth, those stripes and like a snake like is alive!They haven't enough time to abandon the burning gun, hear with a crash, dozen explosions completely overlap together, ten teams bolt cover with a flame and go to the roof ejection, all the PSS in the same moment bore explosion, windburn lifted the girls pale golden hair.The bolt cover jingle when falling on the ground, the girls have been clutching his burned hand down on the ground the, and Chu Zihang still quietly sit on the chair and the among them, finger roots did not move.Precision control, this incredible scene source to him the precise control of "Jun Yan", he in accurate to 0.01 seconds time, Jun Yan heating the PSS in the chamber of the heart of the bullet, make they exploded in the extreme heat.0.01 seconds, more than a dozen PSS, more than a dozen trained in the spy school girl, all out.Vincent finally breath a, this looks as early as the coffin of the old guy don't know where to force, skip the gambling table toward Chu Zihang. Chu Zihang frown slightly. He didn't want to violence to the old man, the old man rushed posture and really have little infiltration.Action is close to the "tiger floor type", Vincent poof boom sound kneeling in front of Chu Zihang, clinging tightly to his thigh, "destiny's child ah! Is you destiny's child ah! The fate of random number to you is not exist! You calculate everything! You change everything! I found you! If head of his old man's house is in the world. If the leader to be able see you. The is how happy!"Then he began to wail aloud to weep aloud, crying as if the weasel diaoxiao, said touching tear down is not false, always feel so something not quite right.Chu Zihang see girls, girls see Chu Zihang, formerly hostile of both sides are speechless, waiting alongside Sasha shrugged, probably the meaning is captain this virtue, this kind of thing has not the first occurred. He gave Chu Zihang cup more poured some wine handed to his hand, meaning said you have to drink, he some crying.Vincent cry all the way to wipe your nose, loquacious said a lot, mingled with the "head of state", "empire", "destiny" such grand noun, he began to cry is not English but German the, Chu Zihang can barely understand a few words, didn't understand why he suddenly traitors."Now we can normally say something??" for a long time, girls to cry captain helped back to the chair, Chu Zihang carry a chair to sit in front of him, has no facial expression ground ask."Before that, I have a question?" Vincent, wiping away tears, "you are the strongest in Cassell college? You with 'domineering childe' than who is more strengths? 'phlogistic dragon chop' of the 'dusk kill evil burning knife' if you, you take it down??"Chu Zihang heart says something good to say you can not provided that four of the brain nickname? Originally wanted to ask him where to see the brain version of < Cassell college hero biography >, think of the "kill the Balrog dusk knife". Suddenly a little worry also have their own what strange tricks name in that version, so forget about it."Strongest I can not say, we have a Guderian professor to remember to 16 cards." Chu Zihang just put this problem to deal with in the past, "I want to ask you a few questions, the college has sent me to, just want to ask you a few questions, but I heard only Hao gamblers to see you, otherwise we could save some things."Vincent stops sobbing, glanced up at Chu Zihang, looking through a subsidiary of cunning. This is absolutely old weasel, Chu Zihang before Norma is to give him the verdict.In fact, the operation of the hands of one of "if you confess to answer my question, the college will waive from you there to win money. Chu Zihang said," tonight you lose nearly $200 million to me, you couldn't afford the money. When you really is Argentina's most wealthy people, but since ten years ago, you set foot on the ship, to and fro in the Arctic Circle, your wealth is increasingly shrinking. The ship every year to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, the light is to act as a cruise ship is not earn back to this huge sum of money, so you can set up the special Gambling Hall, from luxury gamblers to win money to maintain the ship, you have gone bankrupt, right?? "Vincent hesitated for a few seconds, sighed in frustration, "you really know what!""Now in front of you is two choices, either pay the sum of $200 million in gambling, or tell us, all these years you looking for something?" Chu Zihang look him in the eye, "is what makes you dedicated to abandon all the point? And that, in the Arctic Ocean!""Your college," Vincent's eyes narrowed. "That's interesting, right?""I came to ask questions, not to answer the question." Chu Zihang said."This have what not to say? Anyone interested in the thing! But the dead!" Vincent restored vitality in a few minutes, hem finished for the obsequious smile, "you're right, we originally can save some things, since it is you. Of course I would like to share the secret. To find the things, I also want to get your help na!"He folded the smile again, turning to the mysterious old captain, the tycoon of sea ice, he rushed Sasha winked Sasha immediately with the girls out of the small hall. With the two fan sea blue doors closed, all the secrets are blocked in the small hall."To tell the secret before, maybe I should to do a self introduction, please allow me to change clothes." Vincent rose, Chong Chu Zihang bow slightly.Chu Zihang Leng for a while, do not understand the intention of Vincent to change clothes, perhaps like those things to pay attention to the sense of ritual rich that cigar to separate custom-made cigar service, Vincent tells his biggest secret, change a kimono also perhaps.But he does not mind, delayed a few minutes only, anyway, as long as the old man was not stripped the clothes back to chat with him, he is indifferent.When Vincent open the locker room door, appeared once again in front of him, he was shocked, Vincent, of course, no naked, on the contrary, armed him from head to foot!Black Knee High leather boots, breeches tucked in boots, black jacket, belt buckle shiny, with SS labeled slides, the peaked cap is eagle emblem and skull emblem. This suit is so heavy, old Vincent almost do not hold up, but this old weasel or trembling to tread came to the front of Chu Zihang, raised their hands to salute and shouted hoarsely, "Heil Hitler!"(author's note: "Heil Hitler", the Nazi party to heads of state in Hitler salute when said, after the Second World War the etiquette in countries such as Germany is illegal.Chu Zihang froze for a few seconds, suddenly understand Vincent holding his thigh, ramble about those words, "head", "empire", "destiny". No wonder even Norma also did not check to the old man's past, because the world does not exist in the original Vincent von Ludwig this person, this should is a forged out of the name, his true identity is a Nazi remnants! After World War II, a lot of the Nazi Party members fled to Argentina, where away from Europe, and in the second world war remain neutral, called the Nazi party last escape heaven. Until 50 years later, the remnants of the Nazis arrested news, and Vincent just is one of them."SS Vincent von Andreas Lieutenant! To you my highest respect! 'permanent burning includes division'." Vincent said with a loud voice, want to Andres is hisSay, do you want to buy me a drink?In those years he knows what is summer or jormungandr, he could not say.No government with the circulation of official executive task there is certainly no shortage of interesting, more time is routine. After six months he was completely graduated to become executive Commissioner, continued to be stationed in Oslo branch or is assigned to the Korean branch of, say, the Korean branch is looking forward to his accession, because the Korean branch at the same time also run career, a good few days group, the Korean branch of that he has the potential, then all over the world, become to cope with unexpected events of the high commissioner. Then? Then is promoted to senior specialist, and then promoted to vice minister, Minister of the Organization Department's, and he will be more and more like a civil servant.Miss the rain to send them a world he would one day grow old, perhaps this life can not to Odin, also meet to Xia MI. So in retrospect in Japan during the day although very embarrassed, but also quite happy, there are so few rainy night in high Tianyuan bath bath demolition guests present, Lu Mingfei complained that Caesar's cigars are choking, Caesar said Chu Zihang you take a bath, do not take knife? Chu Zihang pillow on the scabbard, hear out of the window. He suddenly a little Caesar and Lu Mingfei, but that after almost over the past year, Caesar also with him to a branch, think together, bath is very difficult.Santa Claus began to send gifts, and most of the tourists have left the table to join the fun of the table.GinTeller's treasure ", led the way with Vincent salary glaciomarine parade, treasure hunter how loyal to the Third Reich? Not to mention they are a bunch of Russians, when the capture of Berlin ruined the Third Reich the Soviet Red Army in their father. They secretly do laugh at Vincent."Boss! The ship! We went to Hitler's treasure!" standing on the bow of the dynamiter said loudly.The help of Vincent's life and death don't care and the legend of "Isle of the dead" is not clear, but to find a more than ten years to find buried treasure island, how also can not let go.Sasha hesitated for a moment, he with the help Brown Han under different feeling to the reflection of the island used some mysterious, disturbing things, but if really can return from the island with treasure; he still misses his wife Natasha have a lifetime of hospital charges, and his sister's dowry.At last he jumped on a rubber dinghy to wave to the Chu Zi channel, found that chuzihang is not in place.Stormtroopers who stared at the ghostly in the stern of the Chinese people, Chu Zihang sat down between them, "set sail, mirage to maintain the time not too long, we have to seize the time!"The boat along the ice cracks, are on both sides of the podium like ice section, their distance from the Yamal, already very far, ship lights scattered, look like a mirage.Because the atmosphere of the ionization effect is too strong, radio communication is not easy to use, the rubber boat to leave the YAMAL number less than one kilometer, the headset is only the current noise.But the island's reflection is not far from near the front, the vision that it is two or three kilometers away, there is a kind of can never arrive feeling.Stormtroopers were anxious and fretful, sailed to the island's shadow, the sound is actually very ridiculous thing, probably the island is located in the range of completely different, which is according to the position of the mirage? Just Chu Zihang always firmly pointing to the front, gestures are commonly used in the sport of sailing, when you on the sea lock a target, you have to have been pointing to it, otherwise in the endless and the ups and downs of the waves of the sea, is likely to a wave come you come back again to look for anything can not see."Brother, are you sure?" Sasha close to him and whispered.To the Chinese people, he has good feelings, Chu Zihang is always directly, like a knife to cut out the trajectory, let a person somehow believe his judgment, but follow heading in the direction of referring to a island of reflection, this is called not rest assured."You go diving?" asked Chu Zihang.Sasha was stunned. As the pre alpha elite, he would of course go diving, the rubber boats is provided with a diving suit, but in zero degrees of ice sea diving? Wait wait a minute. You are not really thought the island actually below sea level? Please that only a reflection??Rubber boats around a large ice floe, in front of the sea suddenly becomes open, islands of the reflection in the water looks exceptionally clear, because the rock was structured semi circular, it looks like the vulnerability of the sea, a "fall into what will be in another space" deranged sense.Chu Zihang silently took off the coat and suit, from the stern of the boat took a dive for service, Huanyi in dozens of degrees below zero temperatures, he seemed completely not feel cold."Not better, waiting for me here, if I pull the rope, it is dangerous to explain the following, it is immediately to speed up the return of the YAMAL number," he added, "when necessary, you can cut the rope"He was to turn posture into ice, even without oxygen cylinders, leaving over the ship's stormtroopers gandengyan.Chu Zihang think numerous ice needle stab poke their body, dragon's blood can greatly enhance his ability of cold resistance, but also greatly enhance the perception of his, to produce a cold pain not only than is generally weak, but more intense.All directions are bubble around him, he has been sinking,“首先,鲍曼博士,”他开始说,“我们祝贺你对这极端困难的情况所做的处理。在应付这种没有先例、难以预料的紧急情况,你采取了完全正确的措施。“你的任务的真正目的,我们费了很大的劲才做到对外界保密,可现在必须对你讲明了。“两年前,我们发现了地球以外存在高等动物的第一个证据。在环形山泰卓那里,我们发现埋藏着一个十英尺高的黑色坚硬物质的板块。这就是。”’鲍曼一眼看到了T·M·A·-1,四周围着一群穿宇航服的人,他不禁吃惊得俯身向前,目不转睛地凝视着屏幕。在这激动人心的发现中——他象一切从事空间研究的人一样,一生或多或少都在盼望这一发现——他几乎忘记了自己所处的无望处境。“这件物体最可惊之处是它的古老。地质学方面的数据已经无可怀疑地证明它有三百万年历史。因此,早在咱们祖先还是原始的猿人时,它就被安放在月球上了。“经过这么长年代,可以很自然地设想它已停止活动。但是月球上日出不久,它就放射出极其强烈的无线电能。我们认为这种能量仅仅是某种未知的放射性能的副作用——实际上,是某种未知的放射性能的反浪,因为与此同时,我们在空间的几个探测装置都侦测到贯穿整个太阳系的非常干扰。我们十分准确地追寻出它的根源。它恰恰对准了土星。“在此事之后,我们把各种情况贯穿起来,断定那板块显然是某种太阳能发动的、至少是太阳能起动的信号装置。它在三百万年里第一次暴露在光天化日之下,在日出后马上发出脉冲,这不大可能是巧合。“然而,这物体是有意埋藏起来的——这一点是没有疑问的。先挖掘了一个三十英尺深的坑穴,板块被安放在坑底,然后又把坑穴仔细填好。“你可能纳闷我们在一开始是怎么发现它的。嗯,这物体是很容易发现的,容易得都使人起了疑心。它有一个强烈的磁场,我们一开始沿轨道进行低空勘测,它就暴露出来了。“但是为什么要把太阳能发动的装置埋在三十英尺的地下?我们分析了几十种理论,虽然我们也知道,很可能绝对无法理解比我们先进三百万年的生物的意图。“最容易为人所接受的理论也是最简单的、最合乎逻辑的理论。它也是最使人心里难以平静的理论。“你把一个太阳能装置藏在暗处——只能是因为你想要知道它什么时候复见天日。换句话说,这板块可能是某种警报器。而我们已经启动了它……“安置它的文明动物是否还存在,我们不知道。我们只能假设,这些生物既然能够制造三百万年后仍然运转的机器,他们也可能建立同样年深日久的社会。我们还必须假设,除非得到相反的证明,他们对我们是敌对的。人们常说,先进的文化一定是善良的,但是我们不能冒险。“此外,正如我们自己过去的历史所多次表明的,原始的种族在同较高的文化接触时往往难以生存下去。人类学家们谈到过‘文明冲击’;我们可能不得不使全人类做好应付这种冲击的准备。但是,对于在三百万年前到过月球——相信也同样到过地球——的这种生物,我们还毫不了解,因此连如何开始准备也很难设想。buoyancy is offset by the majority of the weight, and feel like floating in space. Silence as if hiding the old sound, the whole world like in the rapid from him to.He let this feeling, no resistance, he will hold until the sea again.He float more and more quickly, the first rushed out of the water. The warm air rushed into his lungs. He opened his eyes, in front of a blue sea and the blue of the sky, the sky flow strange clouds, mysterious light from the sky, illuminating the sea in the lonely Isle!Avalon, the eternal guardian, spirit, life and death. He arrived at the island!He jump on the rubber boats, all the clues are in the mind connected, on the island of true colors, the properties of various strange about it, when these clues came crashing through, he is in no doubt that the so-called Avalon is a Nibelungs!Inside the Arctic Circle, of course, can not have a length of a towering trees of normal Island, Avalon's environment is very much like in the Mediterranean, then the world of Avalon is distorted, as Beijing Nibelungen is distorted subway station.
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    century old sense.As for the atmospheric ionization aurora and strong, it is caused by Avalon.But to really reach the Avalon, through a material interface, this interface is usually formed by water, he saw Odin that time, heavy rain washed out the whole city highway has thus become the maze, he entered the Beijing subway der the room under the rain, water along the steps flow.And here, made up of water interface is not the sea?? the sea like a mirror that reflected the Avalon, that in fact, there is not a mirage. Avalon is a exist in water in the mirror of the Nibelungs! It are both the island and the abyss, arrived in it is very simple, jumped into the water.The surrounding seawater suddenly a somersault, emerge from the water and a head Sasha swinging wet hair, such as a head just across the river the lion, anti shake dagger surrounded by warning.And then he saw the Avalon, the people full of foolish, at the foot of forget stepped sailor in loose knife, stunned the sinking.Chu Zihang grabbed his collar, "is it not for you to stay on the boat?"Sasha even choked a few words, but soon breath back, the pre alpha elite, after all, is not a vegetarian, he then carrying more than ten kilograms of tactical equipment able to swim for tens of kilometers."You don't know you jumped into the water after what happened," Sasha wipe the face, you suddenly disappeared! Sea water is very clear, we take xenon lamp to illuminate can see the fish swim on ten meters underwater, but we couldn't see you, you with the rope seems to suddenly become infinitely long, all the way up to the seafloor is extended! I don't trust on down to see. "Chu Zihang frown slightly. He doesn't want to Sasha down des Nibelungen is belongs to the dragon's secret, should not let outsiders see, or school of psychology that help responsible for the aftermath of the guy and flew over from America to Sasha brainwash them, but their brainwashing techniques than Vincent that is superior, is to wash the said recent troubles less, human spirit, associated with appetite is good, life is full of hope. Can be on the tonight just know Russian men his loyalty or some moved, but a face to kill the embryo is not suitable for table was moved, so it seems as if he has not happy.Seawater is a somersault, stormtroopers were one after another floating up, like Sasha, they first reveals the very elite side clutching waterproof rifles and high pressure carbonate gas driven harpoon gun, a face Yulong kill dragon Yuhu killed the tiger cross, and then they will see the Avalon."Calm! Calm down! Calm down!" Sasha and yelled, "hold on to your guys! We still don't know the island some what, perhaps use!"At this time even the rubber boats floating up, presumably Sasha down after the strange disappearance, stormtroopers who worry about his safety, follow the boom poof boom puff to jump down, everyone are tied with a rope, connected to the rope and rubber boats. The boats to take over and beyond the boundary of the Nibelungs.The way of thinking of the members of this group of players is really simple enough.But boats can give them a lot of convenience, mallard swimming to Avalon and two or three kilometers, even for Sasha and Chu Zihang is not a small physical exertion.Rubber boats maneuvering toward the Avalon, here doesn't feel the wind, sea and there is no ups and downs, showing a blue glazed texture, open boats like a knife piece of glass, the white scars in a moment later silent to bridge.The sky clouds with the blue cloud and watch carefully to the words that the cloud has a sea like lines and gaps among the clouds, slowly changes shape, as the windless condition under the sea.Look deep into the sea, feel the seabed has a faint light, like a blue skirt huge.Chu Zihang slowly hit a shiver, the Nibelungen structure with the Nibelungen he had seen before are not the same, it seems really is hidden in the mirror of the sea. Maybe the sky on his head is actually tens of millions of tons of the Arctic Ocean water, and he beneath the sea is hung Aurora sky.He see around but couldn't see Tianhai junction, where filled with blue mist, it is at the boundary. Accordingly, he judge the Nibelungen actually is not, all is around the lonely Isle.Rubber boats to speed up washed up on the beach, Isle is a positive terminal, but stormtroopers brain although simple, combat is really old guns, they choose to landing first occupy the side of the Asa. So if island has something to to their disadvantage, hi hi. Rubber boats on the Russian heavy weapons can be really a lot.But Shidao to absolute quiet waiting for them, they have been touched to the pier in the vicinity, let alone to meet the enemy, even a fly to shit on the head of seabirds are not, warm and humid air, reminiscent of the ancient Mediterranean, the island in B cklin paintings called "death", but mother like warmth.Is it really such a thing as death, warm, quiet, lonely.Terminal is very small, with a simple cutting of stone, is really that can only accommodate a small boat terminal simple, even tie the boat to the pillars are only one root. And it is a Celtic mythology with consistent point, carrying King Arthur's boat is in come ashore?Assault team maintained a tactical formation forward, Sasha Vujacic grabbed a handle ak-74 assault rifles walk in the front, the laoqiang is very stable, experienced veterans still like to use, Chu Zihang walk in the end, clutching knife pouch.Terminal is moving path of Torreya grandis trees on both sides, that mysterious sky light the tree copies in them, the white stone lanterns look casually placed in the corner of the road, in any museum have not appeared the shape of things, then the quiet so lonely, like a road leading to the cemetery, and they're totally armed creeping walking and looks absolutely is a gang of violent invaders.Chu Zihang reached out his hand on a stone lantern and touched it with a little dust on his hands, like a man who had been cleaned every day.Darn! Hurry up! We want to find the gems and gold that good things with!"But charge players couldn't help against those old lonely sculpture from tut praise, the beauty of those things don't need basic aesthetic can appreciate, and some people think king and awe, some people think of love and love, some simply let you feel the world of deep can not measure.Of course charge players think most was the head of the minimum can can't move back. Then Sasha's boots came, "Kacha" sound!Sasha bounce that as being stepped on to the tail of a serpent, rollover landing, ak-74 pointing to oneself just stand on the range, in the air gun has been loaded, ready to be fired. His gun to nothing. Stormtroopers were gathered to his side and red muzzle formed a circle, with a serious expression."What's wrong?"""I like to crush what." Sasha said hesitantly.A Stormtrooper approached a look, "Oh, no matter what, you crushed the heads of the skull""It is good as well, fortunately, not anything important. Sasha also saw one eye, indeed as expected is the heart of hot silver skeleton, he as a memorial to Vincent, tossed in the tactical backpack in the.Careless of the Russian assault players continue marching on, Chu Zihang played little soil cover up the fragments of the skull, then follow. He did not know to Avalon no resurrection of the dead, anyway, the Third Reich last hope is to be charge captain crush.Ahead loomed the white altar shaped building, a bit like Stonehenge in England, Shilianghe covered with long, translucent, seems to be ancient monarchy or lady travel hanging to block the face veil."There should be a treasure," said a member of the charge. He took the grenade out and pulled the bolt out of the lock."I think there should be," the other team tried to test the fire."There's not a beautiful woman, you look at the veil!""There is also the beautiful woman mummy now? Find isyours!"Stormtroopers who have come up with twelve of the momentum, are prepared to 12 points of fire, both dangerous and treasures, which for treasure hunters is the eternal law of, so the more think there may be a treasure, they are more careful.They enter the Stonehenge only to find that it's just a Stonehenge, than England the Stonehenge out many times Stonehenge, Stonehenge hollow no matter, only the "veil" aspect messy hanging in Shilianghe, gauze curtain shape is strange, such as yarn woven into the long shaped bag, upscaled is about a folded so thick, the length of about a few tens of meters. Bag that clearly is not used to when the occluder, pretending to be something to such a huge bag it?"Some sticky," said one of the members of the charge, with the hand of a tactical glove, lightly touching the veil.What, Chu Zihang suddenly thought of a sudden look, "look around! What is the snake slough!"Is at this time, around Stonehenge giant cypress uploaded to the "rustling" sound, hidden in the shade of the trees in the huge shadow have revived their coiled cypress swim down, as if Yao Jiao dragon.Really is a snake, giant snakes. They coiled cypress tree is not very smart, because the cypress trees that are too big, and the snake is ink green, shade and color are almost the same. But when they move, a huge body emerged, all over the world are fill the rustle of scales and trunk friction.Their minimum is ten meters long, the largest individual more than thirty or forty meters, abdomen white as snow and back covered with the ink cloud brocade like scales, point is like living in the jungles of the Amazon anaconda, but long anaconda is not so big, human beings have captured a 11.5 meters long anaconda, it is king of the anaconda."Damn!" Sasha end up his ak-74 assault rifles. All stormtroopers are clenched weapons, Sasha gun head a rumble, then everyone would enjoy bursts.Bullets for this incredible giant snakes have no lethality? None of them know, but these have been served to the alpha team of elite is not to, people from the bosom touch flat tin wine jar, suddenly filled with a mouthful of vodka down and the wine jar is in the stormtroopers transfer to each other."Don't shoot!" chuzihang on Sasha bolt, to his firing, "they are not going to attack!"Indeed as he said, those serpents from cypress tree down after not toward the rock matrix, but left the scattered. Their huge body crush in the grass is like stone Nianzishan pushed past, grass lodging, leaving wavy lines.Around the island is the mountain wall, serpent who is along the mountain wall climbing. They minimum have a two ton, to as heavy bodies had no climbing method, but cutting on the mountain wall is hovering on the ladder, they along the ladder, quickly creeping up, often head has reached the top layer, tail still below a layer. Huge snake quarters and mountain wall collisions, boom rumbling sound reverberation and all the cypress trees are shaking, dark green leaves as if have Blizzard fell from the sky.The men were stunned to see this scene, do not know whether they are in the world.And Chu Zihang suddenly remembered the school back Xin Qiji's the song < Qinyuanchun >, word said, "vertical and horizontal rotating bucket, dragon and snake from land, collapse Teng must go, snow practice poured down river."After the giant serpents ascent on the other side of the whereabouts of the mountain, disappear, cypress tree is still slightly shaking, leaves still faint straining, if grass is not the wavy lines, people will mistakenly think that the snake did not appear too."My days. The world really has such a big snake?" Sasha muttered, "that's what the snake?"As the elite special forces, he only took a hunting knife can in the world in any piece of virgin forest to live independently in two weeks, this ability is, of course, based on he understanding of plants and animals, but he never heard of tens of meters long snake. Titanoboa could grow to about 20 meters, known as the largest in the history of the snake, but that 50 million“所以说,你的任务远不只是一次探险旅行。它是侦察——在未知的、也是潜在的敌区进行搜索。卡明斯基博士为首的工作队是为此受过特殊训练的;现在你必须独自完成……“最后,谈谈你的特定目标。似乎难以相信,任何先进的生命形式竟能够在土星上存在,或是在它的任何月球上进化。我们曾经计划对整个土星体系进行调查,我们仍然希望你能完成一项简化了的方案。但是.目前我们也许不得不集中力量在第八颗卫星——土卫八上。到了开始接近终点运行时,我们将会决定你应否与这颗了不起的星体会合。土卫八很小——直径大约八百英里——即使从月球望远镜上看,也只能看到它的轮廓。但是,在它的一面似乎有一个光辉灿烂、对称得出奇的斑点,而这可能同T·M·A·-1有联系。我有时候认为土卫八在三百年中一直象一架宇宙反光信号机向我们发射出信号,而我们则一直愚蠢得不能理解它的信息……“目前,我们不知道应该怀着希望还是应该担心害怕。我们不知道,你在土星的月球上将是吉是凶——或者仅仅看到比特洛伊还古老一千倍的废墟。”years ago became extinct. In the history of mankind there is no lack of observation to tens of meters and even 100 meters of the giant snake is reported, but are unable to prove that mostly someone drank too much fantasy monsters."Snake can grow to very large, because of the different reptiles of cell division and mammals and their cell division will never stop. Also because of this reason they molt, because to continue to grow the body always bursting its old skin." Chu Zihang in a low voice said, "principle that they can grow infinitely large, the premise is long enough for life and snake although very long, but life is always limited. But have you ever heard of the Avalon legends?? on the island, the time is not flowing, anything will not die.""So they can grow indefinitely?" Sasha stared."Guess""How did you know that the snakes didn't want to eat us?"Python's vision is very poor, but for the infrared is very sensitive, we set foot on the 
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    Flow to speed up the pain reduction, Vitoria feel that they can even hear the body's cells in the fast split, to repair the wound.Chairman of the student union rose slowly, his hands have no double knife the, double knife inserted in the dance king two shoulder scapular below. From the dance king head over the moment, he with their feet to tread the knife into, this finally through the layer of fat, insert the tendon.Lord of the dance furiously wiggling, want to get rid of the foreign body insertion of the scapula. Pain on him but not that big a deal, he key muscles were the two knife lock dead, my arms feebly underground vertical, body forces are not out. But he is really too fat, is that even the navel are not touching the body, and how to touch behind the hilt?After the student union chairman deep cough several voices, spit out a mouthful of blood, slowly forced up. He further, Lord of the dance back a step. Turn this monster trembled, dancing in the eyes of the king, the black flying slender figure is magnified many times, with a huge threat to strict enveloped him.The beast beast hunters finally realized that this is their prey!He suddenly turned and ran out of the two fling caution to the winds, but weak in mast arm swing on both sides of the body."Care him." student council president said this sentence, Ruyingsuixing to keep up with the Lord of the dance, flashing silver in the hands, he once again use the that of the silver desert eagle.Victoria stared at the two chasing the far of figure, the air still remained the aroma of pine and cypress wood. Suddenly she heard next to the chimney is transmitted to a low moan, that is Gonzalez issued, shortly before he is still in the dying state, only the vent inlet, now should be able to voice.Victoria rushed over and felt his pulse, was surprised to find that the heartbeat of the Gonzalez is recovering, like have a mysterious vitality into his body, put this on the verge of broken body temporarily patched, in such a state, Gonzalez should is can hang on until help arrived.Originally the phrase "don't die" is actually to Gonzalez said, he was just the joint beneficiaries. Victoria stroked Gonzalez faces, men of thought, as the wind came, and the commanding words, like in command of the world, and the world. Really obey the orders his!The students are chairman and Lord of the dance is old building in Rio de Janeiro jump and dance king spring called amazing, 78 meters wide gap and jumped over, everything encountered along the way are he crashed. The president of the student union is the variation of the height of the roof, the following closely behind.Dozens of commissioner in the street and in the air followed, on the street commissioners riding a stolen motorcycle, there's a guy incredibly opens a car delivers the milk vehicle, and the Commissioner of the air is the helicopter ride."They are close to the tram to tram outage!! never mind what way! I want the trolley train outage!""In the downtown area, inform the police of the evacuation of the crowd!""Medical group! Where is the medical group? The chairman of the student union should be injured."!""Damn it! The dead fat man is still running! The student may be the chairman of the student union!""Sniper! Do you have a chance to shoot the sniper?""Sniper reports, there is no chance of shooting, they move too fast, too many obstacles!"Fled in the Lord of the dance has been unable to on the surrounding crowd to exert mental control, they moved through the region also happens to be the downtown, and from around the world came to watch the Carnival Parade festival visitors have seen the magical scene, hundreds of kilograms of weight, to a dark smoke meat mountains over a building and a building construction, wearing a black coat man followed in later, helicopters circling in the air, a group dressed in black foreigners riding a pedal scooter and even send the milk vehicle, yelling to chasing."How far is it from the slums?" the man in charge of the scooter racing was unusually serious."Two kilometers. No! 1.4 kilometers! According to their speed, as long as five minutes to reach the border area of the slums!" the Commissioner of the helicopter immediately gives the data.Responsible for the man's face is very ugly. Action before they analyzed the geographical environment in Rio de Janeiro, downtown city stream of people of course is hampered, but if the Lord of the dance appears in the slums, then arrests success probability is almost zero.Rio de Janeiro has a noisy luxury side and poor dangerous side, millions of poor no houses will be their residence built in the city in the mountains. There is full of roof connected tin shacks and a lot of shack and even the windows are not. The roads were narrow and intricate, is simply a maze.Once the dance king arrived in slums, like a fat toad jumped into the lake, think of trailing him too hard. And if really in the slums of fighting, is likely to cause a lot of innocent casualties, where the population density too terrible."Give me!" the voice of the president of the student union came again.After he has been dancing king keep distance, afraid to get too close to, but with the acceleration of the sentence he suddenly, jumping volley, firmly falls on the dance of the king's shoulders, desert eagle roar, a foot long muzzle flash continuous throughput, every gun aimed dance Wang Jinghou fat, every single bullets are from the same position drill into.Dancing king horror roar. His neck Gump to incredible pain, desert eagle large caliber bullet. Repeat tear wound and fat is white, then pink, and eventually turned into a strong fishy red blood!"Wonderful!" to see this scene, responsible for the actions of people blindly chanting, pedal scooter almost out of control.Lord of the dance the most difficult place is the bullet drill through the fat layer, but a single bullets will not penetrate, a whole box of bullets do. Students will chairman is live, every single steel core bullet impact at the bottom of a single bullet, warheads are stacked up, toward the dance king's spine push into!A handle consisting of the bullet dagger slowly toward your spine, this is how terrible feeling, even dance king the fierce monster couldn't bear, he in the roof of the house abandoned building to swing crazily, to the chairman of the student union to shake down, but students chairman tightly pulling his jaw, continuously and stably to the wound poured into bullets."Cruel, calm, efficient, silent. In the student stage will be able to achieve this level, and so he really into the executive department, not to rule the Department," the person in charge of a soft sigh.The executive department of the veteran who collective parking in the distance of hundreds of meters away from the place overlooking the student union chairman has fully control the situation, and now to help the past has no sense."That is school to spend huge cost raises the sword, he really scabbard is the Dragon King," said another senior softly.And in stark contrast to the emotion expression of senior researchers who look intoxicated with the girls. They have heard rumors of chairman of the student union, but few people with him according to the surface, so he in the minds of the students is often a shrouded in a halo of light, distant figure, today she was able to see him fighting heroic. He treats, when King means tyrannical to thrilling dance, protect the Victoria gentle also let impression profound, if humans are made in God, then this must be as a legend was made out of?Finish a whole magazine, dance the wound on the back of the King Deep visible bone, students will chairman pulled a gun to bolt, remove the empty magazine, and put a gold deep red warhead bullets into the gun.A final shot, bullet or from the wound into, there is no impediment to hit the dance king's spine. In this moment warhead exploded into a mass of fresh red mist, into the flesh around the spine.Dancing king stopped struggling and rickety. After a few seconds, his heavy body looks up at sky to fall, hit a loud "bang" in the roof of the abandoned building.Student union chairman of the floor at the same time, alert to fat boy, bent down to touch his pulse, heartbeat actually very smooth, was shot by the fire was knifed, did not show a significant reduction in the vitality of the monster. The reason he fell, just because finally the powerful anesthetic Friga bullets.Student union chairman heaved a sigh of relief, toward the distant crowd companions than a tactical gesture, meaning "action". At this moment the night breeze lifted his coat and the amount of hair, he is carrying silver Desert Eagle independent wind, lanky body looks like a wrapped black banners black spear."He is the best!" someone shouted unable to restrain the emotions."He is the best!" all the girls screamed.Senior researchers looked at each other, looks a bit embarrassed, this posture is more like a star of the meeting venue. Executive department since the establishment is most proud of the College Department tonight, but in has not yet graduated students will chairman before the mast, in the minds of these girls, they are attendant of chairman of the student union?In cheers as if time and tide, students will chairman's face suddenly changed, becoming very ugly. But not the dance king stood up again, but to the floor at the foot pass to the obvious cracking sound."I rely on! No one can handsome to the end." muttered the chairman of the students union.Smoke jumping, dancing king and President of the student council from the five floor of the roof smashed through layers of floor, falling into ruins.Sudden accident let all people all silly eye, after a few seconds, no other senior researchers ordered, all the students have pounced on the the building's ruins.Messy floor, tons of bricks and decadent, the wooden skeleton heap on the first floor of the ground, breathing as if by dust clogged nasal. This building also has hundreds of years of history, has come to the unbearable use point of and inside the tenants have already moved out, is awaiting demolition. It that fragile structure can not to bear Ju Hio finally violent and finally collapsed. Half the building fell down, residual in the floor of an abandoned furniture are smashed to pieces, seems to find survivors of the probability is almost zero."Gosh." senior researchers looked at each other. Does this lost college cultivates meticulously prepared to deal with the sword of the Dragon King level target? The back can explain how?Students have not given up hope, with a flashlight维系生命”系统是第一件优先要做好的工作。已经损失了很多氧气,但是为了维持一个人的生命还有足够的储备。气压和气温调节大体上都是自动的,一般不需要人去干预。地球上的监视装置现在可以执行被切断电源的计算机的许多高级任务,尽管它们对于变化中的情况作出反应要经过长时间的延宕。“维系生命”系统的任何毛病——除了船身上的严重破损——都要经过若干小时后才会造成后果,所以总能在事先得到不少警报。飞船的电源、导航和推进系统没有受到影响——反正后两个系统鲍曼在若干月内还用不着,直到与土星会合的时候。没有船上计算机的帮助,地球也仍然能够远距离监视会合动作。最后的轨道调整将会有些麻烦,因为需要不断地检验,但那也不是个严重的问题。他并没试图了解冬眠装置系统的其他部分是否仍能正常使用。虽然他最终可能要靠它来活命,但这可以等到飞船进人最后轨道时再去考虑。这之前还有许多问题可能发生。最后,随着飞船逐渐再一次进人自动的运行状态——虽然他仍需经常亲自监督——鲍曼开始有时间研究地球发送给他的报告和简报。他一再重复地放送T·M·A·-1在三百万年中第一次迎来黎明时的录音。他观察着穿宇航服的人形在它周围行动,后来它向星群发出信号,它的电子声音还使他们的无线电瘫痪下来,鲍曼看到他们当时受惊的可笑形状,几乎露出笑容。从那一刻起,那板块一直毫无动静。它被遮盖起来,然后又小心翼翼地曝晒在烈日下——仍然毫无反应。还没试图把它切割开来,部分原因是科学上的慎重,但同样也怕承担可能发生后果。那板块的一个新奇的、但或许很不重要的特点,曾经引起无休止的争论。它十一英尺高,横截面是一又四分之一乘以五英尺。经过最认真的检查发现,它的长宽高比例恰好是1:4:9——即头三个整数的平方。谁也提不出任何看来有道理的解释,但它肯定不是偶然的,因为这个比例经受过最精确的度量。使用地球上的全部技术,用任何物质,也制造不出具有这样难以想象的精密度的板块——哪怕是没有动力的静止板块。这确实是发人深思的。象这样傲慢地显示出其几何式精密度的性能,象T·M·A·-1所具有的其他性能一样,确实给人深刻的印象。鲍曼还带着一种奇特的冷漠态度谛听着任务指挥站关于程序安排的过时的道歉,地球上传来的语调似乎带有一种辩解的口吻;他可以理解那些设计这次远征的人中间一定在互相进行指责。他更加感到兴趣的是——即使这在现在不过是桥下的流水,已成往事——解释哈尔行为的说法。谁也不可能弄清楚事实真相,但是任务指挥中心的一台9000也患了完全一样的精神病,目前正在治疗中,说明上面这种说法是有根据的。同样的错误不会再发生了;而哈尔的制造者完全未能理会到他们自己产品的心理状况,说明要同真正的外界打交道该有多么困难。in the ruins of the exploration."Dance king! It's the king of the dance!" shouted the boy.They first found in the ruins of a white fat legs and removed a piece of driftwood real beam, Lord of the dance that huge body quietly lying in the ashes, like a fat white pie to go halves on the ground.Tough fat layer is bruised, but even this dance king's breathing and heartbeat still smooth, dragon's blood to his body strengthens to incredible proportions."The chairman, the chairman, is under the pressure of the king!"Dance king exposed corner of the black windbreaker, falling from the sky, is several hundred kilograms of fat in the body. Horrible death, not to mention the matching the identity of a hero.Who gave female students can not stand the blow of the face, tears brim over with tears."President Lu Mingfei. President Lu Mingfei!" present the students have student new members, they surrounded a circle, holding hands, looked sorrowful, consciousness to say the name of chairman.In their eyes, the once with the Dragon King against the man is not dead, such as St. George the dragon, flashing the eternal light.At this time, the fat man came out of the weak but calm voice, "I think I can grabThe second chapter, the fifteen year old boy's funeralBells are ringing, like the whole world torn, bell he suddenly look back look to the candlelight in the coffin, he suddenly surprised. He suddenly remembered that he 
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    Flow to speed up the pain reduction, Vitoria feel that they can even hear the body's cells in the fast split, to repair the wound.Chairman of the student union rose slowly, his hands have no double knife the, double knife inserted in the dance king two shoulder scapular below. From the dance king head over the moment, he with their feet to tread the knife into, this finally through the layer of fat, insert the tendon.Lord of the dance furiously wiggling, want to get rid of the foreign body insertion of the scapula. Pain on him but not that big a deal, he key muscles were the two knife lock dead, my arms feebly underground vertical, body forces are not out. But he is really too fat, is that even the navel are not touching the body, and how to touch behind the hilt?After the student union chairman deep cough several voices, spit out a mouthful of blood, slowly forced up. He further, Lord of the dance back a step. Turn this monster trembled, dancing in the eyes of the king, the black flying slender figure is magnified many times, with a huge threat to strict enveloped him.The beast beast hunters finally realized that this is their prey!He suddenly turned and ran out of the two fling caution to the winds, but weak in mast arm swing on both sides of the body."Care him." student council president said this sentence, Ruyingsuixing to keep up with the Lord of the dance, flashing silver in the hands, he once again use the that of the silver desert eagle.Victoria stared at the two chasing the far of figure, the air still remained the aroma of pine and cypress wood. Suddenly she heard next to the chimney is transmitted to a low moan, that is Gonzalez issued, shortly before he is still in the dying state, only the vent inlet, now should be able to voice.Victoria rushed over and felt his pulse, was surprised to find that the heartbeat of the Gonzalez is recovering, like have a mysterious vitality into his body, put this on the verge of broken body temporarily patched, in such a state, Gonzalez should is can hang on until help arrived.Originally the phrase "don't die" is actually to Gonzalez said, he was just the joint beneficiaries. Victoria stroked Gonzalez faces, men of thought, as the wind came, and the commanding words, like in command of the world, and the world. Really obey the orders his!The students are chairman and Lord of the dance is old building in Rio de Janeiro jump and dance king spring called amazing, 78 meters wide gap and jumped over, everything encountered along the way are he crashed. The president of the student union is the variation of the height of the roof, the following closely behind.Dozens of commissioner in the street and in the air followed, on the street commissioners riding a stolen motorcycle, there's a guy incredibly opens a car delivers the milk vehicle, and the Commissioner of the air is the helicopter ride."They are close to the tram to tram outage!! never mind what way! I want the trolley train outage!""In the downtown area, inform the police of the evacuation of the crowd!""Medical group! Where is the medical group? The chairman of the student union should be injured."!""Damn it! The dead fat man is still running! The student may be the chairman of the student union!""Sniper! Do you have a chance to shoot the sniper?""Sniper reports, there is no chance of shooting, they move too fast, too many obstacles!"Fled in the Lord of the dance has been unable to on the surrounding crowd to exert mental control, they moved through the region also happens to be the downtown, and from around the world came to watch the Carnival Parade festival visitors have seen the magical scene, hundreds of kilograms of weight, to a dark smoke meat mountains over a building and a building construction, wearing a black coat man followed in later, helicopters circling in the air, a group dressed in black foreigners riding a pedal scooter and even send the milk vehicle, yelling to chasing."How far is it from the slums?" the man in charge of the scooter racing was unusually serious."Two kilometers. No! 1.4 kilometers! According to their speed, as long as five minutes to reach the border area of the slums!" the Commissioner of the helicopter immediately gives the data.Responsible for the man's face is very ugly. Action before they analyzed the geographical environment in Rio de Janeiro, downtown city stream of people of course is hampered, but if the Lord of the dance appears in the slums, then arrests success probability is almost zero.Rio de Janeiro has a noisy luxury side and poor dangerous side, millions of poor no houses will be their residence built in the city in the mountains. There is full of roof connected tin shacks and a lot of shack and even the windows are not. The roads were narrow and intricate, is simply a maze.Once the dance king arrived in slums, like a fat toad jumped into the lake, think of trailing him too hard. And if really in the slums of fighting, is likely to cause a lot of innocent casualties, where the population density too terrible."Give me!" the voice of the president of the student union came again.After he has been dancing king keep distance, afraid to get too close to, but with the acceleration of the sentence he suddenly, jumping volley, firmly falls on the dance of the king's shoulders, desert eagle roar, a foot long muzzle flash continuous throughput, every gun aimed dance Wang Jinghou fat, every single bullets are from the same position drill into.Dancing king horror roar. His neck Gump to incredible pain, desert eagle large caliber bullet. Repeat tear wound and fat is white, then pink, and eventually turned into a strong fishy red blood!"Wonderful!" to see this scene, responsible for the actions of people blindly chanting, pedal scooter almost out of control.Lord of the dance the most difficult place is the bullet drill through the fat layer, but a single bullets will not penetrate, a whole box of bullets do. Students will chairman is live, every single steel core bullet impact at the bottom of a single bullet, warheads are stacked up, toward the dance king's spine push into!A handle consisting of the bullet dagger slowly toward your spine, this is how terrible feeling, even dance king the fierce monster couldn't bear, he in the roof of the house abandoned building to swing crazily, to the chairman of the student union to shake down, but students chairman tightly pulling his jaw, continuously and stably to the wound poured into bullets."Cruel, calm, efficient, silent. In the student stage will be able to achieve this level, and so he really into the executive department, not to rule the Department," the person in charge of a soft sigh.The executive department of the veteran who collective parking in the distance of hundreds of meters away from the place overlooking the student union chairman has fully control the situation, and now to help the past has no sense."That is school to spend huge cost raises the sword, he really scabbard is the Dragon King," said another senior softly.And in stark contrast to the emotion expression of senior researchers who look intoxicated with the girls. They have heard rumors of chairman of the student union, but few people with him according to the surface, so he in the minds of the students is often a shrouded in a halo of light, distant figure, today she was able to see him fighting heroic. He treats, when King means tyrannical to thrilling dance, protect the Victoria gentle also let impression profound, if humans are made in God, then this must be as a legend was made out of?Finish a whole magazine, dance the wound on the back of the King Deep visible bone, students will chairman pulled a gun to bolt, remove the empty magazine, and put a gold deep red warhead bullets into the gun.A final shot, bullet or from the wound into, there is no impediment to hit the dance king's spine. In this moment warhead exploded into a mass of fresh red mist, into the flesh around the spine.Dancing king stopped struggling and rickety. After a few seconds, his heavy body looks up at sky to fall, hit a loud "bang" in the roof of the abandoned building.Student union chairman of the floor at the same time, alert to fat boy, bent down to touch his pulse, heartbeat actually very smooth, was shot by the fire was knifed, did not show a significant reduction in the vitality of the monster. The reason he fell, just because finally the powerful anesthetic Friga bullets.Student union chairman heaved a sigh of relief, toward the distant crowd companions than a tactical gesture, meaning "action". At this moment the night breeze lifted his coat and the amount of hair, he is carrying silver Desert Eagle independent wind, lanky body looks like a wrapped black banners black spear."He is the best!" someone shouted unable to restrain the emotions."He is the best!" all the girls screamed.Senior researchers looked at each other, looks a bit embarrassed, this posture is more like a star of the meeting venue. Executive department since the establishment is most proud of the College Department tonight, but in has not yet graduated students will chairman before the mast, in the minds of these girls, they are attendant of chairman of the student union?In cheers as if time and tide, students will chairman's face suddenly changed, becoming very ugly. But not the dance king stood up again, but to the floor at the foot pass to the obvious cracking sound."I rely on! No one can handsome to the end." muttered the chairman of the students union.Smoke jumping, dancing king and President of the student council from the five floor of the roof smashed through layers of floor, falling into ruins.Sudden accident let all people all silly eye, after a few seconds, no other senior researchers ordered, all the students have pounced on the the building's ruins.Messy floor, tons of bricks and decadent, the wooden skeleton heap on the first floor of the ground, breathing as if by dust clogged nasal. This building also has hundreds of years of history, has come to the unbearable use point of and inside the tenants have already moved out, is awaiting demolition. It that fragile structure can not to bear Ju Hio finally violent and finally collapsed. Half the building fell down, residual in the floor of an abandoned furniture are smashed to pieces, seems to find survivors of the probability is almost zero."Gosh." senior researchers looked at each other. Does this lost college cultivates meticulously prepared to deal with the sword of the Dragon King level target? The back can explain how?鲍曼很容易相信西蒙森博士的理论,认为哈尔由于程序设计上的矛盾造成无意识的歉疚,使他企图切断同地球的联系。而且.他还一厢情愿地认为——虽然这也是永远证明不了的——哈尔并不是有意杀害普尔。他不过是想毁灭证据;因为一旦据报已经烧坏的AE—35部件证明仍在运转,他的谎言就要被拆穿。此后,象任何笨拙的罪犯在欺诈行为中越陷越深那样,哈尔惊慌失措了。而惊慌失措却是鲍曼所理解的,甚至比他愿意理解的还要深刻,因为他这辈子早就经历过两次。第一次是孩提时,他遇到一阵激浪,几乎淹死;第二次是作为宇航人员受训时,一个出了毛病的压力计,使他坚信氧气无法维持到他进入安全地带。那两次,他都几乎无法控制自己一切较高级的逻辑思维;两次,他都差一点成为乱糟糟的一团疯狂冲动;两次,他都胜利地渡过难关,但他明白,在一定的环境下,任何人都可能因为惊慌失措而失去人性。Students have not given up hope, with a flashlight in the ruins of the exploration."Dance king! It's the king of the dance!" shouted the boy.They first found in the ruins of a white fat legs and removed a piece of driftwood real beam, Lord of the dance that huge body quietly lying in the ashes, like a fat white pie to go halves on the ground.Tough fat layer is bruised, but even this dance king's breathing and heartbeat still smooth, dragon's blood to his body strengthens to incredible proportions."The chairman, the chairman, is under the pressure of the king!"Dance king exposed corner of the black windbreaker, falling from the sky, is several hundred kilograms of fat in the body. Horrible death, not to mention the matching the identity of a hero.Who gave female students can not stand the blow of the face, tears brim over with tears."President Lu Mingfei. President Lu Mingfei!" present the students have student new members, they surrounded a circle, holding hands, looked sorrowful, consciousness to say the name of chairman.In their eyes, the once with the Dragon King against the man is not dead, such as St. George the dragon, flashing the eternal light.At this time, the fat man came out of the weak but calm voice, "I think I can grabThe second chapter, the fifteen year old boy's funeralBells are ringing, like the whole world torn, bell he suddenly look back look to the candlelight in the coffin, he suddenly surprised. He suddenly remembered that he 
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    Nono, the mischievous heart all of a sudden is bounced, eat dinner carelessly went to Lu Mingfei side put the tray down, fierce clap his shoulder when they said with a loud voice, "Hello! You are not my messenger? To be cowboys consciousness ah! Today is my birthday, you do not honor?"Look at this guy with shoot look, Luigi Nono almost didn't endure laugh.So she received the small alarm clock, the package in a white cube, neither trademark also did not explain, presumably what geeks company produced gadgets, not worth much, but did very fine.Nono also quite like shape of the small alarm clock that night with the up, so the next morning she knows this is something of a base, the stock not to call you get up a dogged momentum, the vast is you hit the midgets.But this gift is really very suitable for nono, there is no such shameless momentum mixing, is very difficult to take her from the bed, pulling him up.Not many things with her flowers, to the golden iris, originally did not think to stay here for a long time, but this is the alarm clock or plugShe wanted to run away for a while, but she couldn't explain her life to Su Qian or Lu Mingfei."The house in the golden iris flower island to attend the European version of < female training > and < Nvjie >, soon magic Dacheng, incarnation of fine ladies, to marry into Gattuso's son, wife, mother conjugal bliss."Is it okay to say so? It's better to let her go!Now she had not is such a life? She almost can see myself at the end of life, like a statue of goddess of mercy as living in the house of Gattuso at the mansion, Caesar might accompany her may have no time to accompany, but she will never be free very boring, because there are various relations with Gattuso's family would drive to visit Europe dear Mrs. Gattuso, there will be an avalanche of letters came from all over the world, there are invited to dinner, to help her charity foundation, there will be a variety of limited edition handbags and clothes, if she may try and evaluate a few words send something to the luxury goods company, will be moved.That is a lot of girls, but it is impossible to reach out of reach, but for her it really is.More think more unhappy, she slapped a letter, jumped to his feet and backhand opened dress behind the zipper. Dress strokes like two drops of white cicada, nono from which sprang up, dress she's wearing no underwear, but skin like close fitting white swimsuit.Swimsuit is changing the dress wear good. Most nights she sneaked off to go to the island on the other side of swimming, there is a tens of meters high cliff, rock like a sharp fangs, the tide in the rock below the smash, a thunderous huge sound.The coast is certainly not comfortable bathing, but to avoid the school security sight. This island was dotted with infrared camera, there are people along the beach patrol, in order to avoid what life on the island to peep guy touch these precious students. And that is not a cliff near the security measures, because the security chiefs after reading after that the monkey can visit the island. From there he didn't expect students to have such a monkey, Luigi Nono hand along the cliff down to travel several kilometers swim back, several times she swam to the island of Malta to see the place. Facing the lights around the island, really want to simply swim not run back well, but in the end I went swimming back.It makes her feel like an old woman, is no longer the lawless momentum.She lifted the white muslin curtains jumped on the windowsill, suddenly stunned speechless. White yarn in the sea breeze lightly landing, a room full of cool breeze. The windows are open.Golden irises college has a dedicated team responsible for the bedroom cleaning, all have super five-star hotel working experience, cleaning process is also very strict. They should clean the bedroom after the window is closed, so as to avoid excessive sea breeze into the bedroom, the smell of the sea too strong.Nono quietly returned to the bedroom, moving to the side of the desk, fingers swept the row read many times the light readings. She felt a vacancy, the book gone. No wonder just felt a bit wrong, because there is a vacancy on the shelf.She also noticed some small desk surface residue, twist at the fingertips of smell, a Korean pickled cabbage flavor.Taste. Nono rotten super tiger general, no doubt, bedroom hidden person, he is in the cleaning after the departure of invasion. By dint of the side write the ability of Nono about thought that invaded the bedroom after the move, he from the window and jumped in, in near the desk had to stay for a while. No, accurately say he in his desk and sat for a long time, and unlike thief as alert, but is readily from the shelf the book, the vacant position in the is nono brought the < Zen and motorcycle repair art >, a book but the content is quite a bit of depth of the book is a bit surprised at the thief.(author's note: < Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance >, English name, author Robert M. Pirsig, title funny, but in fact it is very deep in the book, is about the scientific and philosophical discussion. Because the title of the funny and is known to the public, often with it and said the work is < tractors in Ukrainian history >, a by the novel creation of the British writer Marina Lewycka.)Not only that the thief is very Zi Laishu took nono steal hidden pickles flavor potato chips to eat out, this kind of food in the golden iris flower Institute is not allowed, heat is too high to get fat.The thief didn't seem to leave the room, and the air was floating in the air, and Luigi Nono could feel his presence in every detail of the room.She readily lights, right hand on the leg side touch, black plastic handle silver blade diving knife to the palm of the hand. Her thigh stretch a piece of rubber belt, the knife in there. In the absence of anti shark nets wild swimming in the sea, with the weapons for self-defense is always correct, nono skill, encounter great whites have a 50 percent odds.She silently moving close to the wall. Dusty already a long time of tactical knowledge floating through my mind, against the wall of the moving blade outward, to prevent back later raid.She had not the slightest tension, but there is little happy. She will be afraid of thieves?? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Habie ridiculous! She but the crazy college ah, vascular flow a fiery dragon's blood, to her body dragon half of the view, the island of chick and teachers is weak by the wind of the small white rabbit, fill in the teeth of the little meat! Finally an opportunity not disguised as Shuyuan the, golden flame in the looming in her eyes, she is like a nocturnal cat or a tiger.Golden iris flower school year in accordance with the French Princess treatment to trainees allocation of bedroom, an area that is twice the five-star hotel executive suites, can go to the Tibetan's place more. Nono from the bedroom to touch the outside of the small drawing room, bathroom and walk-in closet between, did not find a person, she even check the ceiling, to prevent the opponents with Ninja like ability to pure to arm hanging from the roof. She is in the heart has no bottom the, don't say your side writing wrong? The invasion of her bedroom thief had fled?She hide in behind the curtains, glanced around the room again. If a man hiding in the room and she couldn't find her, then there must be some a neglected by her blind. The room and space, what can a person hiding?Her eyes lingered in the bedroom in the middle of four emerald green Roman column, heart budge. Sure enough, there are still themselves do not have to search to blind, because it was too conspicuous, looked nothing is not a qualified to hide, but the space really enough possession of a person.The bronze casting of French bath!Luxury bedroom bath is often installed in the bathroom, but also publicly in the bedroom is the central, to the romance of the French, bathing beauty is that the art, hidden in the bathroom count what? Of course to openly placed in the bedroom central the! Golden iris flower school in bath week around four package emerald green marble Rome pillar, hung with white gauze qualitative curtain. In the moonlit night, veil all see clearly, do not see the figure, but the deep bronze bathtub is enough hidden under a adults.Nono, overlooking the low stature, with "s" - line close to the bathtub, bathtub distance left not to five meters when she suddenly accelerated, Jack knife with a burgeoning silver arc, the veil in the silver arc silently cracking.Bathtub and sure enough it was he lying in anhydrous at the bottom of the bathtub, face covered with the < Zen and motorcycle repair art >, stomach placed the bag to eat half of potato chips.Nono both surprise and anger, the thief unexpectedly bold to in her bathtub to sleep the, want to eat before going to bed the chips and watching the book, quite comfortable.Nose stopped at the spine of the book, a few inches will stab into the man's eyebrows, for thieves burglary nono certainly not about to under the heavy hand, but they're not ready made him comfortable clothes to leave, followed by a punch in his abdomen.In such a blow, the guy suddenly awakened, bowed and play up, but the pain was unable to make a sound. Book falling from his face, moonlight in four eyes relative, nono screaming said, "ah!"Behind came the "bang" of the door rang, who is responsible for Discipline of the Vatican old repair for Candlestick stood in the doorway, look alert, "what? What?"For the sake of the safety of students, the old mother every night will up patrol three or four times, most propbably is passing through the door, heard the noise. Her keys can open all the bedrooms and immediately opened the door rushed in.Nono did not want to think, one foot into the bathtub, exactly said is to step on the face of the thief, he stepped back to the bathtub and tightly trample not loose in the feet."Chen Motong. Just now, you cried?? what?? somebody broke in??" the old nun from the Black took a revolver to the palate.Nono said feed you really are from the Vatican invited the sisters well? This readily from the absurd places out of a rifle range of children is the Cassell college patent ah! It certainly can in the heart Tucao, on the surface looks like she is was crashed through the upcoming bathing scene, nervously clinging to the chest, feet and ruthlessly crushed the few.This is to remind the kid said letter not letter you shouting I stepped off the bone of your nose? Damn this is what ah? Gattuso Weipei bride, men hidden in people crashed through the bedroom! If a bearded robbers like man also even if, who does not believe that nono will possession of that kind of stuff. Can be exchanged for lumingfei?No wonder the thief not nervous, after coming to back home like, off the shelf out of the book title is the cheapest read two chapters, Shumenshulu pulled out nono reservoir snacks of eating a few pieces, sleepy to bath in bed."Who has what person? I just put hot water to take谁也不怀疑,T·M·A·-1和土星系之间有某种关系,但是几乎没有任何科学家愿意承认矗立那板块的生物来自土星。土星比木星更不适宜于生命的存在,土星的许多月亮都是长年冰封,温度在零下三百度。其中只有一颗——泰坦——有大气层;而那也仅仅是薄薄一层有毒的甲烷。所以,远古时代光临过地球的月亮的生物,或者不仅来自地球之外,而且来自太阳系之外——是恒星的来客,在适宜的地方随处建立过基地。许多科学家断然否定这种可能性。他们指出,有史以来最快的“发现号”也要用两万年时间才能到达人马座α星——如要进入银河系的深处,则要花几百万年。即使在未来的若干世纪后,哪怕推进系统改进到难以想象的程度,最后还要遇到光速这个不可逾越的障碍,那是任何物质的东西所不能超越的。所以,T·M·A·-1的制造者必定是和人类来自同一太阳系的;而且,既然他们在近代历史中从未出现,他们大概早已绝迹。有少数人表示不同意。他们争辩说,即使从一颗恒星到另一颗恒星需时若干世纪,对于有充分决心的探险者也不是什么障碍。在“发现号”上使用的冬眠技术就是一个可能的答案。另一个答案是一种完全自给自足的人造世界,被用来从事可能持续若干代的旅程。不管怎么说,为什么认为一切高级动物都象人类一样短命呢?宇宙间也许存在着某种生物,对他们来说进行千年的旅行只不过略嫌单调而已……这些争论虽然是纯理论性的,却包含着具有极重要实践意义的一个因素,即“反应时间”的概念。如果T·M·A·-1确实向恒星发送了信号——譬如依靠土星附近某种进一步科学设施的帮助——那么这种信号要经过许多年才能到达目的地。所以即使它马上得到反应,人类还是有个可以长达几十年的——更可能是长达几世纪的——喘息时间,对许多人来说,这是一种令人安心的想法。a bath, did not expect the water is too hot." Luigi Nono has always been a liar, a second to make up the lie.Nature is secretly behind him opened the gold-plated taps, hot water splashed poured on her own feet and Lu Mingfei's head, start temperature did not adjust well, two people are hot to scream painly. Fortunately, Lu Mingfei reached out his hand and took the cold water to open, it became warm water. While the Reverend Mother also didn't turn on the lights, nono, placed in the bathtub edge, full of rose petal basket upset, held a deep red petals cover in Lu Mingfei head, and then with water covered the surface of the water. Golden irises college students to provide the most aristocratic service, bathed with petals, essential oils, bath salts and never less.The old mother finally touched the light switch, turn on the lights after her eyes became suspicious, "are you wearing a swimsuit bath?""I just came back to swim," Luigi Nono continued to make up a lie."Bathing is cleansing the body and a soul purification, yoga like effect, wearing a swimsuit wash too perfunctory." old mama was holding a revolver round looking, their heads from the open window and stuck his went to see.The girl's father to them to the golden iris flower Institute, the Institute to take responsibility for their education into a lady, lady, of course consorts not with the 
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    She on the edge of the bathtub sat down and pulled next to the bath towel to wrap himself. At this time the old mama has completed the whole house search, idiot Yehandou did not find, mind loose a tone, carrying a revolver and go"Gattuso is a trustee of the school, I asked this problem may violate the trustees, but privately asked should be no relationship, you of your fiance very satisfied??" old mama looking at nono's eyes.Nono, a few seconds of silence, "satisfied, I promised engagement, how could I not satisfied? As fiance he no faults, in addition to too many competitors, accidentally will be back from the shoot arrow. To say not satisfied. But I'm not satisfied with his family to train me as they like that the bride.""Turns out to be the case, but fortunately, if the solid foundation of love, just not satisfied with the process. Then, after all, is the good results. To say but I quite understand a girl's mind, I 28 years old before he became a nun, previously engaged to be married." old mama wadding said to.The water of roses, Lu Mingfei bobbing up and down, as if in a dream so hunhundundun, but several key words him or hear the, love, marriage, the bride. The original nono in the island is to learn how to be a perfect bride, before he what all don't know,He piece open mouth to want to laugh at themselves, but if swallowed a mouthful of water, just a bubble from his teeth take out and sway leisurely whereabouts of rose water.Old mother nagging half an hour before you leave, don't know tonight she suddenly remembrance of things past want to find someone to pour out a Heartsongs or Gattuso home to her issued nono care instructions, she was ordered to probe exploring the unreliable bride to be in what to think.Nono the revolver grandma sent out the door, goodnight after bring the bedroom door. Lock snapped a thud, nono to bolt the door copper chain also hung up, instant from clever Shuyuan variable nocturnal tiger back, rushed to the edge of the bathtub, a foot on the edge of the bathtub, stretch hand to grasp the covered in Lu Mingfei rose petals."How do you know I'm here? Do you want to play dead? I? Do you want to sleep lying bed honestly quite a corpse not to hide in the bathtub? You are too old or how sneaky?" nono slashing a good scolding, with small machine like.Oh oh oh oh. "Lu Mingfei began to stammer.Said 72 hours before he also sits in the location of the most immediate amber hall conference table, drinking coffee Isabella Po. Listen to the minister swords, if he wrinkled frown, we will suspend his opinion, he if the speaker, Isabella would write in the minutes of the meeting. How 72 hours later he again into that stupid getting counseling goods the? Is this red haired girl angrily scold, even the words all can not say it. Themselves now or her superior ah, as long as she still have Cassell college student, still is a member of the student union, and Lu Mingfei is now the president of the student union.Nono suddenly stopped not scold, ground of Zheng Zheng looking at Lu Mingfei. So a moment she felt his fishing wrong, perhaps under the water hidden two people she got the wrong man.She was supposed to fishing is a walking often collapse with slumped shoulders with the boy's head, his hair is always in a mess, the eyes are always dodge. She now hold on in the hands of the guy wearing a dark striped suit and a British style black windbreaker, layered hair is absolutely superb craftsmanship of the barber cut out, the upper and lower body without any superfluous decoration, but not simple, through the implementation of specific Lenglie smell, is not a corner of the eye or slightly drooping, appear have no spirit. I could not recognize is the fool that he had brought back from China Institute.Lu Ming not watching nono. Nono and his memory is also very different, red hair close to the temples carefully combed, with a root silver hairpin don't in the back of the head, leaving only two long sideburns, hot end into C shape, the sculptures of the ancient Greeks like face look makeup is very light, but the exhaustion of the mind. She exudes seaweed, hyacinth and ebony mixed aroma, noble mild, forcing people breathe. To ear is not familiar with the four leaf clover pendant and foot bath's aggressive posture, Lu Ming not think their own touch to the wrong door.Two awkward silence, the two brains are running at high speed, thinking to break the silence of the way."Many days no see, you look thinner""Young people, work hard day and night, it is a lot of strong bones"Wrong! This channel must be wrong!"You! Come this is the organization has an important mission entrusted to you!""No organization forget me? Finally it's my turn to play? The bench but I sit enough!"Channel is still wrong!Finally is the "cuckoo" twice, Lu Mingfei stomach called up. He in the past day ate the pickles flavor potato chips, had already hungry before heart affixed to the back of the.Luigi Nono sighed, slap on his forehead, "no! I change clothes with you to steal to eat"Half an hour later, golden iris, wine cellar, nono lit the candlestick in the stone groove, Lu Mingfei with dim light of a candle from the shelf picked up a bottle of wine."Shout! Grab a caught in 1982 Lafite, now become people will drink well!" nono glanced at the label, snort, pull out the jack knife from hanging in the height of the Spanish ham on a few pieces down, lost to Lu Mingfei.Golden irises college cellar has very impressive collection, countless famous century, a lot of red wine collectors came to the cellar are jealous eyes get maddening, now Lu Mingfei only distress here in addition to fine wine only on good ham and cheese, point these things to eat, we can imagine the more tired.Not now only here can get to eat. Golden irises, the newly established time, the kitchen is day and night open, too many students because love snack and fat as a pig, and later had to restrict the three meals a day of heat provide and night special guard kitchen. According to African princess said, evening hungry when always looked at his foot craving. But it doesn't stop the nono. She soon found the cellar is unattended, those rare wines so with literally and then put, open a bottle of prosciutto and, as a snack is enough.Lu Mingfei to open the bottle, the bottle on the side, nono sat down in front of him, two people are sat on the floor, nono put on a white sand beach skirt, with bare shoulders, two of the thin straps. Dish up red disperses, casually and dressed.This kind of Luigi Nono is a bit like a memory in the shape of the. Still have no words to say, he is looking at the candle inside of the girl, chewing ham."See what what to see? Drink your wine!" Luigi Nono a stare."Don't wake up""Hungry to the chest affixed to the back of the poor pay attention! Each student will chairman will be genetic a called 'do not pay attention to will die' terminally ill?" nono grabbed the bottle to themselves and Lu Mingfei each inverted a cupful, gudonggudong upward to fill the one lesser half down.(author's note: sober up, this is produced in certain areas of drinking wine a preparation process to open the bottle after poured wine into the opening in the larger containers, let the wine in good contact with air, place a period of time, usually a few minutes to several hours. This plainly is oxygen, will let the wine aroma and mouthfeel supple. But usually only high-grade wine particularly exquisite sober program, so nono said Lu Mingfei poor attention.)"Oh." Lu Ming not SIP up.Napoleon used wine cellar, Suspiria, neither of them spoke, drinking a bottle of 1982 Lafite reopen a bottle of 90 years of Patos cows chewing peony like toward the stomach filling, sailor knife in the ham, want to own up to slice.Tipsy feeling gradually welling up, nono feel warm up, not so much reserve the, "Hey! Say! What event?"Lu Mingfei goo put the food in the mouth and swallowed it, hesitated for a long time to just raise head, "the teacher elder sister. Do you think I will be crazy?"Luigi Nono looking through the eyes, "Cassell! It is crazy, you think you can escape?""That's not what I meant, I am, I really got neuropathy, there has been an illusion, I think I know a man named Chu Zihang, but in fact he does not exist, is completely out of my imagination." Lu Mingfei stared nono's eyes, "sister, you know Chu Zihang??""Maybe," Luigi Nono shrugged."Maybe?" Lu Mingfei Meng."I somehow too long for more than 20 years old, met so many people, how can one know? I even ex boyfriend are considered incomplete!" nono confidently.She always boasts more than 100 ex boyfriend, that is the kindergarten picked up the dog's tail grass gave her little boy all count on, but really have adoption only Caesar a.For unmarried wife the braggart behavior, Caesar is very tolerant, because he is just the opposite, he claimed to be only a female friend of Luigi nono, but claimed to be his girlfriend's girl is able to compile a reinforced company to."You don't remember him." Lu Mingfei eyes suddenly became very empty.He ate some ham drink, just to restore the essence of God, this time again become weary of the leaning on the wall behind."Look so frustrated? That chuzihang is your boyfriend? You still owe a lot of money?" Luigi Nono asks."I think I know a man named Chu Zihang man, he is my friend." Lu Mingfei said softly.He spoke slowly to Luigi Nono after that.College soon know student union chairman of hysteria, may is in Brazil was dance king hit a concussion. The things start does not cause a big storm, Cassell college talents come forth in large numbers, medical Kathrine is a lot, disease treatment.Psychological Science Fuyama Masashi took over the the case. Haven't seen Lu Mingfei he have a preliminary judgment, think this is more severe schizophrenia, should immediately give appropriate inducing, and with its sedative drugs, let him back to reality.Lu Mingfei was followed by Masashi Toyama about how hypnosis with their own understanding of Chu Zihang's childhood, his brother was watching the whole Shi LAN high school girls looking at heart, how Bufen, myself wanting to change back to a fertilized egg head to Chu Zihang mother's stomach; then it is to be vigilant Chu Zihang, think he is the reincarnation of T800, kill the Buddha Buddha kill ghost later to meet ghost; he was so impatient, because underneath the T800 shell that guy gossip and nagging; sometimes a little "turn iron into steel" regret for his brother to sleep, said with emotion EQ, also can match the Dragon female version of him, but the world has no Helen of Troy.(author note: T800, the humanoid machine in the devil terminator, is played by Arnold Schwarznegger.Fuyama Masashi heart, said Nyima ah, your feelings to an imaginary man unexpectedly so complex, as if a large onion peeling a layer and a layer of, you do not schizophrenia to blame it! End of hypnosis he induced more questions, that you are not that if no Chu Zihang, the world will be more relaxed a little?If Lu Mingfei said, Fuyama Masashi is ready to begin to brainwash him, put the ghost like man from his memory in the wash. Lu Mingfei long silent, silent for a long time, move the hearts of a Fuyama Masashi said the original called Chu Zihang phantoms of the once the wimpy kid really is very important. He once forcibly remove *Eventually he knocked on the door of the office of the president,主张这一观点的人怀着很大希望谈论着进人高度空间的捷径,比直线还要直的线,以及超空间的联系。他们喜欢引用上个世纪一位普林斯顿大学数学家很形象的新词:“空间的虫眼”。有人批评说,这种想法太玄,无法认真对待,回答这种批评时他们引用了尼尔斯·博尔(尼尔斯·博尔1885—1962,丹麦物理学家,从一九三九年开始任丹麦科学院院长。他奠定了现代原子和分子结构的理论,对核结构和核反应理论作出决定性贡献,被认为是历史上最伟大的科学家和思想家之一)的名言:“你的理论是疯狂的——但还没疯狂到不真实的程度。”物理学家之间争论难以同生物学家间的争论相比。生物学家们讨论那个老掉了牙的问题:“地球外的理性生物是什么样子的?”他们分为两个敌对的阵营——一方坚持“他们”一定是人形的,另一方则同样坚持“他们”不会象人。主张第一种说法的人认为:两条腿、两只胳膊、主要感觉器官都在最高点,这种安排是最基本的、最合理的,难以想象出更好的设计。当然会有一些次要的区别。比如:六指而不是五指,皮肤和毛发颜色不同一些,五官的安排特殊一些;但是,大多数来自地球外的理性生物——通常简称E.T.S——都会同人类极其相似,在灯光昏暗中或在远处是不会引起人们注意的。sitting in the angers the opposite. Pay the, white haired old man sitting in the light of the courtyard below, drinking a cup of Ceylon tea, teasing his squirrels. Angers is very simple from coquettish old charlatan switching to deliberate the wise, and in a speech full of wisdom embedded several dirty."I think the man's presence is important to you, otherwise you wouldn't be in such a hurry all over the world to find him, but my answer, I'm afraid to disappoint you, I never understanding a called Chu Zihang's young people from China, these years in China, we find the most promising young man is you." angers the warm tea poured into Lu Mingfei in front of white porcelain cup.Lu Mingfei drinking black tea, but feel as if one inch to cool down, blood vessels seem to have thrown up the ice."That he really is the illusion?? how can there be so realistic illusion?" Lu Mingfei's empty eyes, looked next to the empty seat. "I remember that night we in this office try to pull a seven deadly sins, he sat in that position, when he drew his sword to death death grip of the handle, the above scale blew with blood.""I do remember to draw his sword for the night, that night I bubble is production of black tea of Darjeeling, leaves the sunroof cover full, is a great wind." angers said in a low voice, "you sit in position now, Caesar sit over there, everything with you said the same, only now you see the chair is empty.""The impeachment of your farce?? Gattuso the representative to ride the train to come, said you no longer suited to be president, many charges, one is you tolerate Chu Zihang this high-risk molecular entrance, you also took his blood to do the experiment."
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15
    总归是要到达土星的。谁也不怀疑,T·M·A·-1和土星系之间有某种关系,但是几乎没有任何科学家愿意承认矗立那板块的生物来自土星。土星比木星更不适宜于生命的存在,土星的许多月亮都是长年冰封,温度在零下三百度。其中只有一颗——泰坦——有大气层;而那也仅仅是薄薄一层有毒的甲烷。所以,远古时代光临过地球的月亮的生物,或者不仅来自地球之外,而且来自太阳系之外——是恒星的来客,在适宜的地方随处建立过基地。许多科学家断然否定这种可能性。他们指出,有史以来最快的“发现号”也要用两万年时间才能到达人马座α星——如要进入银河系的深处,则要花几百万年。即使在未来的若干世纪后,哪怕推进系统改进到难以想象的程度,最后还要遇到光速这个不可逾越的障碍,那是任何物质的东西所不能超越的。所以,T·M·A·-1的制造者必定是和人类来自同一太阳系的;而且,既然他们在近代历史中从未出现,他们大概早已绝迹。有少数人表示不同意。他们争辩说,即使从一颗恒星到另一颗恒星需时若干世纪,对于有充分决心的探险者也不是什么障碍。在“发现号”上使用的冬眠技术就是一个可能的答案。另一个答案是一种完全自给自足的人造世界,被用来从事可能持续若干代的旅程。不管怎么说,为什么认为一切高级动物都象人类一样短命呢?宇宙间也许存在着某种生物,对他们来说进行千年的旅行只不过略嫌单调而已……这些争论虽然是纯理论性的,却包含着具有极重要实践意义的一个因素,即“反应时间”的概念。如果T·M·A·-1确实向恒星发送了信号——譬如依靠土星附近某种进一步科学设施的帮助——那么这种信号要经过许多年才能到达目的地。所以即使它马上得到反应,人类还是有个可以长达几十年的——更可能是长达几世纪的——喘息时间,对许多人来说,这是一种令人安心的想法。但并不是所有的人都因此感到放心。有几位科学家——他们大多数是研究物理的广泛边缘学科的探索者——提出了这样一个令人不安的问题:“我们能肯定光速是不可逾越的障碍吗?”是的,狭义相对论已经证明是相当持久有效的,不久就要到一百周年了;但这理论也开始出现一些漏洞。就算不能对抗爱因斯坦,回避开他总还是可以的。lived by the river Seine in Paris painter. As you are convinced that he had a man named Chu Zihang's friends."Lu Mingfei spent a long time, before you speak, the sound inexplicably bitter, "well, I remembered how his many details! His back, his tone, he with what I said. I remember him with much of what I said. It can be false?""Have you ever had a dream?" Luigi Nono stared into his eyes."Have done it""Most of the dream is very vague, but some dreams are surprisingly true, wake up you can remember many of the details of the dream, just like a real thing. You have done this kind of dream you?"Lu Mingfei suddenly remind of road Mingze. Every time you meet with Lu Mingze are like is in the dream, but the details are very clear, with the reality completely indistinguishable. If not in his pocket now also Chuaizhuo small devil sends mobile phone, he seemed to feel the little devil is their own imaginary things the."That was particularly true dream, the details are borrowed from other places." nono went on to say anymore, "brain stored information model is very strange, the fragmentation of information stored in different parts of the brain. For example, we now sit here and drink, you will the aroma of wine stored in No. 1 brain regions, I like storage in No. 2 brain regions, we said storage in 3 brain areas. As the information stored in various folders."Lu Mingfei said that maybe I have a separate folder to store the information you have and put it on the table."Under normal circumstances, you read this information when intact from No. 1 brain areas read wine aroma, 2 brain area to read my appearance, 3 brain areas read what we said tonight. Then put the case tonight to reappear the. But you in the dream read memory is chaotic, you read the scene may institute of the baths, people read may is Fingal, read the taste of May is soap, these at sixes and sevens information together." nono enraptured, teeth and exposed.Lu Mingfei came to the door of her is certainly a pile of trouble thing, can safely through the old mama Cha Gang after the crisis, she was quite happy because haven't people can be so bully.Can Lu Mingfei didn't reveal his looking forward to her embarrassment, he was silent, eyes a bit desolate. Nono tiny tiny one Zheng, in the bottom of my heart dark scold oneself a few words, the passage of time, on the opposite side of the people is the new chairman of the student union, has not the kind of can be easily bullied to play small lost dog."That is my present state of mind is like a dream right?? my brain read messy information, pieced together a man named Chu Zihang, in fact he doesn't exist." Lu Mingfei softly said.This time does not allow nono showy, she felt Lu Mingfei do not know for what reason in the edge of the collapse of the spirit of, this time to with his nonsense, let his mind more and more confusion."Think that women in South Africa, is the source of all of her pride in her lifetime is an artist living in Paris, want her to admit that he is working in the laundry, ordinary people, is certainly very uncomfortable. But the fact is the fact that, in her imagination immersed longer more bad." nono look at Lu Mingfei's eyes. "Sometimes you need to trust the people around you. Maybe you should accept treatment Fuyama Masashi Faculty of.""I know that treatment is good to me." Lu Mingfei nodded.Nono heart pine, mother said thanks to sister when in psychology class had time for a while, otherwise it may not be able to take the stubborn little bastard. Say that called Chu Zihang's vision, in the heart of the little bastard so important?"As a matter of fact, I completed psychiatric course, aircraft from here also see a department with movies about hypnosis." Lu Mingfei went on to say anymore, sound very light and clear pronunciation, "in the movie, a middle-aged women to find spiritTop cellar in the dark, "the end of the story, the middle-aged woman awoke, the original past ten years she has been living in a dream, nobody's chasing her, nor his daughter to accompany her. Alone, as if a fat dog. I want to be I was her, I would rather not wake up well, I hold my daughter all over the world to escape, with the white dress woman dead beat.""So I told you so much all in vain ah!" nono finally understand, gas to jump a bottle hit at Lu Mingfei head, she eventually just hold rope knee, rub a rub cool arms. "The name Chu Zihang's, regardless of whether he really existed, you really very good?""Is very good, although say he is a fool, to encourage people of all impassability, what ice fish ah, what we go off the hook axle." he secretly see one eye nono, "are good stupid. Sister, you know what? Crazy it is very terrible, do you think the whole world are not credible, all the people are lying to you. My students have a very beautiful very beautiful secretary, called Isabella.""That's not Caesar said good several times the low grade of chick?? Polka dance very well the? You this help like-minded men Murphy stoop to even the Secretary each donation to the point where the?" nono bared his white teeth, trying to break at the moment of the low depression atmosphere.But Lu Mingfei didn't ignore her, selfishly say, desolate eyes like a homeless, but is not fat, "I what all listen to Isabella, because the students are things she knows more than I do, I think she is beautiful, then out of this I think she is ugly. What she said I also don't believe in. Everyone in the world cheat you feel really terrible. I know if I treated the brothers out good, then I can return to the normal world, Isabella is so beautiful, the president is quite a lion worship that's who I am. Anyway, anyway, is Africa. I won't be afraid, everything is back to normal. But I just can't do it, the world really have such a person. I want a brother? He is in this world a corner waiting for people to save him, can we have him forget He said, save me I'm Chu Zihang, but everyone who you are and who chuzihang?"He held his head, slowly bend down to, his head almost want to rub on the cold ground. "So I can not forget him, forget it. He has no one was able to answer him."Talk to here again also does not survive the, air was filled with the hard near the essence of sorrow, nono small mouth sipping a cup of wine, wine seems to have become bitter.After a long time before, Lu Mingfei heard Luigi Nono say, "that you look up to see if I have become ugly"He raised his head, looked at Luigi Nono, and looked at it for a while, "No.""He wanted to sister said you seem to become beautiful Le, then your hair a lot of electrostatic countless stay hair, but feel a little too flattering, press does not."Isabella could not remember Chu Zihang, I don't remember Chu Zihang. Why Isabella in your eyes become ugly. I haven't ugly?"Lu Mingfei froze. He really has never thought this problem, nono, in his eyes how ugly it after so many years she still then that open Ferrari's power and prestige maiden, though he later met death stubborn and beautiful burst the female version of the Dragon King and that people rushing to shatter the Mafia princess, with them than nono is a good family of ordinary chick, she in your eyes is so majestic.You run you encounter as you when bare feet even, no shoes to wear, in the wilderness of riding a red horse at the girl, she said that if I was brave with you on the battlefield, you really followed her back on the battlefield. Many years after you Niubi, by each passing hard wench surrounded the Imperial Princess riding a magic dragon demon queen, one than that riding a red horse at the girl pull the wind. In your heart the deepest or the wilderness that riding a red horse of the shadow, you hard to chase, because I met her when you are even no shoes to wear the small fart child, only she stretched out a hand.But this reason not with Luigi Nono said, Lu Mingfei blinked to make up a reason.Didn't such as he finished editing, nono suddenly a bent, forehead ruthlessly hit his forehead hit Lu Mingfei stars. He hasn't react has been nono catch head to the semi wet hair bunched up into a chicken coop.His fainting, was surrounded by nono the seaweed and sandalwood aroma, just feel a foot into the sea of clouds. Is full of gentle it, has been nono push forehead a push from afar."Really *ing useless! Mental illness also came to see me, will you give birth to a child will find me to be reminders of the midwife? How I was blinded, was received as your younger brother?" nono impatiently scold, "enough to eat a good rest I to think of a way, there seems to be a problem."In fact, her heart is really unpromising ah, when improper, the chairman of the student union, u when I from the show hall bailing out of the south. Do you think throughout the world are not to be trusted, Pidianpidian to come to me. I can cover to when wilt thou?Mood is messy, the light of the flashlight suddenly cut the candle in the dark, accompanied by the sound of a break to drink, "what?" followed is current hiss! The hissing sound.It was a black security, head buckle headphones, wrist hanging with electric batons. He probably was listening to music patrol wine cellar, I didn't hear you nono, Lu Mingfei's voice, turned the corner to suddenly see the light of the candle, was shocked, hurriedly from wrist electric batons masturbation. NovoNorm Lu Mingfei too attention to speak, otherwise in their hearing, even that security guards wearing soft soled shoes, also be unlikely not aware of the sound of his footsteps.Nono said bad, immediately give birth to kill heart! Gattuso Weipei bride, in the middle of the night with strange men in the cellar of the college binge drinking, how to say these words how there was a problem.Caesar there said, that is my lost dog again, Gattuso home old man who is not mad Biao blood? How can such a disgrace to the common things in Gattuso's family? Ordinarily Italians are not reliable coquettish, but Gattuso's name is unusually stuffy the whole family on two Meipu, Pompey and Caesar and his son, daddy is a wave, the son is wild. Caesar also said that after his mother married from gullveig home basic is closed two step, like a Chinese ancient house of Gattuso was a timid and conservative man, but did not limit her freedom of action. A "Gattuso home" the top crown, she do not have what place to go.Although Caesar with absolute certainty that nono will not repeat the mistakes of his mother, but thus Gattuso nor the park, is not the sort of wanted to where to go.To kill certainly not to kill, stun after losing on a train bound for equatorial Somalia cargo ship is a kill the good way, this elder brothers woke up, will surprise on the beautiful tropical scenery, a few years will not come back. Where the land is pirates.But before hands-on nono, a bottle of red wine is in the head of security fragmentation, darkness seemed to open the flower red wine great flowers. Security makes a sound mildly fell to the ground, exposing the hidden in the tall shadow behind him.Nono in the heart a surprised, the cellar there is even a fourth person, this person a trailing security, suddenly and violently up pain under the ruthless hands, do not know is the enemy is a friend. She readily pulled in on the ham of the jack knife eyes broke the murderous look, "who is it?""Inflammation of the Dragon cut, Finger Frings!" the dark man zibaojiamen, Yuantingyuezhi, master style.
  • 殿中省少监


    楼主 LV7 2016-11-15


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    【已完结】归宿,是否就在那片星空的尽头?当你仰望星空时,你会想到什么?{$图片1$}&nbsp; &nbsp;

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